Mediocre 这个词有平庸(乃至傻逼)的意思,这我知道。因为我以前看过一句:Rockstar programmers understand what they are doing far, far better than average or mediocre programmers。
所以看 Mad Max(疯狂的麦克斯)的时候,Nux 被 Joe 的大块头儿子扔到 rig 上,结果 Nux 一不小心被自己身上的链子挂住,把 Joe 给的枪都甩掉了。Joe 说:Mediocre。
这里是 gif 截图:
前段时间截了个屏传到 lofter:应该翻译成“真是傻逼”的!-dvorak4tzx。
不过刚才我又看了一下,Mad Max 开头还有一段,是 Morsov 死的时候,大家对他的评价也是 mediocre。但是……从语境上看,这明明是夸赞。我疑惑了,难道我错怪了字幕组?
我查啊查,首先,bing picture 里搜这个词,明显是贬义,说“傻逼”没问题。甚至爱因斯坦还说过:1
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.
然后我直接搜 mediocre 和 madmax,raddit 上有一个讨论:What does “mediocre” mean? : MadMax:
When Joe tells “mediocre” to nux after he fails to climb up the rig I thought it was just telling him his attempt was mediocre, but I watched it again today and the warboys also say “Mediocre” to Morsov after his kamikaze ([ˌkɑmɪˈkɑ zi]
) attack on the spiked car, obviosly as a ritual to honor him, so what does it mean?
I mean, I doubt Joe was happy about Nux’s failure, but the warboys didn’t say that to Morsov in a bad way, so what does “mediocre” mean?
开始我看疯狂的麦克斯,发现 Joe 说 Nux 傻逼。后来发现,开头的时候 Morsov 也被同伴说了“傻逼”,为什么啊?这个单词不是“傻逼”,那是什么意思?显然 Morsov 死得不傻逼,挺英勇的啊。(居然和我想问的,一模一样……)
the way the warboys said it sounded like guys ribbing each other to me. i’m sure it is intended as a judgement of your performance, but when they used it it was like if you scored an epic goal at football and your friends went “man you suck” with big smiles on their faces.
No, not at all. Joe is obviously disgusted with Nux and means what he says. In contrast, Morsov does a cool thing and as somebody else noted, his pals hassle him pretending it wasn’t actually that cool.
It’s really not a complicated concept.
还有人说他们是嘲笑 Morsov 死得不怎么 glorious。不过我不同意。
slick [slɪk]
‘Mediocre’ is probably the highest praise Joe has ever given a War Boy, so they all think it’s high praise but don’t really know what the word means.
可能 Mediocre 是 Joe 给 war boy 最高评价了吧,每次 Joe “呵呵”着夸 War Boy mediocre(傻逼)的时候。War boy 们都以为这是什么好词……
要知道 Nux 连树(“that thing”->“tree”)都不会说。结合他们的词汇量,我觉得这个答案十分靠谱。
总结:mediocre 当然是傻逼的意思。Joe 从来都是笑着用傻逼来称呼这些 half-life,然而他们一直误以为这是一种赞美…… 所以啊,在 Morsov 死了的时候,他们才用“傻逼”来赞美之……
外,Joe 好贱。
see also
see Quote by Albert Einstein: “Great spirits have always encountered oppositio…”.↩