I don’t want to share my research work, instead, I’ll give an introduction to how I organize my scientific life. So, it’s meta-research.
How to organize your scientific life? The simple answer is, by blog posting and note taking. I read LIU WeiPeng’s Dark Time years ago, there’s an article annalysing why you should start writing blogs right now. It’s convincing, so I began blog posting.
My blog is personal project, started last september, evolving all the time, now becomes an integrated blog posting system. The three main parts are github, travis-ci, and qiniu. They play different roles in the system and combined together provide me great convenience for tracking my ideas, developing my ideas, and sharing my ideas.
GitHub, offiers a code-hosting service. You can see my blog source code here, and my activities. I made most of the contributions in winter, that’s why there is a peak.
GitHub the website is easy to use, but I recommend you to use the command-line interface. Instead of the official GitHub for windows. After you know how to clone a repo, how to commit a change, and how to push your commits, you can have fun on GitHub.
Then you can write your blogs in markdown, and host all your staffs on GitHub.
as the version control tool
refs and see also
The bcp utility is a tool for extracting subsets of Boost, it’s useful for Boost authors who want to distribute their library separately from Boost, and for Boost users who want to distribute a subset of Boost with their application.
refs and see also
Travis-ci is a build system. You should write a .travis.yml
(dot travis dot yamal file), to configure how travis process your blog posts. if you know Linux, it’s straightforward and simple. It’s just several shell scripts. I use travis to convert my markdown file to html, then upload to qiniu.
Qiniu is a CDN, it offers 10 Gigabytes of storage for free. And also several command-line tools for file uploading.
When I commit some changes to my repo, travis will be notified (there’s a hook). It’ll build my website under my instructions and upload to qiniu, then you can visit it, at
So, there are two hosting services: GitHub to store my sources files, Qiniu to store my website html files. And one temporary build system, Ubuntu, which helps me automate the conversion from markdown file to htmls.
For simplicity, the details are not coverred here. You can visit http://goto.tangzhixiong.com/20160524 for a closer look.
language: c
sudo: required
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
# 解密密钥文件,加到 shh 里,用于把代码备份到 coding.net
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_0f64f26238f6_key -iv $encrypted_0f64f26238f6_iv -in id_rsa.enc -out ~/.ssh/id_rsa -d
- chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
- ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- cp ssh_config ~/.ssh/config
# git 用户信息的设置
- git config --global user.email "dvorak4tzx@qq.com"
- git config --global user.name "TANG ZhiXiong"
# 安装 pandoc 来处理 markdown,安装 qrsync 来上载到七牛云
- cd ~
- wget https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/1.17/pandoc-1.17-1-amd64.deb
- sudo dpkg -i pandoc*.deb
- wget http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/qrsync.tar.gz
- tar xfz qrsync.tar.gz
- chmod +x qrsync
- sudo cp qrsync /bin
- git clone https://github.com/district10/aha.git
- cd aha && make && sudo make install
- cd ~/build/district10/blog;
# 载入七牛的私钥公钥(AK,SK)
- cat conf.json.in | sed -e "s/QiNiuAK/$QiNiuAK/" | sed -e "s/QiNiuSK/$QiNiuSK/" > conf.json
# make the website
- make
- make sitemap
# 上载到七牛
- make qiniu
# 同步到 coding.net
- cd ~/build/district10/blog; git reset --hard HEAD;
- make
- make sitemap
- cd publish
- git init; git add -A; git commit -m "pushing to coding:coding-pages, lazy me @ `date`"
- git remote add origin git@git.coding.net:dvorak4tzx/dvorak4tzx.git
- git push -u origin HEAD:coding-pages --force
- cd ..; rm -Rf publish; git reset --hard HEAD;
- rm -Rf .git
- git init; git add -A; git commit -m "pushing to coding:master, lazy me @ `date`"
- git remote add origin git@git.coding.net:dvorak4tzx/dvorak4tzx.git
- git push -u origin HEAD:master --force