前几天发现我的 GitHub 一个 repo 挂了,当时还吐槽了一下。后来仔细一看是 JetBrains 通过 DMCA 让 GitHub 关闭的。
都记录在 https://github.com/github/dmca/blame/master/2015-09-22-jetbrains.md#L93-L94:
* https://github.com/tangzhixiong/tangzhixiong.github.io/blob/master/2015/02/20/windows-configuration/index.html
* https://github.com/tangzhixiong/tangzhixiong.github.io/blob/master/index.html
我的一篇关于 Windows 配置的文章里,居然放了 JetBrains IntelliJ 的激活码一枚……所以……都是我的错。
这点我确实错了。现在 GitHub 上的博客已经看不到了,我删除了原来的 repo,新建了一个一样的,然后暂时把 http://dvorak4tzx.com redirict 到了 http://dvorak4tzx.lofter.com/tag/movie。
感觉被 JetBrains 和 GitHub 深深鄙视了……
jetbrains & dmca & github
关于为什么,JetBrains 说的很明白。我不是 License 的主人,不能这么用,谁授权你的啊?!赶紧都删掉!下面是原文引用,
- you and github.com users owning repositories / gists mentioned above are not the owners of the trademarks of these products and * you and github.com users owning repositories / gists mentioned above do not have any agreement with our company which would entitle you or them to redistribute our products, license keys or license keys generators for our products,
we consider the occurrence of license keys and license keys generators to our products on the website github.com to be infringement of our proprietary rights.
That´s why we demand that you:
- immediately cease all use of our trademarks by the links specified above,
- immediately remove all license keys, source code of license keys generators and any other references to our products from the website github.com, by the links specified above,
- forbear from all further unauthorised use of our trademarks and from all further making accessible of license keys to our products, as well as source code of license keys generating software.
I have read and understand GitHub’s Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
You can contact JetBrains s.r.o. on any matters via email . The address is Kavčí Hory Office Park, Na hřebenech II 1718/10, Praha 4 - Nusle - 147 00, Czech Republic. Phone: +420 2 4172 2501. Fax: +420 2 4172 2540. The contact person is [private].
This DMCA claim has been prepared and filed by [private].
Thank you!
Sorry about that. Sincerely.