本博客生成器用的是 Makefile、Perl 和 Pandoc,还有一点点 CSS 和 JavaScript,没有用其他工具和语言,不用担心自己的博客生成器更新、或者自己换了一台电脑或者操作系统就不能码字1。安装起来很方便,因为 1)如果你用 Windows 操作系统还使用 Git,perl 就已经包含在 git for windows 里了,额外你只要安装 Pandoc;2)如果你使用 Linux 操作系统,只要安装 Pandoc(官方源里的太旧)。如何生成这个“网站”,具体参考 district10/blog#Build one / 从 Markdown 源码生成。
当然其它的博客工具通常都很酷炫,如果你要的是那种,可以用 Hexo、Jekyll。本博客生成器比他们简单得多,而且不是 responsive design,在手机上或许惨不忍睹2。但好处是兼容性好、稳定、也不太难看。字体的选择和配色我也是拼了老命改了很久3,不然怎么能像现在一样动人。
建议快速看一下博客的特性,再到 我要来一个 章节看如何在 Windows/Linux 上安装使用,备份在 GitHub,托管到七牛云盘。
: * **加粗**、*斜体*,或者***一起用***
* ~~2^^10^^ = 2014~~ ==> 2^^10^^ = 1024, H~2~O 和 $H_2O$ 都是生命之源[^water]
* 三种连字符:1 - 1,1 -- 8,1 --- one(hyphen, en-dash,em-dash)
* <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Small caps</span>
* <kbd>c-x</kbd> 在 Emacs 里指的是 Control-X
[^water]: 看上去不一样,其实都是“水”。
这部分的 CSS 我还没有调好,只是勉强能用。
Right | Left | Default | Center |
12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
下面这段来自Terminator 2(终结者)
The future has not been written. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. I wish I could believe that. My name is John Connor, they tried to murder me before I was born, when I was 13 they tried again. Machines from the future. Terminators…
header 1–6
下面是一个 <div style="background-color=violet">
的 HTML 标记:
你可以用 HTML 标记来加粗、斜体或者改变文字的 颜色、 字号、 font family 还可使用 Markdown,如下:
注:这些文字在一个 <div markdown="1" style="background-color:yellow;margin:10px;">
中用 Markdown 写成
可以 加粗 也可以 斜体
甚至可以使用 Pandoc Markdown 的上下标(以及列表):
Key | Value | Notes |
Foo | fool | 第一列居中 |
Bar | barbaric | 第二列右对齐 |
Cup | cap cup c u dummy | 第三列左对齐 |
点我 回到“与众不同”小节(这是定制的 tag)
点我 回到“支持的特性”小节(这是自动生成的 tag),具体看 源码。
Term 1
: Definition 1
Term 2 with *inline markup*
: Definition 2
{ some code, part of Definition 2 }
Third paragraph of definition 2.
(@) My first example will be numbered (1).
(@) My second example will be numbered (2).
Explanation of examples.
(@逗你玩) My third example will be numbered (3).
Numbered examples can be labeled and referred to elsewhere in the document:
(@) This is a good example.
As (@逗你玩) illustrates, ...
Definition 1
Definition 2
{ some code, part of Definition 2 }
Third paragraph of definition 2.
Explanation of examples.
My third example will be numbered (3). Numbered examples can be labeled and referred to elsewhere in the document:
This is a good example.
As (3) illustrates, …
Centered Header | Default Aligned | Right Aligned | Left Aligned |
First | row | 12.0 | Example of a row that spans multiple lines. |
Second | row | 5.0 | Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows. |
Centered Default Right Left
Header Aligned Aligned Aligned
----------- ------- --------------- -------------------------
First row 12.0 Example of a row that
spans multiple lines.
Second row 5.0 Here's another one. Note
the blank line between
Table: Here's the caption. It, too, may span
multiple lines.
one, and two and three and four
(代码的最大宽度超过了 80 chars,就超了边界,这个我觉得不是本博客生成器的 bug。Keep the rule!)
[one][my label 1], and [two][my label 2] and [three][my label 3] and [four][my label 4]
[my label 1]: /foo/bar.html "My title, optional"
[my label 2]: /foo
[my label 3]: http://fsf.org (The free software foundation)
[my label 4]: /bar#special 'A title in single quotes'
my website is good, even my website is good, even this.
Hash Tag5
[my website][] is good, even [my website] is good, even [this].
Hash Tag^[其实在 weibo/twitter 上才叫 hash tag,这里或许应该叫 section ref link。]
* See [above]
* See [table](#table)
* See [codetag](#codetag)
[my website]: /shit
[good]: /bar/baz <good>
[this]: /baz
[above]: #good
段落内的图片,caption 不显示:
单独一段的图片,显示 caption:
段落内的图片,caption 不显示: ![inline-pic-without-showing-this-text]
单独一段的图片,显示 caption:
[inline-pic-without-showing-this-text]: http://gnat-tang-shared-image.qiniudn.com/emoji/11.gif
[standalone-pic-small-one]: http://gnat.qiniudn.com/dexter.jpg
[standalone-pic-big-one]: http://gnat.qiniudn.com/jodie-foster-math.png "本来想用 Gatsby 挥拳打 Tom 的图片"
行内高亮特别赞。比如一点 Bash 脚本:echo -e "hello\nworld" | sort
,或者一点 HTML:<h1 id="hello-pandoc">HTML code</h1>
还有 C++
void Twin::flipLeftRight()
if ( !valid ) { return; }
cv::flip( m[src()], m[dst()], 1 );
log += "-flipLeftRight";
100 101 102 103 |
看 这段代码 高亮得多好啊!
不管用了多少年的 M$ Word,总有一天写论文你要用 \(\LaTeX\),那就从 MathJax 开始练习吧。
\[ \begin{matrix} 1 & x & x^2 \\ 1 & y & y^2 \\ 1 & z & z^2 \\ \end{matrix} \]
\[ f(n) = \begin{cases} n/2, & \text{if $n$ is even} \\ 3n+1, & \text{if $n$ is odd} \end{cases} \]
访问 MathJax 参考更多使用方法。
如果你要手工给 HTML 添加 MathJax 功能,需要在页面中加入
<script type="text/javascript"
因为我的博客生成器还在不断完善中,这部分先隐藏了。详见 district10/blog。
感谢我喜欢的一些网站如 简书 - 交流故事,沟通想法, LOFTER(乐乎) - 每个人的理想国,我从上面扣了一些 CSS,感谢 七牛云存储 - 移动时代的云存储服务商,感谢 Pandoc,感谢 GNU Make 以及 Git,感谢 GitHub、 MathJax。我们这个时代真是太牛逼了,开源社区有这么多好用的工具。
Pandoc 的引用功能这里没有介绍。本博客支持用 bib 文件(可以从 Mendeley 导出)引用参考文献。
👍, 👎, 💯, 🔢, 🎱, 🅰️, 🆎, 🔤, 🔡, 🉑, 🚡, ✈️, ⏰, 👽, 🚑, ⚓, 👼, 💢, 😠, 😧, 🐜, 🍎, ♒, ♈, ◀️, ⏬, ⏫, ⬇️, 🔽, ▶️, ⤵️, ⤴️, ⬅️, ↙️, ↘️, ➡️, ↪️, ⬆️, ↕️, 🔼, ↖️, ↗️, 🔃, 🔄, 🎨, 🚛, 😲, 👟, 🏧, 🅱️, 👶, 🍼, 🐤, 🚼, 🔙, 🛄, 🎈, ☑️, 🎍, 🍌, ‼️, 🏦, 📊, 💈, ⚾️, 🏀, 🛀, 🛁, 🔋, 🐻, 🐝, 🍺, 🍻, 🐞, 🔰, 🔔, 🍱, 🚴, 🚲, 👙, 🐦, 🎂, ⚫, 🃏, ⬛, ◾, ◼️, ✒️, ▪️, 🔲, 🌼, 🐡, 📘, 🚙, 💙, 😊, 🐗, ⛵, 💣, 📖, 🔖, 📑, 📚, 💥, 👢, 💐, 🙇, 🎳, 👦, 🍞, 👰, 🌉, 💼, 💔, 🐛, 💡, 🚅, 🚄, 🚌, 🚏, 👤, 👥, 🌵, 🍰, 📆, 📲, 🐫, 📷, ♋, 🍬, 🔠, ♑, 🚗, 📇, 🎠, 🐱, 🐈, 💿, 💹, 📉, 📈, 🏁, 🍒, 🌸, 🌰, 🐔, 🚸, 🍫, 🎄, ⛪, 🎦, 🎪, 🌇, 🌆, 🆑, 👏, 🎬, 📋, 🕐, 🕙, 🕥, 🕚, 🕦, 🕛, 🕧, 🕜, 🕑, 🕝, 🕒, 🕞, 🕓, 🕟, 🕔, 🕠, 🕕, 🕡, 🕖, 🕢, 🕗, 🕣, 🕘, 🕤, 📕, 🔐, 🌂, ☁️, ♣️, 🇨🇳, 🍸, ☕, 😰, 💥, 💻, 🎊, 😖, 😕, ㊗️, 🚧, 👷, 🏪, 🍪, 🆒, 👮, ©️, 🌽, 👫, 💑, 💏, 🐮, 🐄, 💳, 🌙, 🐊, 🎌, 👑, 😢, 😿, 🔮, 💘, ➰, 💱, 🍛, 🍮, 🛃, 🌀, 💃, 👯, 🍡, 🎯, 💨, 📅, 🇩🇪, 🌳, 🏬, 💠, ♦️, 😞, 😥, 💫, 😵, 🚯, 🐶, 🐕, 💵, 🎎, 🐬, 🚪, 🍩, 🐉, 🐲, 👗, 🐪, 💧, 📀, 📧, 👂, 🌾, 🌍, 🌎, 🌏, 🍳, 🍆, 8️⃣, ✴️, ✳️, 🔌, 🐘, ✉️, 🔚, ✉️, 📩, 🇪🇸, 💶, 🏰, 🏤, 🌲, ❗, 😑, 👓, 👀, 👊, 🏭, 🍂, 👪, ⏩, 📠, 😨, 🐾, 🎡, 📁, 🔥, 🚒, 🎆, 🌓, 🌛, 🐟, 🍥, 🎣, ✊, 5️⃣, 🎏, 🔦, 🐬, 💾, 🎴, 😳, 🌁, 🏈, 👣, 🍴, ⛲, 4️⃣, 🍀, 🇫🇷, 🆓, 🍤, 🍟, 🐸, 😦, ⛽, 🌕, 🌝, 🎲, 🇬🇧, 💎, ♊, 👻, 🎁, 💝, 👧, 🌐, 🐐, ⛳, 🍇, 🍏, 📗, 💚, ❕, ❔, 😬, 😁, 😀, 💂, 🎸, 🔫, 💇, 🍔, 🔨, 🐹, ✋, 👜, 💩, #️⃣, 🐥, 🐣, 🎧, 🙉, ❤️, 💟, 😍, 😻, 💓, 💗, ♥️, ✔️, ➗, 💲, ❗, ➖, ✖️, ➕, 🚁, 🌿, 🌺, 🔆, 👠, 🔪, 🍯, 🐝, 🐴, 🏇, 🏥, 🏨, ♨️, ⌛, ⏳, 🏠, 🏡, 😯, 🍨, 🍦, 🆔, 🉐, 👿, 📥, 📨, 💁, ℹ️, 😇, ⁉️, 📱, 🇮🇹, 🏮, 🎃, 🗾, 🏯, 👺, 👹, 👖, 😂, 😹, 🇯🇵, 🔑, 🔟, 👘, 💋, 😗, 😽, 😚, 😘, 😙, 🔪, 🐨, 🈁, 🇰🇷, 🏮, 🔵, 🔷, 🔶, 🌗, 🌜, 😆, 🍃, 📒, 🛅, ↔️, ↩️, 🍋, ♌, 🐆, ♎, 🚈, 🔗, 👄, 💄, 🔒, 🔏, 🍭, ➿, 🔊, 📢, 🏩, 💌, 🔅, Ⓜ️, 🔍, 🔎, 🀄, 📫, 📪, 📬, 📭, 👨, 👲, 👳, 👞, 🍁, 😷, 💆, 🍖, 📣, 🍈, 📝, 🚹, 🚇, 🎤, 🔬, 🌌, 🚐, 💽, 📴, 💸, 💰, 🐒, 🐵, 🚝, 🌔, 🎓, 🗻, 🚵, 🚠, 🚞, 🐭, 🐁, 🎥, 🗿, 💪, 🍄, 🎹, 🎵, 🎼, 🔇, 💅, 📛, 👔, ❎, 😐, 🆕, 🌑, 🌚, 📰, 🆖, 🌃, 9️⃣, 🔕, 🚳, ⛔, 🚫, 🙅, 📵, 😶, 🚷, 🚭, 🚱, 👃, 📓, 📔, 🎶, 🔩, ⭕, 🅾️, 🌊, 🐙, 🍢, 🏢, 🆗, 👌, 🙆, 👴, 👵, 🔛, 🚘, 🚍, 🚔, 🚖, 1️⃣, 📖, 📂, 👐, 😮, ⛎, 📙, 📤, 🐂, 📦, 📄, 📃, 📟, 🌴, 🐼, 📎, 🅿️, 〽️, ⛅, 🛂, 🐾, 🍑, 🍐, 📝, ✏️, 🐧, 😔, 🎭, 😣, 🙍, 👱, 🙎, ☎️, 🐷, 🐖, 🐽, 💊, 🍍, ♓, 🍕, 👇, 👈, 👉, ☝️, 👆, 🚓, 🐩, 💩, 🏣, 📯, 📮, 🚰, 👝, 🍗, 💷, 😾, 🙏, 👸, 👊, 💜, 👛, 📌, 🚮, ❓, 🐰, 🐇, 🐎, 📻, 🔘, 😡, 🚃, 🌈, ✋, 🙌, 🙋, 🐏, 🍜, 🐀, ♻️, 🚗, 🔴, ®️, ☺️, 😌, 🔁, 🔂, 🚻, 💞, ⏪, 🎀, 🍚, 🍙, 🍘, 🎑, 💍, 🚀, 🎢, 🐓, 🌹, 🚨, 📍, 🚣, 🇷🇺, 🏉, 🏃, 🏃, 🎽, 🈂️, ♐, ⛵, 🍶, 👡, 🎅, 📡, 😆, 🎷, 🏫, 🎒, ✂️, ♏, 😱, 🙀, 📜, 💺, ㊙️, 🙈, 🌱, 7️⃣, 🍧, 🐑, 🐚, 🚢, 👕, 💩, 👞, 🚿, 📶, 6️⃣, 🔯, 🎿, 💀, 😴, 😪, 🎰, 🔹, 🔸, 🔺, 🔻, 😄, 😸, 😃, 😺, 😈, 😏, 😼, 🚬, 🐌, 🐍, 🏂, ❄️, ⛄, 😭, ⚽, 🔜, 🆘, 🔉, 👾, ♠️, 🍝, ❇️, 🎇, ✨, 💖, 🙊, 🔈, 💬, 🚤, ⭐, 🌟, 🌠, 🚉, 🗽, 🚂, 🍲, 📏, 🍓, 😛, 😝, 😜, 🌞, 🌻, 😎, ☀️, 🌅, 🌄, 🏄, 🍣, 🚟, 😓, 💦, 😅, 🍠, 🏊, 🔣, 💉, 🎉, 🎋, 🍊, ♉, 🚕, 🍵, ☎️, 📞, 🔭, 🎾, ⛺, 💭, 3️⃣, 👎, 👍, 🎫, 🐯, 🐅, 😫, ™️, 🚽, 🗼, 🍅, 👅, 🔝, 🎩, 🚜, 🚥, 🚋, 🚆, 🚊, 🚩, 📐, 🔱, 😤, 🚎, 🏆, 🍹, 🐠, 🚚, 🎺, 👕, 🌷, 🐢, 📺, 🔀, 2️⃣, 💕, 👬, 👭, 🈹, 🈴, 🈺, 🈯, 🈷️, 🈶, 🈵, 🈚, 🈸, 🈲, 🈳, 🇬🇧, ☔, 😒, 🔞, 🔓, 🆙, 🇺🇸, ✌️, 🚦, 📼, 📳, 📹, 🎮, 🎻, ♍, 🌋, 🆚, 🚶, 🌘, 🌖, ⚠️, ⌚, 🐃, 🍉, 👋, 〰️, 🌒, 🌔, 🚾, 😩, 💒, 🐳, 🐋, ♿, ✅, ⚪, 💮, ⬜, ◽, ◻️, ▫️, 🔳, 🎐, 🍷, 😉, 🐺, 👩, 👚, 👒, 🚺, 😟, 🔧, ❌, 💛, 💴, 😋, ⚡, 0️⃣, 💤
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I’ve seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical
200 Main St.
Berkeley, CA 94718
, #extension-multiline_tables
, #extension-grid_tables
, #extension-pipe_tables
Right | Left | Center | Default |
12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Centered Header | Default Aligned | Right Aligned | Left Aligned |
First | row | 12.0 | Example of a row that spans multiple lines. |
Second | row | 5.0 | Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows. |
First | row | 12.0 | Example of a row that spans multiple lines. |
Second | row | 5.0 | Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows. |
Fruit | Price | Advantages |
Bananas |
$1.34 |
Oranges |
$2.10 |
Right | Left | Default | Center |
12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
fruit | price |
apple | 2.05 |
pear | 1.37 |
orange | 3.09 |
One | Two |
my | table |
is | nice |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline Age & Frequency \\ \hline 18--25 & 15 \\ 26--35 & 33 \\ 36--45 & 22 \\ \hline \end{tabular}#latex-macros
\newcommand{\tuple}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
$\tuple{a, b, c}$
\(\tuple{a, b, c}\)