Learning jQuery
jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that can enhance your websites regardless of your background. In this book, creators of the popular jQuery learning resource, jQuery Books, share their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm about jQuery to help you get the most from the library and to make your web applications shine. For designers, jQuery leverages existing CSS and HTML skills, allowing you to dynamically find and change any aspect of a page. This book provides a gentle introduction to jQuery concepts, allowing you to add interactions and animations to your pages-even if previous attempts at writing JavaScript have left you baffled (迷惑). For programmers, jQuery offers an open-source, standards-compliant, unobtrusive (['ʌnəb'trʊsɪv]
, 不唐突的;谦虚的) approach to writing complex JavaScript applications. This book will guide you past the pitfalls associated with AJAX, events, effects, and advanced JavaScript language features, as well as provide you with a reference to the jQuery library to return to again and again. This book begins with a tutorial to jQuery, followed by an examination of common, real-world client-side problems, and solutions for each of them. A detailed reference rounds off the book, making it an invaluable resource for answers to all your jQuery questions. Who this book is written for This book is for web designers who want to create interactive elements for their designs, and for developers who want to create the best user interface for their web applications. The reader will need the basics of HTML and CSS, and should be comfortable with the syntax of JavaScript. No knowledge of jQuery is assumed, nor is experience with any other JavaScript libraries required.
Getting Started
- Words
- jQuery
- What jQuery does
- Access elements in a document:
- Modify the appearance of a web page:
$('ul > li:first').addClass('active');
- Alter the content of a document:
$('#container').append('<a href="more.html">more</a>);'
Respond to a user’s interaction:
$('button.show-details').click(function() { $('div.details').show(); });
- Animate changes being made to a document:
- Retrieve information from a server without refreshing a page:
$('div.details').load('more.html #content');
Simplify common JavaScript tasks:
$.each(obj, function(key, value) { total += value; });
- Access elements in a document:
- Why jQuery works well
- Leverage knowledge of CSS
- Support extensions
- Abstract away browser quirks
- Always work with sets
- Allow multiple actions in one line
- Development Tools
- Firebug
- Chrome Developer Tools
Selecting Elements
- tag name:
p { }
- id:
#id { }
- class:
.class { }
- more CSS selectors
#selected-plays > li { }
#selected-plays li:not(.horizontal)
- attribute selectors
img[alt] { }
(start with)$=
(end with)*=
- custom selectors
(0-based) vs.div:nth-child(1)
, n->{0..INF}
, f(n)->{1..INF, -INF..-1}
- form selectors
- tag name:
- DOM traversal methods
==$('tr', this)
a.external { background: #fff url(images/external.png) no-repeat 100% 2px; padding-right: 16px; }
$('a').filter(function() { return this.hostname && this.hostname != location.hostname; }).addClass('external');
$('td:contains(Henry)') .parent() .find('td:eq(1)') // Find the 2nd descendant cell .addClass('highlight') .end() // Return to the parent .find('td:eq(2)') // Find the 3rd descendant cell .addClass('highlight');
Handling Events
- callback functions
function doStuff() { // ... }
// *eval* a function when onload <body onload="doStuff();">
window.onload = doStuff;
- document ready:
$(document).ready(function() { // ... }); // same but shorter $(function() { // ... }); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // here, we can use $ like normal! });
- actions:
$().on( 'click', cb ) $().addClass('className'); $().removeClass('className'); $().removeClass().addClass('className'); // remove all, then add one $().toggleClass('className');
:The jQuery constructor accepts a 2nd parameter called context which can be used to override the context of the selection.
jQuery("img", this);
, 表示当前的上下文对象是一个 html 对象,可以调用 html 对象所拥有的属性,方法;$(this)
, 代表的上下文对象是一个 jQuery 的上下文对象,可以调用 jQuery 的方法和属性值
refs and see also
- Event propagation
capturing (to leaf) & bubbling (to root)
- event bubbling
- event bubbles up
$().click(function() { if (event.target == this) { // ... event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } // return <propagate?> }); // event.target is a html object, if (event.target == this) ... :? $(event.target).is('button'); :? $(event.target).hasClass('className'); $().hover(function(){ // entering }, function(){ // leaving }); // remove an event handler $().off('click'); // 这种就把所有的 handler 都 remove 了 $().on('click.namespace', cb); // event can be *named* to a namespace $().on(event, target, cb); // remove event handler $().off('click.namespace'); $().one('click', cb); $().trigger('click');
vs.return false;
return false
calls bothevent.preventDefault()
refs and see also
- kbds
$(document).ready(function() { var triggers = { D: 'dents', N: 'notes', L: 'links' }; $(document).keyup(function(event) { var key = String.fromCharCode(event.which); if (key in triggers) { $('#switcher-' + triggers[key]).click(); } }); });
不管用不用 jQuery,都是要处理 event 里面的 which。
Styling and Animating
// get one
.css('property') // returns "value"
// get multi
.css(['p1', 'p2']) // returns {'p1': 'v1', 'p2': 'v2'}
// set multi
k: v
// example
$(document).ready(function() {
var $speech = $('div.speech');
$('#switcher-large').click(function() {
var num = parseFloat($speech.css('fontSize'));
num *= 1.4;
$speech.css('fontSize', num + 'px');
// parseFloat 是 js built-in。
- 用 jQuery 的
的好处? 再不用一个一个手工处理兼容性:
-webkit-property-name: value; -moz-property-name: value; -ms-property-name: value; -o-property-name: value; property-name: value;
.css('propertyName', 'value')
- Effects
hide(); show(); // default -> 400ms hide('slow'); // slow -> 600ms show('fast'); // fast -> 200ms show(850); // specified
more effects
, (show)fadeOut()
, (hide)fadeTo('fast', 0.8)
, (hide),这两个一定要区分好!拉下来就是看到了。slideDown()
, (show),拉上去就是收起来。
$('a.more').click(function(event) {
if ($firstPara.is(':hidden')) {
$(this).text('read less');
} else {
- cerating custom animations
// 1 .animate({ property1: 'value1', property2: 'value2' }, duration, easing, function() { alert('The animation is finished.'); }); // 2 .animate({properties}, {options}); /* options, e.g.: duration: 'value', easing: 'value', specialEasing: { property1: 'easing1', property2: 'easing2' }, queue: true, step: callback, complete: function() { alert('The animation is finished.'); } */
For example, adjusting the
property will have no effect on the matching elements unless those elements have their CSS position set torelative
. The default CSS position for all block-level elements isstatic
, which accurately describes how those elements will remain if we try to move them without first changing their position value.
Positioning with CSS
- static
- absolute
- relative
- fixed
position: absolute;
top: 50px;
bottom: 50px;
left: 50px;
right: 50px;
- relative
For example, if you have three paragraphs on your web page, and the third has a “position: relative” style placed on it, it’s position will be offset based on it’s current location.
<p>Paragraph 1.</p> <p>Paragraph 2.</p> <p style="position: relative;left: 2em;">Paragraph 3.</p>
In the above example, the third paragraph will be positioned 2em from the left side of the container element, but will still be below the first two paragraphs. It would remain in the normal flow of the document, and just be offset slightly. If you changed it to position: absolute; anything following it would display on top of it, because it would no longer be in the normal flow of the document.
fixed: my
in this page, is fixed.refs and see also
- css - Position Relative vs Position Absolute? - Stack Overflow
- Absolute vs. Relative - Explaining CSS Positioning
- css - Difference between style = “position:absolute” and style = “position:relative” - Stack Overflow ♥
- Static vs Relative vs Absolute vs Fixed Positioning
$switcher.css({ position: 'relative' }).animate({ borderWidth: '5px', left: paraWidth - switcherWidth, height: '+=20px' }, 'slow');
- Simultaneous vs. queued effects
$switcher .css({position: 'relative'}) .animate({left: paraWidth - switcherWidth}, 'slow') .animate({height: '+=20px'}, 'slow') .animate({borderWidth: '5px'}, 'slow'); // queued $switcher .css({position: 'relative'}) .fadeTo('fast', 0.5) .animate({left: paraWidth - switcherWidth}, 'slow') .fadeTo('slow', 1.0) .slideUp('slow') .slideDown('slow'); // sync $switcher .css({position: 'relative'}) .fadeTo('fast', 0.5) .animate({ left: paraWidth - switcherWidth }, { duration: 'slow', queue: false }) .fadeTo('slow', 1.0) .slideUp('slow') $switcher .css({position: 'relative'}) .fadeTo('fast', 0.5) .animate({ left: paraWidth - switcherWidth }, { duration: 'slow', queue: false }) .fadeTo('slow', 1.0) .slideUp('slow') .queue(function(next) { $switcher.css({backgroundColor: '#f00'}); next(); }) .slideDown('slow');
- Effects | jQuery API Documentation
The jQuery library provides several techniques for adding animation to a web page. These include simple, standard animations that are frequently used, and the ability to craft sophisticated custom effects.
官网的 API 表示为
.animate( properties [, duration ] [, easing ] [, complete ] )
,其实应该是:.animate( properties [, duration [, easing [, complete ]]] )
- Effects
$('p').eq(2) .css('border', '1px solid #333') .click(function() { var $clickedItem = $(this); $clickedItem.next().slideDown('slow', function() { $clickedItem.slideUp('slow'); }); });
Effects on a single set of elements are:
- Simultaneous when applied as multiple properties in a single
method - Queued when applied in a chain of methods, unless the queue option is set to
Effects on multiple sets of elements are:
- Simultaneous by default
- Queued when applied within the callback of another effect or within the callback of the
Manipulating the DOM
$('div.chapter a').attr({
rel: 'external',
title: 'Learn more at Wikipedia'
To set a unique id value for each link, we can harness another feature of jQuery methods such as .css()
and .each()
— value callbacks.
value callbacks 就是说设置的不是 value,而是一个 callback 函数,可以 eval 得到 value。如下:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.chapter a[href*="wikipedia"]').attr({
rel: 'external',
title: function() {
return 'Learn more about ' + $(this).text()
+ ' at Wikipedia.';
id: function(index, oldValue) {
return 'wikilink-' + index;
The .attr()
and .prop()
methods are very powerful tools, and with them we can make targeted changes to the document.
别忘了有些人不用或者有些人的浏览器不支持 javascript,所以不要把网页的内容,都放到 js 里来实现。
$('<a href="#top">back to top</a>').insertAfter('div.chapter p')
, 每一个 p 都添加
inserts & pendtos
adds content outside of and before existing elements.prependTo()
adds content inside of and before existing elements.appendTo()
adds content inside of and after existing elements.insertAfter()
adds content outside of and after existing elements
var $notes = $('<ol id="notes"></ol>').insertBefore('#footer');
$('span.footnote').each(function(index) {
$('<sup>' + (index + 1) + '</sup>').insertBefore(this);
- Insertion method callbacks
[ '<sup>', index + 1, '</sup>' ].join('')
- coping elements
$('div.chapter p:eq(0)').clone().insertBefore('div.chapter');
$clonedCopy .addClass('pulled') .find('span.drop') .html('…') .end() .prependTo($parentParagraph);
- wrap
- contents
- replacements
- removes
, remove all children.remove()
, remove matched (current?).detach()
- wrap
- aJax
$(document).ready(function() { $('#letter-a a').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#dictionary').load('a.html'); }); });
$.load('.html') $.getScript('.js'); $.getJSON('.json'); $.get('.xml');
$('#dictionary').html(html); // $.get(url, callback) $.get("demo_ajax_load.txt", function(result){ $("div").html(result); }); // $.get(url, query) $.get("test.php", { name: "John", time: "2pm" } ); // $.post(URL,data,callback); $.post("demo_test_post.asp", { name:"Donald Duck", city:"Duckburg" }, function(data,status){ alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status); }); $(elem).empty(); $(elem).append($(elem2)) var formValues = $(this).serialize(); $('#letter-f form').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var formValues = $(this).serialize(); $.get('f.php', formValues, function(data) { $('#dictionary').html(data); }); }); var $loading = $('<div id="loading">Loading...</div>').insertBefore('#dictionary'); $(document).ajaxStart(function() { $loading.show(); }).ajaxStop(function() { $loading.hide(); }); $('#dictionary').hide().load('a.html', function() { $(this).fadeIn(); }); $.get('z.php', requestData, function(data) { $('#dictionary').html(data); }).fail(function(jqXHR) { $('#dictionary') .html('An error occurred: ' + jqXHR.status) .append(jqXHR.responseText); }); $('h3.term').click(function() { $(this).siblings('.definition').slideToggle(); });
- Security limitations
- js
- iframe
$(document.createElement('script')) .attr('src', 'http://example.com/example.js') .appendTo('head'); jQuery.parseJSON(obj)
Cross-origin resource sharing A more recent technique that has been drafted into a W3C specification is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This technique requires sending a custom HTTP header from one domain that the other domain expects. The receiving domain must send back an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header to the requester saying that the domain is accepted. For more information about CORS, visit http://www.w3.org/TR/cors.
- Cross-origin resource sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows restricted resources (e.g. fonts) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated.
“Cross-domain” AJAX requests are forbidden by default because of their ability to perform advanced requests (POST, PUT, DELETE and other types of HTTP requests, along with specifying custom HTTP headers) that introduce many cross-site scripting security issues.
- Simple example
This is generally not appropriate when using the same-origin security policy. When a CORS-compatible browser attempts to make a cross-origin request:
The browser sends the OPTIONS request with an Origin HTTP header. The value of this header is the domain that served the parent page. When a page from http://www.foo.com attempts to access a user’s data in
, the following request header would be sent tobar.com
:Origin: http://www.foo.com
The server may respond with:
An Access-Control-Allow-Origin (ACAO) header in its response indicating which origin sites are allowed. For example:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www.foo.com
An error page if the server does not allow the cross-origin request
Access-Control-Allow-Origin (ACAO)
header with a wildcard that allows all domains:Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
To illustrate, the following table gives an overview of typical outcomes for checks against the URL
.Compared URL Outcome Reason http://www.example.com/dir/page2.html Success Same protocol, host and port http://www.example.com/dir2/other.html Success Same protocol, host and port http://username:password@www.example.com/dir2/other.html Success Same protocol, host and port http://www.example.com:81/dir/other.html Failure Same protocol and host but different port https://www.example.com/dir/other.html Failure Different protocol http://en.example.com/dir/other.html Failure Different host http://example.com/dir/other.html Failure Different host (exact match required) http://v2.www.example.com/dir/other.html Failure Different host (exact match required) http://www.example.com:80/dir/other.html Depends Port explicit. Depends on implementation in browser. Relaxing the same-origin policy
- document.domain property
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- Cross-document messaging
- WebSockets
refs and see also
- Using JSONP for remote data
- A PHP implementation of the JSONP technique is quite simple:
<?php print($_GET['callback'] .'('. $data .')'); ?>
- low-level ajax method
$.ajax({ url: 'a.html', success: function(data) { $('#dictionary').html(data); } });
- modifying default options
$.ajaxSetup({ url: 'a.html', type: 'POST', dataType: 'html' });
Using Plugins
- JQuery Cycle Plugin
$(document).ready(function() { $('#books').cycle(); })
- Specifying plugin method parameters
$(document).ready(function() { $('#books').cycle({ timeout: 2000, speed: 200, pause: true }); });
- Modifying parameter defaults
$.fn.cycle.defaults.timeout = 10000; $.fn.cycle.defaults.random = true;
Custom selectors
// api $.expr[':'].test = function(obj, index, meta, stack){ // obj - is a current DOM element // index - the current loop index in stack // meta - meta data about your selector // stack - stack of all elements to loop // Return true to include current element // Return false to explude current element }; // Usage: $('.someClasses:test').doSomething(); // demo $.expr[':'].withRel = function(obj){ var $this = $(obj); return ($this.attr('rel') != ''); }; // Usage: $('a:withRel').css('background-color', 'yellow');
// method 1 $.expr[':'].selector = function(elem, idx, matches, set){...} // method 2 $.extend($.expr(':'),{ selector: function(elem, idx, matches, set){...} });
refs and see also
- js-cookie/js-cookie: A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
$.cookie('cyclePaused', 'y', {path: '/', expires: 7})
- jQuery UI
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you’re building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice.
Easings | jQuery UI API Documentation
Other jQuery UI interactions include Draggable, Droppable, and Sortable. Like Resizable, they are highly configurable.
$('<div id="slider"></div>').slider({ min: 0, max: $('#books li').length - 1 }).appendTo($controls); var $books = $('#books').cycle({ timeout: 2000, speed: 200, pause: true, before: function() { $('#slider').slider('value', $('#books li').index(this)); } });
Developing Plugins
Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE), looks like this:
(function($) {
// ...
- Immediately-invoked function expression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An immediately-invoked function expression (or IIFE, pronounced “iffy”) is a JavaScript design pattern which produces a lexical scope using JavaScript’s function scoping. Immediately-invoked function expressions can be used to avoid variable hoisting from within blocks, protect against polluting the global environment and simultaneously allow public access to methods while retaining privacy for variables defined within the function. This pattern has been referred to as a self-executing anonymous function, but Ben Alman introduced the term IIFE as a more semantically accurate term for the pattern, shortly after its discussion arose on comp.lang.javascript.
An initial parenthesis is one case where the automatic semicolon insertion (ASI) in JavaScript can cause problems; the expression is instead interpreted as a call to the last term on the preceding line. In some styles that omit optional semicolons, the semicolon is placed in front of the parenthesis, and is known as a defensive semicolon. For example:
a = b + c ;(function() { // code })();
…to avoid being parsed as c(…).
var v, getValue; v = 1; getValue = (function(x) { return function() { return x; }; })(v); v = 2; getValue(); // 1
Here the function passes v as an argument and is invoked immediately, preserving the inner function’s execution context.
IIFEs are also useful for establishing private methods for accessible functions while still exposing some properties for later use.[15] The following example comes from Alman’s post on IIFEs.
var counter = (function(){ var i = 0; return { get: function(){ return i; }, set: function( val ){ i = val; }, increment: function() { return ++i; } }; })(); // 'counter' is an object with properties, which in this case happen to be // methods. counter.get(); // 0 counter.set( 3 ); counter.increment(); // 4 counter.increment(); // 5
If we attempt to access counter.i from the global environment, it will be undefined as it is enclosed within the invoked function and is not a property of counter. Likewise, if we attempt to access i it will result in an error as we have not declared i in the global environment.
In lambda-calculus, this construct was referred to as “redex”, for reducible expression, see Reduction strategy (code optimization).
refs and see also
- Adding new global functions
$.ajax() $.each() $.map() $.grep()
(function($) { $.sum = function(array) { var total = 0; $.each(array, function(index, value) { value = $.trim(value); value = parseFloat(value) || 0; total += value; }); return total; }; $.average = function(array) { if ($.isArray(array)) { return $.sum(array) / array.length; } return ''; }; })(jQuery);
Extending the global jQuery object We can also employ an alternate syntax in defining our functions using the
function:The options object, Default parameter values
(function($) { $.fn.shadow = function(opts) { var defaults = { copies: 5, opacity: 0.1 }; var options = $.extend(defaults, opts); // ... }; })(jQuery);
- Customizable defaults
(function($) { $.fn.shadow = function(opts) { var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.shadow.defaults, opts); // ... }; $.fn.shadow.defaults = { // ... }
- Combining filtering and striping
$(this).children(':nth-child(4)').text() == topic;
- More selectors and traversal methods
(function($) { $.extend($.expr[':'], { group: function(element, index, matches, set) { var num = parseInt(matches[3], 10); if (isNaN(num)) { return false; } return index % (num * 2) <num; } }); })(jQuery);
Especially with client-side scripting, developers can easily fall into the traps of premature optimization and micro-optimization. These pitfalls can cause us to spend countless hours tweaking our code to shave milliseconds off of JavaScript execution.
faster than$('input').eq(1)
,if (event.type == 'mouseenter') {
- Event delegation
$(document).ready(function() { $('#gallery').on('mouseenter mouseleave', 'div.photo', function(event) { var $details = $(this).find('.details'); if (event.type == 'mouseenter') { $details.fadeTo('fast', 0.7); } else { $details.fadeOut('fast'); } }); });
- Throttling (
, 节流) events jQuery Event Extensions | jQuery Learning Center
Determining the animation state:
if (!$image.is(':animated') || event.type == 'mouseleave')
Halting a running animation
// stop the current animation, then make another one $(this).find('img').stop().animate(...);
method by default halts animations at their current position To mitigate this type of problem, the.stop()
method can accept two Boolean ( true / false ) arguments, the second of which is known asgoToEnd
. If we set this argument to true , the current animation not only stops, but also jumps immediately to the final value.Another jQuery method,
, is available for halting animations. It’s similar to.stop(true, true)
in that it clears all queued animations and jumps the current animation to the final value. However, unlike.stop(true, true)
, it jumps all the queued animations to their final values as well.- Using global effect properties
$('#fx-toggle').show().on('click', function() { $.fx.off = !$.fx.off; });
Each time an animation method is called, jQuery goes through the following steps to determine the duration of the effect, in this order:
- It checks if
is true. If so, it sets the duration to 0 . - It checks if the duration passed is a number. If so, it sets the duration to that number of milliseconds.
- It checks if the duration pass matches one of the property keys of the
object. If so, it sets the duration to the value of the property. - If the duration is not set by any of the above checks, it sets the duration to the value of
$.fx.speeds._default = 250;
$.fx.speeds.crawl = 1200
- It checks if
- Multiproperty easing
- Taking fine-grained control of animations
The requestAnimationFrame() approach to animations is usually preferable to setTimeout(). However, because of potential conflicts when the two are used in the same code, requestAnimationFrame() is not implemented in the jQuery core library.
Advanced DOM Manipulation
- progressive enhancement.
$(document).ready(function() { $('#my-data th a').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#my-data tbody').load($(this).attr('href')); }); });
- graceful degradation.
$(document).ready(function() { var $table1 = $('#t-1'); var $headers = $table1.find('thead th').slice(1); $headers .wrapInner('<a href="#"></a>') .addClass('sort'); });
- supply a comparator function to the .sort() method:
arr.sort(function(a,b) { if (a < b) { return -1; } if (a > b) { return 1; } return 0; });
then apply this .sort()
method to our table rows.
- Using HTML5 custom data attributes
<table id="t-2" class="sortable"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th data-sort='{"key":"title"}'>Title</th> <th data-sort='{"key":"authors"}'>Author(s)</th> <th data-sort='{"key":"publishedYM"}'>Publish Date</th> <th data-sort='{"key":"price"}'>Price</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr data-book=' { "img":"2862_OS.jpg", "title":"DRUPAL 7", "authors":"MERCER DAVID", "published":"September 2010", "price":44.99, "publishedYM":"2010-09" }'> <td><img src="images/2862_OS.jpg" alt="Drupal 7"></td> <td>Drupal 7</td> <td>David Mercer</td> <td>September 2010</td> <td>$44.99</td> </tr> <!-- code continues --> </tbody> </table>
$headers.on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $header = $(this), sortKey = $header.data('sort').key, sortDirection = 1; if ($header.hasClass('sorted-asc')) { sortDirection = -1; } rows.sort(function(a, b) { var keyA = $(a).data('book')[sortKey]; var keyB = $(b).data('book')[sortKey]; if (keyA < keyB) return -sortDirection; if (keyA > keyB) return sortDirection; return 0; }); });
Sorting and building rows with JSON
Although we are lovingly crafting our table rows by hand with these two functions, JavaScript template systems such as Mustache (https://github.com/janl/mustache.js) and Handlebars (http://handlebarsjs.com/) could do a lot of the string processing and concatenation for us. Using templates can be especially beneficial as the size and complexity of a project grows.
function prepRows(rows) {
$.each(rows, function(i, row) {
var authors = [],
authorsFormatted = [];
rows[i].titleFormatted = row.title;
rows[i].title = row.title.toUpperCase();
$.each(row.authors, function(j, auth) {
authors[j] = auth.last_name + ' ' + auth.first_name;
authorsFormatted[j] = auth.first_name + ' '
+ auth.last_name;
rows[i].authorsFormatted = authorsFormatted.join(', ');
rows[i].authors = authors.join(' ').toUpperCase();
return rows;
Hook type | Method altered | Example usage |
$.attrHooks |
.attr() |
Prevents the type attribute of an element from being changed. |
$.cssHooks |
.css() |
Provides special handling for opacity in Internet Explorer. |
$.propHooks |
.prop() |
Corrects the behavior of the selected property in Safari. |
$.valHooks |
.val() |
Allows radio buttons and checkboxes to report a consistent value across browsers. |
(function($) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
$.support.textShadow = div.style.textShadow === '';
$.support.filter = div.style.filter === '';
div = null;
if ($.support.textShadow) {
$.cssHooks.glowColor = {
set: function(elem, value) {
if (value == 'none') {
elem.style.textShadow = '';
} else {
elem.style.textShadow = '0 0 2px ' + value;
} else {
$.cssHooks.glowColor = {
set: function(elem, value) {
if (value == 'none') {
elem.style.filter = '';
} else {
elem.style.zoom = 1;
elem.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft'
+ '.Glow(Strength=2, Color=' + value + ');';
Advanced Ajax
$(document).ready(function() {
var $ajaxForm = $('#ajax-form'),
$response = $('#response');
$ajaxForm.on('submit', function(event) {
$response.load('http://api.jquery.com/ #content',
url: 'http://book.learningjquery.com/api/',
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: {
title: $('#title').val()
success: function(data) {
$ajaxForm.on('submit', function(event) {
url: 'http://book.learningjquery.com/api/',
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: {
title: $('#title').val()
success: response,
error: function() {
- Ajax promises
Using the promise’s methods, we can rewrite our
call to replace the success and error callbacks with an alternate syntax:
url: 'http://book.learningjquery.com/api/',
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: {
title: $('#title').val()
timeout: 15000
.fail(function() {
$ajaxForm.on('submit', function(event) {
url: 'http://book.learningjquery.com/api/',
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: {
title: $('#title').val()
timeout: 15000
.fail(function() {
.always(function() {
- Caching responses
- Throttling Ajax requests
Adding Ajax prefilters
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options) {
if (/\.yml$/.test(options.url)) {
return 'yaml'; // set datatype to yaml
Defining alternate transports
Append A, JavaScript Closures
Handling interactions between closures
When a reference to an inner function finds its way outside of the scope in which the function was defined, this creates a closure on that function. We call variables that are neither parameters nor local to the inner function’s free variables, and the environment of the outer function call closes them. Essentially, the fact that the function refers to a local variable in the outer function grants the variable a stay of execution. The memory is not released when the function completes, as it is still needed by the closure.
The fact that most jQuery code is inside a function body is useful, because this can protect against some namespace collisions. For example, it is this feature that allows us to use jQuery.noConflict() to free up the $ shortcut for other libraries while still being able to define the shortcut locally for use within our .ready() handler.
$(document).ready(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
(function(value) {
$('<div>Print ' + value + '</div>')
.click(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
$('<div>Print ' + i + '</div>')
.on('click', {value: i}, function(event) {
Append B, Testing JavaScript with QUnit
Introduction to unit testing ( http://qunitjs.com/intro/ ) • QUnit Cookbook ( http://qunitjs.com/cookbook/ ) • The jQuery Test-Driven Development article by Elijah Manor ( http://msdn. microsoft.com/en-us/scriptjunkie/ff452703.aspx ) • The Unit Testing Best Practices article by Bob McCune ( http://www. bobmccune.com/2006/12/09/unit-testing-best-practices/ ) Many books on the topic also exist, such as Test Driven Development: By Exam
append c, quick ref
Selector expressions
- Simple CSS
- Position among siblings
- Position among matched elements
- Attributes
- Forms
- Miscellaneous selectors
DOM traversal methods
- Filtering
- Descendants
- Siblings
- Ancestors
- Collection manipulation
- Working with selected elements
Event methods
- Binding
- Shorthand binding
- Triggering
- Shorthand triggering
- Utility
Effect methods
- Predefined effects
Ajax methods
- Issuing requests
- Request monitoring
- Configuration
- Utilities
Deferred objects
Misc Notes
Attribute Contains Word Selector [name~="value"]
- jQuery设计思想 - 阮一峰的网络日志
$('a:first') //选择网页中第一个a元素 $('tr:odd') //选择表格的奇数行 $('div:visible') //选择可见的div元素 $('div:gt(2)') // 选择所有的div元素,除了前三个 $('#myForm :input') // 选择表单中的input元素 $('div:animated') // 选择当前处于动画状态的div元素 $('div').has('p'); // 选择包含p元素的div元素 $('div').not('.myClass'); //选择class不等于myClass的div元素 $('div').filter('.myClass'); //选择class等于myClass的div元素 $('div').first(); //选择第1个div元素 $('div').eq(5); //选择第6个div元素 $('div').next('p'); //选择div元素后面的第一个p元素 $('div').parent(); //选择div元素的父元素 $('div').closest('form'); //选择离div最近的那个form父元素 $('div').children(); //选择div的所有子元素 $('div').siblings(); //选择div的同级元素 $('div') .find('h3') .eq(2) .html('Hello') .end() //退回到选中所有的h3元素的那一步 .eq(0) //选中第一个h3元素 .html('World'); //将它的内容改为World .html() 取出或设置html内容 .text() 取出或设置text内容``` .attr() 取出或设置某个属性的值 .width() 取出或设置某个元素的宽度 .height() 取出或设置某个元素的高度 .val() 取出某个表单元素的值 // 返回的元素不一样 $('div').insertAfter($('p')); $('p').after($('div'));
判断某个参数是否为用“{}”或“new Object”建立的对象。$.support()
DOM加载完成- `.resize() 浏览器窗口的大小发生改变
- `.scroll() 滚动条的位置发生变化
- `.select() 用户选中文本框中的内容
- `.submit() 用户递交表单
- `.toggle() 根据鼠标点击的次数,依次运行多个函数
- `.unload() 用户离开页面
以上这些事件在 jQuery 内部,都是
可以更灵活地控制事件,比如为多个事件绑定同一个函数:$('input').bind( 'click change', //同时绑定click和change事件 function() { alert('Hello'); } );
的扩展所有的事件处理函数,都可以接受一个事件对象(event object)作为参数, 这个事件对象有一些很有用的属性和方法:
- event.pageX 事件发生时,鼠标距离网页左上角的水平距离
- event.pageY 事件发生时,鼠标距离网页左上角的垂直距离
- event.type 事件的类型(比如click)
- event.which 按下了哪一个键
- event.data 在事件对象上绑定数据,然后传入事件处理函数
- event.target 事件针对的网页元素
- event.preventDefault() 阻止事件的默认行为(比如点击链接,会自动打开新页面)
- event.stopPropagation() 停止事件向上层元素冒泡
- jQuery最佳实践 - 阮一峰的网络日志
- (1)最快的选择器:id选择器和元素标签选择器
- (2)较慢的选择器:class选择器
- (3)最慢的选择器:伪类选择器和属性选择器
- 理解子元素和父元素的关系
, 这条是最快的语句。.find()
方法会调用浏览器的原生方法(getElementById,getElementByName,getElementByTagName等等),所以速度较快。$('#parent > .child')
, jQuery 内部使用 Sizzle 引擎,处理各种选择器。Sizzle引擎的选择顺序是从右到左,所以这条语句是先选.child,然后再一个个过滤出父元素#parent
,这导致它比最快的形式大约慢70%。$('a').click(function(){ alert(this.id); // alert($(this).attr('id')); });
- 事件的委托处理(Event Delegation)
// better $("table").on("click", "td", function(){ $(this).toggleClass("click"); }); // better than better $(document).on("click", "td", function(){ $(this).toggleClass("click"); }); // cancel event binding $(document).off("click", "td");
- 少改动 DOM 结构
- 如果要插入多个元素,就先把它们合并,然后再一次性插入。
- 如果你要对一个DOM元素进行大量处理,应该先用.detach()方法,把这个元素从DOM中取出来,处理完毕以后,再重新插回文档。
),就会生成一个jQuery对象。jQuery对象是一个很庞大的对象,带有很多属性和方法,会占用不少资源。所以,尽量少生成jQuery对象。var $text = $("#text"); var $ts = $text.text(); var $ts = $.text($text); // faster
- 选择作用域链最短的方法
var X = function(name){ this.name = name; } X.prototype.get_name = function() { return this.name; };
var Y = function(name) { var y = { name: name }; return { 'get_name': function() { return y.name; } }; };
- 使用Pub/Sub模式管理事件
$.trigger("DO_SOMETHING_DONE"); $(document).on("DO_SOMETHING_DONE", function(){ doSomethingElse(); } );
jQuery的deferred对象详解 - 阮一峰的网络日志