- sting 的广播:博士后
- sting 的广播:博士后
- 阿男的广播:tinyfool
- tinyfool 都多大了,还为学这几门烂大家的基础课骄傲。。。
- 阿男的广播:tinyfool
- WangLu’s Tech Notes: 记忆中的音乐寻宝
决定试一下再次挑战,因为我觉得如果能再次找到这个音乐,Google App八成能搜出来名字。
一开始发散思维,回想是哪里听到的。这是最难的一步。冷静了一会儿想到那是一个找不同的游戏。于是第一反应是去 Kongregate 上找,搜到的找不同游戏只有三个(别的都不太像),为了找到 BGM 也只能全都通关一遍。好在游戏都不太长,并且游戏也不错。顺便也搜了一下游戏的 BGM,很有趣。不过不幸的是那段音乐不在这几个游戏中。
- WangLu’s Tech Notes: 记忆中的音乐寻宝
- 新三板_百度百科
国务院只批了 8 家交易所,其它的不是骗子就是骗子! http://t.cn/RfVcz5V
- 新三板_百度百科
- 波伏娃:男人 & 女人
refs and see also
- 波伏娃:男人 & 女人
- FinTech:Financial technology - Wikipedia
Financial technology, also known as FinTech, is an industry composed of companies that use technology to make financial services, enable provision of financial services (through utilization of technology) or drive technological innovation in provision of financial services. Financial technology companies are startups or already established technology companies trying to replace or enhance the usage of financial services of incumbent companies.
- FinTech:Financial technology - Wikipedia
- 吃尸体
比如说,在长期航行期间吃尸体会成为日常的伦理。//Pioneer花医生: 嗯三体小说,以及后来的美剧升天号 ,都涉及这个问题:漫长时间狭小空间,人类记忆的改变影响生存伦理。 RT 西瓜大丸子汤:人类不仅肉体不是为长期宇航设计的,精神也不是。数十年以上的宇宙航行将摧毁想象的共同体。大多数人的社会记忆不过十年,极少数人理解三十年前。航行者离开地球,双方的历史就分岔了。地球快速前进,飞船成为时间胶囊。以人类迄今为表现出来的智慧和耐心,政治分裂不可避免
- 吃尸体
Apollo code developer Margaret Hamilton receives Presidential Medal of Freedom | MIT News
The secretive brain trust of Silicon Valley insiders who are helping Trump - The Washington Post
- Zika virus - Wikipedia
CHICAGO/BANGKOK(Reuters) - Zika’s rampage last year in Brazil caused an explosion of infections and inflicted a crippling neurological defect on thousands of babies – an effect never seen in a mosquito-borne virus.
Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae.[3] It is spread by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes, such as A. aegypti and A. albopictus.[3] Its name comes from the Zika Forest of Uganda, where the virus was first isolated in 1947.[4] Zika virus is related to the dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile viruses.[4] Since the 1950s, it has been known to occur within a narrow equatorial belt from Africa to Asia. From 2007 to 2016, the virus spread eastward, across the Pacific Ocean to the Americas, leading to the 2015–16 Zika virus epidemic.
- Zika virus - Wikipedia
- South Dakota - Wikipedia
South Dakota (
/ˌsaʊθ dəˈkoʊtə/
) is a state located in the Midwestern region of the United States. It is named after the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes, who compose a significant portion of the population and historically dominated the entire territory. South Dakota is the 17th most expansive, but the 5th least populous and the 5th least densely populated of the 50 United States. Once the southern portion of the Dakota Territory, South Dakota became a state on November 2, 1889, simultaneously with North Dakota. Pierre is the state capital and Sioux Falls, with a population of about 171,000, is South Dakota’s largest city.
- South Dakota - Wikipedia
Microsoft doubles down on quantum computing bet - Next at Microsoft
- 时代如飓风 潮流已转变
时代如飓风 潮流已转变 //@万化求谦:当年年级里的天牛。比你师弟学校好,学的好。差不多年纪,拿遍国内一线 it 公司 offer, 雅虎给了 global offer 去加州总部,本科起薪 10 万刀,给 h1b 当年是轰动一时。娶了当年校花现在雅虎不死不活,想回阿里只能做技术但是管理和股票额度不要提。一命二运,古人诚不欺我。 RT @北京大土豆: 某师弟,06 年本科毕业回杭州老家找工作,先在一个小公司干了不到一年,然后跳去了当时的淘宝网,一个月 4500,这些年在公司算是兢兢业业,今年已经被提拔到 P8 了,手下新招的小弟都是浙大交大毕业的硕士博士,年薪 100 多万,股票近千万,杭州两套大户型。他说,除了卖力气,主要还是运气好,行业发展的快,又赶上公司上市大规模招人,那些当年毕业去运营商吃皇粮的现在都很一般,但是当时挺让人羡慕的,反倒是他这个当年哪都没人要的 loser 现在发展的最好。所以说,人啊,当然要靠自我的奋斗,但是也要考虑到历史的行程。
现在不同了。现在的 70、80 后父母,善用互联网,能接受到最先进的育儿理念,现在的孩子打娘胎里就听古典乐,出生就游泳,三岁学英语,五岁就有一整套耐克服装,但仍有那么多人觉得,电视上幼女跟成年男子同吃同睡的“cp”仅仅是“好有爱”,如果有人质疑这种娱乐节目所带给小朋友们的糟糕的示范作用就是“营销号在黑”。
- 时代如飓风 潮流已转变
- Pulp and Rind
- Pulp and Rind
- Spurty McGoo
spurt“喷射”goo“粘稠液体”Mc 是姓氏前缀 (son of) 这里是给撸管小伙起外号,类似“金喷社/ 鲁白江 / 谢年夜”# 试试搜狗 # 活动还在继续,有问题去 @搜狗搜索 英文频道寻求答案吧~//@林家震:# 试试搜狗 # 在黑镜 303,波隆说服男主抢银行时提到 Spurty McGoo 这个词,在网上查不到具体释义,求解。
【spectrophobia】n. 镜子恐惧症 spectrum+phobia,也叫 catoptrophobia。通常害怕的是镜中见鬼,害怕镜子通向另一个世界,怕被鬼抓进镜子,怕在黑暗中看到镜中的自己,或怕镜子碎掉带来噩运。类似词汇还有 eisoptrophobia,对自己映像的恐惧症 (比如怕看到镜中的自己)。
老司机 英文?chronic masturbator / old wanker //@你猜猜猜不着:摸您,早上的老司机英文嘞? RT @谷大白话: 每天都在皮皮的胡言乱语和拳打脚踢下醒来 # 摸您
每日一词# Evan Rachel Wood提到《西部世界》第五集剧情大爆发时用的是【up to
eleven】意为“超越极限/爆表”。源自电影《This Is Spinal Tap》的放大器档位是从0-11,超越了正常的0-10 http://t.cn/RVH44IF RT @谷大白话:在《西部世界》中表现出色的 “Dolores”Evan Rachel Wood做客肥伦今夜秀,聊到演机器人的难处,说演员要去思考些不太一样的问题。比如,在太阳底下要不要眯眼,他们管这种问题叫“bot thought”。采访中还放了第五集片段。Evan说下集剧情要大爆发。后面提了下自己的乐队。 http://t.cn/RVTAfuV
- Spurty McGoo
建议大家把 xargs 这个命令的使用学明白:man xargs
ThoughtWorks University 记出发去印度 - Phodal | Phodal - A Growth Engineer
- 网络设置
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- 网络设置
- 如何评价咪蒙? - 挖数的回答 - 知乎
- 咪蒙
很多人以为我说宪法有这条是骗人,结果他们去查了宪法,发现我真的是骗人。 RT @咪蒙: 想跟海底捞谈谈,为毛你家服务员总要让我扎头发,这是违法的你知道吗。宪法第 5 章第 127 条规定,大脸 and 胖子,终身拥有拿头发来遮脸的权利,其他人不得干涉 88_org.gif
- 咪蒙
- 如何评价咪蒙? - 挖数的回答 - 知乎
- 初探计算机视觉的三个源头、兼谈人工智能|正本清源
Marr 1972 年从剑桥大学毕业,博士论文是从理论的角度研究大脑功能,具体来说,是研究的小脑, 主管运动的 Cerebellum。1973 年受 MIT 人工智能实验室主任 Minsky 的邀请, 开始是做访问学者(博士后)。 1977 年转为教职。 可是, 1978 年冬诊断得了急性白血病。1980 年转为正教授不久就去世了, 时年 35 岁。他在得知来日无多后,就赶紧整理了一本书,就叫 “Vision:A Computational Investigation into the HumanRepresentation and Processing of Visual Information”, 《视觉:从计算的视角研究人的视觉信息表达与处理》。他去世后由学生和同事修订,1982 年出版。
可惜, 目前计算机视觉这个领域,你如果去问学生的话,他们很多人都没听说过 David Marr。“喔,想起来了,好像有个 Marr 奖吧”。可是你去问认知科学、神经科学的人,他们基本上对 Marr 非常的清楚。这也是我所担心的, 计算机视觉的发展太工程化、功利化了,逐步脱离了科学的范畴。这是短视和危险的。最近又受到机器学习来的冲击。
2012 年,我作为国际计算机视觉和模式识别年会(CVPR)的大会主席, 就发生一个事件。收到神经网络和机器学习学派的一个领军人物 LeCun 的抱怨信,他的论文报告了很好的实验结果, 但是审稿的三个人都认为论文说不清楚到底为什么有这个结果,就拒稿。他一气之下就说再也不给 CVPR 投稿了,把审稿意见挂在网上以示抗议。 2012 年是个转折点。
现在呢?随着深度学习的红火, 这三层就又混在一块去了。 一般论文直接就报告结果, 一堆表格、曲线图。我就是这么做,然后再这么做,我在某些个数据集上提高了两个百分点,那就行了。你审稿人也别问我这个东西里面有什么贡献,哪个节点代表是什么意思,你别问,我也不知道。那算法收敛了吗?是全局收敛还是一个局部收敛?我也不知道,但是我就提高了两个百分点。
朱:的确。我们当年考英语, 多半是读,说和写都不行。我们考 TOEFL, GRE Verbal 的时候, 就算没搞懂, 也能蒙个 60%-70%。 新东方的题海战术也很奏效。当你做了大量考题, 就算不懂, 也能考好。当前大数据、机器学习就用题海战术。这个方法强调在实战中检验,考什么就拼命复习什么,不考的东西就不学,这也很有道理,很直接, 来得快。 但是, 因为你的模型没有真正理解, 没有“真懂”,考试大纲外面的东西更不懂, 那么后遗症就是, 遇到新考题, 缺乏泛化能力,遇到新问题,缺乏创造力。
- 如何评价 UCLA 朱松纯教授近日访谈中对深度学习的批评? - 知乎
朱教授说的都是对的,现在确实有这个问题。但现实情况是,做理论需要的基础知识多,困难,周期长,没有直接经济效益,还只能一两个人单打独斗且无法使用大量计算资源,每个因素都和现在的主流发展方向(强调团队合作,强调速度和新闻性,代码开源,大数据,大量计算资源)背道而驰。更麻烦的是,辛苦几年做出来也未必会有人欣赏,做的人累,看的人更累,于是好文就淹没在大量的 Arxiv 里面。偶尔有几个人想去看看,费尽力气却发现某个假设太强,完全和现实扯不上,不免失望。相比之下做应用的文章实验清楚效果明显还立即可用,大家一望便知,名声响,引用多,曝光率高。
另外,最近我投的那篇二层 ReLU 的理论分析,从有了理论到成稿就做了两个月,并没有花几年,之前一直方向不对在瞎搞。【我的感触是,真的有了感觉,出文章不会慢的,但是在有感觉之前,要做很多积累,花掉很多时间,这个阶段又苦又难熬,现下很少有人愿意。】但若是真想做理论的话,不要被几年这种话吓住了,像我这种半路自学,肯定是走了弯路开悟晚的,就不用当例子了,科班出身的肯定会快很多。
- 如何评价 UCLA 朱松纯教授近日访谈中对深度学习的批评? - 知乎
- 初探计算机视觉的三个源头、兼谈人工智能|正本清源
- Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate - Wikipedia
The Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate was a debate between Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Linus Torvalds, regarding the Linux kernel and kernel architecture in general. Tanenbaum began the debate in 1992 on the Usenet discussion group comp.os.minix, arguing that microkernels are superior to monolithic kernels and therefore Linux was, even in 1992, obsolete. Linux kernel developers Peter MacDonald, David S. Miller and Theodore Ts’o also joined the debate.
The debate has sometimes been considered a flame war.
Graphic of a monolithic kernel running kernel space entirely in supervisor mode
Microkernel architecture relies on user-space server programs
Despite this debate, Torvalds and Tanenbaum appear to be on good speaking terms; Torvalds wants it understood that he holds no animosity towards Tanenbaum, and Tanenbaum underlines that disagreements about ideas or technical issues should not be interpreted as personal feuds.
- Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate - Wikipedia
xiaoweiChen/Cpp_Concurrency_In_Action: 作为对《C++ Concurrency in Action》英文版的中文翻译。
- diff highlight
diff --git a/src/nvim/api/ui.c b/src/nvim/api/ui.c index 56b41f1..9178538 100644 --- a/src/nvim/api/ui.c +++ b/src/nvim/api/ui.c
- diff highlight
- 石苏的广播:动脑子
轻松,开心,符合预期地赚钱,是最大的修行… ^_^
这可是聪明人相对多坏人相对多的金融业啊,也到处是充满人性弱点的笨蛋,不分好坏…所以我觉得… 大部分人真心是羊… 说话好听的人…一定对你没有太多真心…
但,如果你对谁付出真心,你一定会倒霉,一定是失去这个人… 你体会下… 所以,人是很麻烦的傻叉动物,离远点…尽量保持距离… 真的….
refs and see also
- 石苏的广播:动脑子
- 『阿男闲聊』*学习科学哲学是可有可无的吗?*
Mathematics is the only true metaphysics.
– Lord Kelvin
爱因斯坦写过一本经典的物理学方面的科学哲学著作:Evolution of Physics
如果你开始觉得有需要的时候,那就不用犹豫了,学起来!科学哲学领域的著作都非常艰深,这是很正常的,因为任何和“meta”沾边的,比如 meta-programming,都是高阶领域,肯定要更抽象,更抽象就意味着更难。而英文又特别适合这种结构化的高阶领域,所以挑战你的阅读能力的时候就到了。
- 『阿男闲聊』*学习科学哲学是可有可无的吗?*
- Marc Andreessen 语速快的惊人
- Marc Andreessen 语速快的惊人
- 段子之四本书
- 第一本:无须等待:YC 合伙人的创业课
- 第二本:YC 创业营: 硅谷顶级创业孵化器如何改变世界
- 第三本:精益创业: 新创企业的成长思维;
- 第四本:四步创业法
- 段子之四本书
- Hadoop & MapReduce
Apache Hadoop (pronunciation:
) is an open-source software framework for distributed storage and distributed processing of very large data sets on computer clusters built from commodity hardware. All the modules in Hadoop are designed with a fundamental assumption that hardware failures are common and should be automatically handled by the framework.refs and see also
- Hadoop & MapReduce
- Bug 675885 – Gnome-font-viewer’s Chinese font-testing sentence needs to be changed
- Bug 675885 – Gnome-font-viewer’s Chinese font-testing sentence needs to be changed
- 日本动漫爱好者们是否可以不知不觉地学懂日语? - 知乎
- 日本动漫爱好者们是否可以不知不觉地学懂日语? - 知乎
- Command Line Args Parser
- Command Line Args Parser
- EnGadget 的评分
评分员(moderator)有权为每条留言打分。打分的方法采用分配形容词,所有可用的形容词分别为 normal(一般发言)、offtopic(与主题无关)、flamebait (挑拨)、troll(没有价值)、redundant(废话)、insightful(启发性)、 interesting(有趣)、informative(提供有用信息)、funny(搞笑)、 overrated(评价过高)和 underrated(评价过低)。所有正面的形容词为 +1 分,所有负面的形容词为 -1 分。
- EnGadget 的评分
- 学习 C 语言基本思路与参考书籍 - 林建入的软件设计之路 - 知乎专栏
学会调用别人的库函数,甚至写出自己的库函数,都是极其重要的。因为一个函数,本质上就是一个功能单位。你拥有的基础设施越多,你的发挥空间越大。道理就是这么简单。这就是我需要向大家强调的第二个观点,要想写出实用的 C 程序,一大关键就是研究并学会使用各种库函数。
- 学习 C 语言基本思路与参考书籍 - 林建入的软件设计之路 - 知乎专栏
- Jianru-Lin/lambda-view: 复杂 JavaScript 源码阅读分析工具
曾在 linux 下阅读 java 还有 c++ 的项目,用的是 understand 来生成 uml 图还有函数调用关系图,不知道是不是支持 javascript 语言,题主不妨一试。
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/co.js
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/co.js.html
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/d3.js
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/d3.js.html
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/jquery.js
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/jquery.js.html
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/three.js
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/lv/three.js.html
- Jianru-Lin/lambda-view: 复杂 JavaScript 源码阅读分析工具
- 多态
- 多态
- 拿撒泼当个性、拿偷窥当炫耀、拿意淫当真枪、拿颓废当青春(从你的全世界路过)书评
- 拿撒泼当个性、拿偷窥当炫耀、拿意淫当真枪、拿颓废当青春(从你的全世界路过)书评
- (转)润涛阎:在美华人与小中男的道路选择
美国白人的血性特征,最瞧不起的是懦弱者,被称为撸射。而在中国的传统文化里,(Loser)翻译成撸射是合理的,而翻译成“失败者”则与传统文化不沾边。因为中国的传统文化认为,失败乃成功之母。今天阶下囚,明天座上宾。Loser 翻译成失败者也是不符合原意的。鹰文化认为,Loser 是因为懦弱缺乏勇气而导致的失败。如果用音译撸射,则更符合中国的传统文化。
- (转)润涛阎:在美华人与小中男的道路选择
issue fucking gift certificates.
- I just can’t work for other people.
- I just can’t work for other people.
- ErbB4 老麋鹿的广播:捧臭脚
- ErbB4 老麋鹿的广播:捧臭脚
emptymalei/awesome-research: a curated list of tools to help you with the research/life
文因互联和辉瑞都是扩展人的能力的公司 ( @ 面壁score )
- 怪词:Tangin’,horde,维民所止,platinum
(adj) - Describes a woman who does not have a bra under her clothing and allows her breasts to dangle on their own, much like an orangutan.
Bro 1: Dude, Mary’s not wearing a bra today! You can see her nipples and everything!
Bro 2: Yeah bro, she’s totally tangin’ today.
- horde
- 一大群,群;游牧部落
- 维民所止
- platinum
- [化学] 铂;白金;唱片集达100万张的销售量;银灰色
- adj. 唱片集已售出100万张的
- 怪词:Tangin’,horde,维民所止,platinum
- 有文化到底有多可怕? - 简书
- 有文化到底有多可怕? - 简书
- 庶民样本
最后你可能注意到了这个页面的标题的缩写是 G-F-W,那么绝对得分享一下破墙秘笈之 SS 了:
Tab 不需要依靠某一个工具,所有编辑器都知道 “如何插入一个 tab”
但是他们不一定知道怎么显示一个 tab 啊……
Use tab to indent, use space to align. If you are using space, you are making alignment, not making indention.
- 庶民样本
- 善未易明,理未易察!
1946 年,胡适在北京的开学典礼上,引南宋理学家吕祖谦之语,送给当时的大学生八个字:
- 善未易明,理未易察!
- vim 浏览器里面的 ESCAPE 是
,比如 zybuluo) zybuluo 的 vim 使用的 ace 自带 mode。
- vim 浏览器里面的 ESCAPE 是
- v2ex:对自己言论负责
在主题发布之后的 300 秒内,你可以自由地编辑自己的主题,或者将其移动到其他节点。
但是在 300 秒(5 分钟)之后,就不可以再进行这些操作了。对于编辑的限制是为了让大家对发表在 V2EX 的言论更加负责。
refs and see also
- v2ex:对自己言论负责
- rghose/youtube-downloader: My Bash One Line Youtube Downloader
#!/usr/bin/env bash video_url="${1}" out_file_name="${2:-out.video}" curl \ -H 'Upgrade-insecure-requests: 1' \ -H 'Cache-control: max-age=0' \ -H 'Accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8,bn;q=0.6' \ -H 'Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch' \ -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' \ -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36' \ "${video_url}" \ | gunzip \ | egrep -o 'https%3A%2F%2F[^\.]*\.googlevideo.com%2F[^,\]*' \ | perl -pe 's/\%(\w\w)/chr hex $1/ge' \ | head -n1 \ | xargs wget -O "${out_file_name}"
- Youtube video downloader
- Youtube video downloader
- rghose/youtube-downloader: My Bash One Line Youtube Downloader
prpr 是日文ぺろぺろ / ペロペロ(pe ro pe ro)的缩写,意思就是舔,各种舔。“呸喽呸喽”也是同义。
- 陈虎平:钱德勒的书都是好书,唯一的缺点就是太厚。
钱德勒的书都是好书,唯一的缺点就是太厚。可不看厚书也不行,总不能天天看微博吧!微博 90% 内容都是哄人玩的,好比信息鸦片,让你抽了全身乏力增加黏性,把挣的点钱花在它推的产品,把精力消耗在看多少遍都不会提升能力的信息。互联网降低了获取信息的成本,主要是降低了他们获取你的信息的成本。
- 陈虎平:钱德勒的书都是好书,唯一的缺点就是太厚。
- The Economics of the Internet Backbone
This paper discusses the economics of the Internet backbone. I discuss competition on the Internet backbone as well as relevant competition policy issues. In particular, I show how public protocols, ease of entry, very fast network expansion, connections by the same Internet Service Provider (“ISP”) to multiple backbones (ISP multi-homing), and connections by the same large web site to multiple ISPs (customer multi-homing) enhance price competition and make 【it very unlikely that any firm providing Internet backbone connectivity would find it profitable to degrade or sever interconnection with other backbones in an attempt to monopolize(
vt. 垄断;独占;拥有…的专卖权) the Internet backbone】.http://www.netinst.org/ECONOMICS_OF_THE_INTERNET_BACKBONE.pdf
- The Economics of the Internet Backbone
- Microsoft’s ‘Solitaire’ heads to iOS and Android
- 单人跳棋;单人纸牌游戏;独粒宝石;独粒宝石首饰,网络接龙;纸牌接龙;单人纸牌戏
Patience, or solitaire as it is known in the US and Canada, is a genre (
) of card games that can be played by a single player. Patience games can also be played in a head-to-head fashion with the winner selected by a scoring scheme.In the US, the term solitaire is often used specifically to refer to solitaire with cards, while in other countries solitaire specifically refers to peg solitaire. Both Solitaire and Patience are sometimes used to refer specifically to the Klondike form of Patience.
Basic forms of Klondike solitaire and FreeCell come with every installation of Microsoft Windows older than Windows 8. More recent versions of Windows offer six unique card games which can be downloaded for free from its app store in the form of the Collection. There are also many applications for Android and iOS.
refs and see also
- Microsoft’s ‘Solitaire’ heads to iOS and Android
- 能否通过相貌判断好人坏人? 猜对了 5 个
@月饼 拉黑,滚。
Asshole. 这么大的人,这么点度量?
refs and see also
- 能否通过相貌判断好人坏人? 猜对了 5 个
- Words
- 关你屁事
- 关我屁事
- 老子有钱
- 有钱难买俺乐意
- Words
- Nanotubes can turn water solid when it should be boiling
Scientists have long known that under the right conditions, small amounts of water can be coaxed into changing its boiling or freezing point. A pot of water takes less energy to boil on the top of Mount Everest, for instance, and liquid under pressure takes a little more heat to convert into steam. A group of researchers at MIT has recently taken this effect a step further – observing that water in nanotubes can actually freeze into a solid at temperatures well beyond its natural boiling point.
The group was used a technique called vibrational spectroscopy to confirm that the nanotube confined water shifted to a “stiff phase,” but researchers are hesitant to say the solid water is frozen. “It’s not necessarily ice,” Strano says, “but it’s an ice-like phase.” Terminology aside, the phenomenon could be used to create highly conductive “stable water wires.” Sounds futuristic. Ready to hear more? You can find the research group’s findings at the source link below.
- Nanotubes can turn water solid when it should be boiling
- The (lack of a) case against Python 3 - Lerner Consulting Blog
吐槽了 Zed Shaw 的 The Case Against Python 3.
- The (lack of a) case against Python 3 - Lerner Consulting Blog
Intelligence gaps may have helped Afghan Taliban breach NATO fortress | Reuters
tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn: header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++11
US lead on AI will shrink without more funding and education
- 全球艾滋病患者 … - - 帝归的广播 - 豆瓣
- 全球艾滋病患者总数有 3700 万
- 总感觉不止这个数,应该还有很多患者可能还不知道自己已经患病
- 全球艾滋病患者 … - - 帝归的广播 - 豆瓣
2013-09-12 说给孩子第三季 赵小兰 -20130912 说给孩子第三季 - 凤凰视频 - 最具媒体价值的综合视频门户 - 凤凰网
- 有什么关于北京的冷知识? - 老金的回答 - 知乎
- 有什么关于北京的冷知识? - 老金的回答 - 知乎
- 为什么谷歌、微软等美国顶尖企业会有那么多印度裔高管? - 知乎
- 来美并留美的印度人和来美并留美的中国人,背景不一样
- 印度和中国这两个国家不一样,于是人的选择范围不一样
- 为什么谷歌、微软等美国顶尖企业会有那么多印度裔高管? - 知乎
cmelion/generator-ng2-webpack: An opinionated tool for scaffolding an app using angular2 and webpack
angularjs - Available yeoman generator for angular 2 - Stack Overflow
- Install Docker on Ubuntu - Docker
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates $ sudo apt-key adv \ --keyserver hkp://ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \ --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D # Precise 12.04 (LTS) deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-precise main # Trusty 14.04 (LTS) deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-trusty main # Wily 15.10 deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-wily main # Xenial 16.04 (LTS) deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-xenial main $ echo "<REPO>" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list $ sudo apt-get update $ apt-cache policy docker-engine docker-engine: Installed: 1.12.2-0~trusty Candidate: 1.12.2-0~trusty Version table: *** 1.12.2-0~trusty 0 500 https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/ ubuntu-trusty/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 1.12.1-0~trusty 0 500 https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/ ubuntu-trusty/main amd64 Packages 1.12.0-0~trusty 0 500 https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/ ubuntu-trusty/main amd64 Packages $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual $ sudo apt-get install docker-engine $ sudo service docker start $ sudo docker run hello-world
- Dockerfile
FROM daocloud.io/nginx COPY static-html-directory /usr/share/nginx/html
- build the nginx
docker build -t some-content-nginx .
- 最后启动容器
# docker run --name some-nginx -d some-content-nginx $ docker run --name some-nginx -d -p 8080:80 some-content-nginx
refs and see also
- Install Docker on Ubuntu - Docker
mapnik/mapnik: Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications
- 没人怀疑在天朝一个境外翻墙工具居然能使用支付宝付款? · Issue #335 · getlantern/forum
Lantern, a new software programme which allows internet users to circumvent government-imposed censorship, is seeing rapid growth in China as more people are using it to bypass the Great Firewall of China to access websites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
refs and see also
- 没人怀疑在天朝一个境外翻墙工具居然能使用支付宝付款? · Issue #335 · getlantern/forum
OpenStreetMap初探(七)——渲染和地图瓦片之安装Mapnik - Mr.An 的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- 30 张图读懂当前中国金融体系 - 读图分析_信息图_数据图 - 电商报
- 30 张图读懂当前中国金融体系 - 读图分析_信息图_数据图 - 电商报
- Trump says he will back away from business to focus on White House | Reuters
NEW YORK U.S. President-elect Donald Trump vowed on Wednesday to step back from running his global business empire to avoid conflicts of interest but gave few immediate details as concern over his dual role mounts ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.
Trump, a real estate magnate who owns hotels and golf resorts from Panama to Scotland, said he would spell out at a Dec. 15 news conference how he will separate himself “in total” from his worldwide business holdings, which include a winery, modeling agency and a range of other businesses.
After Trump won the Nov. 8 election, his company, the Trump Organization, had said it was looking at new business structures with the goal of transferring control to Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump - three of his adult children who are involved with the company.
Trump gave few details in a series of early morning tweets but said that “legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations” and that his children would attend the news conference. He did not say what the planned change might mean for ownership of his businesses.
Although Trump’s fellow Republicans generally take a more laissez faire stance toward business than Democrats, the president-elect will travel to Indiana on Thursday to formally announce a deal he reached with United Technologies Corp to keep close to 1,000 jobs at its Carrier Corp air conditioner plant in Indianapolis rather than have them moved to Mexico.
Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, railed against Carrier on the campaign trail, using the company’s outsourcing move as an example of how trade agreements hurt American workers.
Critics have raised questions about the role of Trump’s children, who are on the executive committee of his White House transition team. His daughter Ivanka joined a telephone call her father had with Argentine President Mauricio Macri earlier this month and attended a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, creating concerns about possible conflicts of interest.
A brand name around the globe, Trump previously argued he had no need to separate himself from the Trump Organization, which includes a hotel down the street from the White House, a Manhattan tower where he lives and is running his transition to office, and a New Jersey golf course where he interviewed Cabinet candidates earlier this month.
Trump said on Wednesday he was not required by law to alter his relationship with his business, but added: “I feel it is visually important, as president, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses.”
As the Republican heads toward taking over the White House from Democratic President Barack Obama, scrutiny of potential conflicts has grown. Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill called for hearings on the issue.
Rules on conflict of interest for executive branch employees do not apply to the president, but Trump will be bound by bribery laws, disclosure rules and the U.S. Constitution, which bars elected officials from taking gifts from foreign governments.
The nonpartisan Office of Government Ethics, a government office that oversees ethics programs for the executive branch, issued a statement saying it applauded Trump’s aims and appearing to suggest that he completely shed his holdings.
“Divestiture resolves conflicts of interest in a way that transferring control does not,” it said.
Richard Painter, who served as the chief ethics lawyer to former Republican President George W. Bush, concurred.
“He needs to sell the businesses not just have someone else manage them for him,” Painter, a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School, said in an emailed comment.
Trump, a former reality TV star, has spent much of the past few weeks setting up his Cabinet and interviewing candidates for top jobs in his administration.
On Wednesday, Trump said he would nominate his chief campaign fundraiser, Steven Mnuchin, to lead the U.S. Treasury. Mnuchin said the administration would make tax reform and trade pact overhauls top priorities as it seeks a sustained pace of 3 percent to 4 percent economic growth.
Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs banker, also signaled a desire to remove U.S. mortgage-finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from government ownership, a move that could have wide-ranging ramifications for how Americans pay for their homes, and said banking regulations should be eased to spur lending.
Trump named Wilbur Ross, a billionaire known for his investments in distressed industries, as his nominee for commerce secretary. Both nominees will require confirmation by the U.S. Senate.
Trump is also considering Goldman Sachs President and Chief Operating Officer Gary Cohn, a former commodities trader, to head his White House budget office or to fill another position, a Trump transition official said.
The economic picks were praised by the Business Roundtable, a group that represents America’s largest corporations.
But U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren called Mnuchin “just another Wall Street insider.”
“That is not the type of change that Donald Trump promised to bring to Washington - that is hypocrisy at its worst,” Sanders, a Vermont independent who ran for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, and Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, said in a joint statement.
Trump pledged during his campaign to “drain the swamp” in Washington. A spokesman said giving top economic jobs to Wall Street figures was not inconsistent with that vow.
“You want some people that are insiders and understand the system and some outsiders that are creative thinkers, out-of-the-box thinkers and disruptors,” said Anthony Scaramucci, an asset manager who is on Trump’s transition committee.
Trump is also working to fill out his foreign policy team, but no decision appeared imminent on who the next secretary of state would be.
(Additional reporting by David Lawder and Eric Walsh in Washington and Melissa Fares in New York; Writing by Roberta Rampton and Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Alistair Bell and Peter Cooney)
- Trump says he will back away from business to focus on White House | Reuters
- Ukraine says missile tests will avoid Crimea, mollifying Russia | Reuters
- 克里米亚;克里米亚半岛
- Ukraine says missile tests will avoid Crimea, mollifying Russia | Reuters
- copy - Rsync : copying over timestamps only - Server Fault
(preserve timestamps) and--size-only
will only compare files on size. If the size matches, rsync will not copy the file but since-t
is specified, it will update the timestamp on the destination file without recopying it.Make sure to not use
(update) as this will skip files that already exist and completely skip updating the timestamp.I had the problem of originally not using rsync to copy a bunch of files to a new drive, and therefore the timestamps were updated to current time. I used the command below to sync everything correctly in a decent amount of time:
rsync -vrt --size-only /src /dest
- copy - Rsync : copying over timestamps only - Server Fault
- Apple is reportedly using drones to improve Maps
While its Maps app is no longer the butt of jokes, Apple reportedly wants to better the quality of Google Maps, an app that’s still more widely used on all platforms. The team may use UAVs from companies like DJI and Aibotix to keep maps up-to-date with construction, new roads and other info.
The company even released an app called Indoor Survey last year that lets you figure out your location in an indoor venue, even if it hasn’t been mapped.
- 头条文章:社会机器的崛起
- 头条文章:社会机器的崛起
- 中国发展 IC 产业是要独霸市场?叶甜春:我们能否找到共赢模式 - EDN 电子技术设计
- 从低价制造者到全球合作伙伴——中国集成电路产业再定位
- 2015、2016 年中国的海外资本并购,都是仅几十亿人民币、几亿美金的量。这种并购行为导致了全世界的关注。
- 最后是中国集成电路产业生态的发展情况。从 2008 年开始,国家重大专项实施之后,我国整个集成电路产业到了一个新的高度。工艺在提升,尤其是装备和材料从无到有,我们现在工业基础开始建立起来。
- 电脑的出现造就了 CPU 的第一大厂因特尔,并造就了 GPU 的第一大厂英伟达。但是在电脑已经衰退,手机逐渐饱和的今天,不管是 CPU 还是 GPU 的全球大厂,它们都在考虑下一个新兴的市场——物联网。
- 中国发展 IC 产业是要独霸市场?叶甜春:我们能否找到共赢模式 - EDN 电子技术设计
- Confessions of an Instagram Influencer - Bloomberg
I’ve always been well-liked. At least, I think that’s the case. I have friends, a spouse, a job, a college degree. I exercise. I get haircuts regularly.
And yet lately I’ve felt unrealized—incomplete, almost. Everywhere I look on social media, I’m surrounded by extremely attractive, superbly groomed men and women who eat meals that are not only healthy but impeccably plated. My clothes seem tired, wrinkled, bereft of accessories. And my vacation photos—Christ, my vacation photos.
“Constantly,” Floruss said, when I asked him how often he takes pictures of himself.
- Confessions of an Instagram Influencer - Bloomberg
- Chemists officially add new elements to the periodic table
Wondering how the teams came up with those names? The Japanese researchers who created element 113 based Nihonium from the word “Nihon,” which means Japan in the country’s language. Element 115’s Russian creators named it Moscovium after Moscow, while their countrymen who made element 118 (with the help of American scientists) named theirs Oganesson after Yuri Oganessian. He’s a Russian nuclear physicist who helped discover the heaviest elements in the periodic table. Finally, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists, who also helped create element 115, named element 117 Tennessine after their home state of Tennessee.
- Chemists officially add new elements to the periodic table
- ICYMI: Pinchers more powerful than dog jaws
Today on In Case You Missed It: Scientists looking into the strength of the pinchers in Coconut crabs found that they exert a force of 3,300 Newtons, which is more than the average dog’s jaw and far stronger than any other crustacean.
- ICYMI: Pinchers more powerful than dog jaws
- SpaceX to launch ocean-monitoring NASA satellite in 2021
- In a tweet, SpaceX said: “We appreciate NASA’s support and confidence.”
- ocean-monitoring satellite… 海洋监测卫星。
- SpaceX to launch ocean-monitoring NASA satellite in 2021
- Maserati’s electric Alfieri two-seater coming in 2020
Maserati (Italian pronunciation:
) is an Italian luxury vehicle manufacturer established on December 1, 1914, in Bologna. The Maserati tagline is “Luxury, sports and style cast in exclusive cars”, and the brand’s mission statement is to “Build ultra-luxury performance automobiles with timeless Italian style, accommodating bespoke interiors, and effortless, signature sounding power”.
- Maserati’s electric Alfieri two-seater coming in 2020
- Park Geun-hye - Wikipedia
Park Geun-hye (박근혜; Korean pronunciation:
; born 2 February 1952) is the 11th and current President of South Korea.Park is the first woman to be elected as President of South Korea, and is serving the 18th presidential term. Park is the first female president of a Northeast Asian nation, and the third female (first to be elected) to act as head of state in East Asia after Sükhbaataryn Yanjmaa and Soong Ching-ling.
refs and see also
- Park Geun-hye - Wikipedia
- Diamonds convert nuclear waste into clean batteries
If you encapsulate short-range radioactive material in a human-made diamond, you can generate a small electrical charge even as you completely block harmful radiation. While the team used a nickel isotope for its tests, it ultimately expects to do this using the carbon isotope you find in graphite blocks from nuclear power plants.
Any practical implementations are likely a long way off, and there are some conspicuous (
adj. 显著的;显而易见的) problems. Cost, for one. Diamond is expensive, so it might not be feasible to convert large amounts of nuclear waste into batteries. That’s assuming the technology works as well as intended, too. Still, it raises hope that the leftovers from nuclear reactors won’t just sit there posing a threat – they might actually do us some good.
- Diamonds convert nuclear waste into clean batteries
- Amazon goes a step further to battle counterfeit goods
counterfeit, 冒牌货
Amazon is getting even more serious about preventing the sale of counterfeit goods on its site. According to Bloomberg, the online retail giant is organizing teams in the US and Europe that will work with major brands to establish a registry of recognized sellers. It has also made fighting fakes a major goal for 2017, said Bloomberg’s source. We’ve reached out to Amazon for confirmation, and have yet to hear back.
- Amazon goes a step further to battle counterfeit goods
- Car, knife attack at Ohio State injures 11; suspect’s background probed | Reuters
The assailant was an 18-year-old immigrant from Somalia and a lawful permanent resident of the United States, two U.S. government sources said. Ohio State University Police Chief Craig Stone told a news conference that Artan might have been as old as 20.
The officials said they could not speak on the record because of the ongoing investigation.
- Car, knife attack at Ohio State injures 11; suspect’s background probed | Reuters
- 微软亚洲研究院:【自然语言处理入门必读】
自然语言处理是研究计算机处理人类语言的一门技术,包括了句法语义分析、文本挖掘、机器翻译、对话系统等多方面内容。自然语言处理也正成为目前大家关注的焦点。微软亚洲首席研究员周明博士的这篇文章为大家提供了一个很好的入门指导 如何在 NLP 领域第一次做成一件事。
自然语言处理(简称 NLP),是研究计算机处理人类语言的一门技术,包括:
- 句法语义分析:
: 对于给定的句子,进行分词、词性标记、命名实体识别和链接、句法分析、语义角色识别和多义词消歧。
- 信息抽取:
- 从给定文本中抽取重要的信息,比如,时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果、数字、日期、货币、专有名词等等。通俗说来,就是要了解谁在什么时候、什么原因、对谁、做了什么事、有什么结果。涉及到实体识别、时间抽取、因果关系抽取等关键技术。
- 3. 文本挖掘(或者文本数据挖掘):
- 包括文本聚类、分类、信息抽取、摘要、情感分析以及对挖掘的信息和知识的可视化、交互式的表达界面。目前主流的技术都是基于统计机器学习的。
- 4. 机器翻译:
- 把输入的源语言文本通过自动翻译获得另外一种语言的文本。根据输入媒介不同,可以细分为文本翻译、语音翻译、手语翻译、图形翻译等。机器翻译从最早的基于规则的方法到二十年前的基于统计的方法,再到今天的基于神经网络(编码-解码)的方法,逐渐形成了一套比较严谨的方法体系。
- 5. 信息检索:
6.问答系统: 对一个自然语言表达的问题,由问答系统给出一个精准的答案。需要对自然语言查询语句进行某种程度的语义分析,包括实体链接、关系识别,形成逻辑表达式,然后到知识库中查找可能的候选答案并通过一个排序机制找出最佳的答案。
随着深度学习在图像识别、语音识别领域的大放异彩,人们对深度学习在 NLP 的价值也寄予厚望。再加上 AlphaGo 的成功,人工智能的研究和应用变得炙手可热。自然语言处理作为人工智能领域的认知智能,成为目前大家关注的焦点。很多研究生都在进入自然语言领域,寄望未来在人工智能方向大展身手。但是,大家常常遇到一些问题。俗话说,万事开头难。如果第一件事情成功了,学生就能建立信心,找到窍门,今后越做越好。否则,也可能就灰心丧气,甚至离开这个领域。这里针对给出我个人的建议,希望我的这些粗浅观点能够引起大家更深层次的讨论。
- 建议 1:如何在 NLP 领域快速学会第一个技能?
- 微软亚洲研究院:【自然语言处理入门必读】
- China About to Start $35 Billion of Silk Road Plan in Pakistan - Bloomberg
About $11 billion has been allocated to infrastructure projects including roads, with concessional loans provided at about 2 percent with payback in 20 years, along with a five-year grace period ((行动、责任等的)宽限期), said Iqbal, who is heading the investment plans in Pakistan. The rest has been earmarked for generating electricity, with about 11,000 megawatts expected to be added by 2018 to end the nation’s chronic power outages.
- China About to Start $35 Billion of Silk Road Plan in Pakistan - Bloomberg
- 明年的重心是写本中国工业简史,以及为某战略性行业撰史。当然,其它的战略性行业也找上门来了……
refs and see also
- 明年的重心是写本中国工业简史,以及为某战略性行业撰史。当然,其它的战略性行业也找上门来了……
- 风云学会陈经:蝗虫般的刷客大军
手握千万手机号 瞬间薅干一家平台 http://t.cn/RfpuhUW 黑利润高的吓人,创投和电信电商的优惠都让他们搞走了。这相当于系统漏洞,出大 bug 了,不解决不应该做推广活动了。黑技术很有意思,和早期挖比特币一样,投入不大利润特高。
- 风云学会陈经:蝗虫般的刷客大军
- Machine That Changed The World, The; Interview with Alan Kay, 1990
The program traced the history of the development of the computer to the modern personal computer, to future developments on the horizon. There was a focus on history of computers from 19th century to PC, present day applications, and future developments. Alan Curtis Kay is an American computer scientist. He was an Apple Fellow at Apple Inc. in the 1980s and went on to be a Disney Fellow with Walt Disney Imagineering. Later jobs included Senior Fellow at Hawlett-Packard and founder of the Viewpoints Research Institute. Select metadata for this record was submitted by John Campopiano.
- Machine That Changed The World, The; Interview with Alan Kay, 1990
- Lessons Learned from Shenzhen I/O | Probably Dance
There is no optimal code. There is only code that’s faster than the code that you’re comparing to
You can’t think of a solution until you know it’s possible
You can’t get to the good solution right away
Tests can drastically improve iteration times
Iteration times are about more than just productivity
Competition can really improve code
- A good story can enhance any game
Shenzhen I/O has impressively good writing, and it really enhances the game.
- Lessons Learned from Shenzhen I/O | Probably Dance
- 《论“废除一切产业政策”当缓行》etc
再看一下英文的维基百科,它是这样写的:“The industrial policy of a country is its official strategic effort to encourage the development and growth of part or all of the manufacturing sector as well as other sectors of the economy【大意:一个国家的产业政策,是指政府为了鼓励国民经济的某些行业——包括制造业和其它行业——的发展而采取的策略】”
- 第一个方面:政府针对“不同产业之间”资源配置和基础设施建设方面的有关政策,包括重点产业的培育和保护、落后产业的调整等;
- 第二个方面:政府在调整“产业内部结构”方面的政策,比如推动企业的合并以提高集中度,组织协调企业调整开工量和投资规模,以及实施支持中小企业成长的政策等等。
对此,维基百科里面也讲了一句“Industrial policies are sector-specific, unlike broader macroeconomic policies(产业政策是针对特定行业的,不像宏观经济政策那样宽泛)。”
除了义乌,中国的长三角和珠三角有数不清的“专业镇”,每一个镇都有一个或几个地方出现了产业的高度聚集。像广东中山的古镇镇,全镇人民就只做一个产业,就是生产 LED 灯具。大部分企业都很小,也就几个人,属于家庭作坊的级别。但数量惊人,共有灯饰企业 14000 多家,灯饰配套的五金、塑料等企业 3000 多家,古镇家庭有 60% 都拥有自己的灯饰相关企业。它的 LED 灯具总量就能占到全国 LED 产量的 70% 以上。飞利浦这种国际巨头就硬生生的被这种聚集效应带来的威力打败了,不得不在 2016 年 5 月宣布关闭了它在中国的灯饰公司。
在“双 11”的购物狂欢中,企业的创造和政府的产业政策是密切结合在一起的,彼此难以分割:当我们打开手机淘宝的时候,这个网站是企业家马云创造的;网络信号是政府主导的电信通讯系统传播的;当我们点击购买的时候,数据处理是在政府规划建设的大数据产业园进行的;处理完的数据反馈到卖家,这些卖家大部分是私营中小企业主;企业家们把商品发货,进入政府规划建设的物流园区;物流由快递企业分拣——创办顺丰的是一个从快递员干起的私营企业家,可以高速把货物送达,但如果要把货物送到偏远地区,还是需要使用政府几十年前建立的邮政物流系统;货物分拣完成后进入政府主导建设的交通网络体系,最后再通过一个一个为了谋生而进入快递行业的快递员进入千家万户。
1996 年前后,马云创业初期,曾经到北京,向中央各大部委推销他的互联网项目,要帮助国家各部委把信息上网。结果吃了一串闭门羹。当时中央部委的领导还缺乏互联网这个概念,并没有为马云提供支持。据说在离开北京之前的最后一个晚上,马云和推销员一起在宾馆里抱头痛哭。
- 第一,产业政策是一种“有限干预”。
- 第二,产业政策的目标并非“创造趋势”,而是“顺势而为”。对产业政策制定者的要求也并不是全知全能、洞察一切,最重要的是理性务实、实事求是。
- 第三、中国政府的产业政策存在竞争机制和纠错机制。
refs and see also
- 《论“废除一切产业政策”当缓行》etc
- Fidel Castro, Communist Former Leader of Cuba, Dies at 90 - Bloomberg
Fidel Castro, who established a communist regime in Cuba that survived the collapse of the Soviet Union, inspired revolutionary movements and brought two superpowers close to nuclear war before stepping down after 49 years in power, has died. He was 90.
- Fidel Castro, Communist Former Leader of Cuba, Dies at 90 - Bloomberg
- 西瓜大丸子汤:反直觉,反人性。真正有学习能力且有进取心的人,百里挑一。
- 西瓜大丸子汤:反直觉,反人性。真正有学习能力且有进取心的人,百里挑一。
- CyberChef
- What sort of things can I do with CyberChef?
There are well over 100 operations in CyberChef allowing you to carry simple and complex tasks easily. Here are some examples:
- Decode a Base64-encoded string
- Convert a date and time to a different time zone
- Parse a Teredo IPv6 address
- Convert data from a hexdump, then decompress
- Display multiple timestamps as full dates
- Carry out different operations on data of different types
- CyberChef
- 西瓜大丸子汤:人工智能界新的东西其实挺少,算法的变化,大多是一些组合,新的原理是蛮罕见的。
进步大多是数据和硬件带来的,有了数据和硬件的进步,一些原来不灵的算法组合现在就可行了。所以学学二三十年前的东西还是蛮重要的。RT 西瓜大丸子汤:90 年代末,人工智能的各个方法都叫模式识别:统计模式识别,句法模式识别,神经网络模式识别。统计模式识别后来改名机器学习。现在已经没多少人说句法模式识别了,后来凡是和结构化沾点边的都称为知识图谱。那时候还有一个词叫“基于内容的检索”CBR,现在的各种视频识别当时都是 CBR。
- 西瓜大丸子汤:人工智能界新的东西其实挺少,算法的变化,大多是一些组合,新的原理是蛮罕见的。
- 西瓜大丸子汤:还不是TBTF(too big to fail)RT
文因互联:#文因研报精选# 近年来,各大银行的净利润增速回落甚至跌破零,央行副行长张涛更是语出惊人地指出:“什么是稳定的金融秩序?不是保护金融行业的每一个机构都不失败,都不出任何风险;而是对出现经营风险、或者经营失败的金融机构,要允许它们破产,实现市场的优胜劣汰。” 德勤发布《警钟为谁而鸣——…全文: http://m.weibo.cn/5756099182/4046787565597263
Proposal_A4 - deloitte-cn-ers-financial-institute-crisis-zh-161123.pdf
- 西瓜大丸子汤:还不是TBTF(too big to fail)RT
- Modern C - ModernC.pdf
310 pages.
- Modern C - ModernC.pdf
- Zotac 真的推出了 VR Go 背包 PC(更新:香港上市资讯)
这台名为「VR Go」的背包电脑比想像中要大上不少,配备有 Core i7-6700T 桌电处理器、16GB RAM(可扩展至 32GB)、240GB SSD(还有一个空的 2.5 吋硬盘安装空间)、NVIDIA GTX 1070 显卡、和两颗 95Wh 电池。
- Zotac 真的推出了 VR Go 背包 PC(更新:香港上市资讯)
- AI can create videos of the future
Loads of devices can preserve moments on camera, but what if you could capture situations that were about to happen? It’s not as far-fetched as you might think. MIT CSAIL researchers have crafted a deep learning algorithm that can create videos showing what it expects to happen in the future. After extensive training (2 million videos), the AI system generates footage by pitting two neural networks against each other. One creates the scene by determining which objects are moving in still frames. The other, meanwhile, serves as a quality check – it determines whether videos are real or simulated, and the artificial video is a success when the checker AI is fooled into thinking the footage is genuine.
- AI can create videos of the future
- 陈虎平:思维是一层层铺上去的。
内在声音(inner voice)或内在对话(inner speech)是正常人生活的一部分。它不仅出现在我们的记忆(“别忘了接孩子。”),计划(“我先跟 Tracy 喝咖啡,然后买东西,回来顺路接孩子。”)和反思(“我怎么把孩子给忘了!”)中,与逻辑思维和自我激励机制也息息相关。它是我们自我意识的存在标志。内在声音甚至可能就是我们的灵魂本身,从而有勒奈•笛卡尔著名的论断:“我思故我在。(拉丁语:Cogito, ergo sum;法语:Je pense, donc je suis)”
贪婪的神经还原论是没有前途的,这篇文章是一个例子。解释默读小人的现象,从多层还认知则比较容易。 是不是越熟的想法越不需要默读?不熟悉才要默读,足够不熟悉以至于连基本概念都没有,就会说出来,通过自言自语或独白来强化大脑思维编程,小孩就是这样。专业人士读专业书,可以一目十行,没有默读,甚至一边读、一边构建了批判性的评论,不仅没有默读小人,而且还有一个写作小人在旁边帮忙似的。 思维的炼成,就是通过把脑里的概念外部化,通过语音、独白、对话、壁画、象形文字、故事、小说、辩论、论述文章,一步步建立起人类的复杂层级化的思维,每一层都是思维工具的创新,这一创新又为新一层的创新打开了潜在空间。从幼儿到成年到专家,只有一层一层的升级,才能让语言和思维看起来自由流淌。没有哪个阶段是可以跳过的。 默读小人只是其中一个阶段而已,它是新的语言变异对自己已经安装的语言程序包的再编程,这种再编程到一定程度,就会形成一个高度稳定的模块,可以直接运行,只有特定的刺激发生,它就会运行。就这个模块而言,由于练习已经结束,或者,借用赵南元教授在《认知科学揭秘》中的说法,从软结构变成硬结构,就不再有默读即初阶练习的必要。而对于新来的新信息,则又有出声练习、默读练习、讲述、写作等各层练习的必要了。由于在现代社会,我们时时面对新领域信息,默读比以前更频繁了,这只是因为,不熟悉的事情总在发生,甚至,如果你不主动关闭一些信息渠道,它们还会更高频的发生。毕竟,媒体,尤其互联网媒体, is paid to get your attention。 至于出声练习或默读练习需要什么心理模块,这些心理模块又需要什么神经回路,这不是仅仅从方法论和宏观各层的事实所能理解的。但可以确认的是,只是对应到神经层,肯定是不够的。这与如下情况同理:不能从人是一堆有机大分子推出所以人生没有意义,也不能说人生的意义就是为了满足一堆有机大分子的目标函数,因为这都是把人生这种层面贪婪的悬崖还原到基因层面了,由于话往狠里说,看起来还很“深刻”(一个马上想到的例子是佛家常说的,一切皆虚妄,把一切都还原为高波动高差异的心理现象)。认知神经科学是好东西,但在许多宏观现象的解释上,有类似的风险。
- 先天失聪者会有内在声音吗?
- 陈虎平:思维是一层层铺上去的。
- Anti-drone gun takes down targets from 1.2 miles away
There are numerous systems built to take down wayward or dangerous drones, but they tend to have one big catch: you need to be relatively close to the drone, which could be scary if the robotic aircraft is packing explosives. DroneShield thinks it can help. It’s introducing the DroneGun, a jammer that disables drone signals (including GPS and GLONASS positioning) from as far as 1.2 miles away. Like most rivals, it doesn’t destroy the target drone – it just forces the vehicle to land or return to its starting point. Anti-drone teams can not only disable threats from a safe distance, but potentially locate their pilots.
- Anti-drone gun takes down targets from 1.2 miles away
- 『阿男闲聊』*学习的本质*
- 别人搬不搬砖不要管,自己要有勇气不搬砖
- 能跳到更高级的行业,如果自己又很喜欢,那就不要犹豫
- 如果很幸运在从事级别比较高,自己又喜欢的行业,就在本行业内跨越
- 别折腾,别倒车
- 『阿男闲聊』*学习的本质*
- 西瓜大丸子汤: 有两种计算机科学家
- McCarthy 这类,把计算机当成解决问题的工具。
- Doug 这类,把计算机当成人的延伸和连接。
前一类多考虑机器的效率和能力,后一类是多考虑人机作为一个系统的效率和能力。RT 西瓜大丸子汤: 向大家推荐 Douglas Engelbart 的书,最短的 Boosting Our Collective IQ http://t.cn/R7UZhIU 只有三十多页,但我觉得比<失控>好十倍.另外两本<Bootstrapping><The Engelbart Hypothesis>不是他写的(他才没空写),不过都是对他的采访,也比较好.Doug 对人类的影响极为深远,虽然大多数人不知道
- 西瓜大丸子汤: 有两种计算机科学家
- skx/bookmarks.public: A template for self-hosted bookmarks using HTML & jQuery.
我觉得这东西应该用 Java 写,然后开一个 web 服务器。
其实只是一个概念:用文本存数据,用自己提供的 UI 来操作。可以用 GitHub 存储 & git 版本控制。
- skx/bookmarks.public: A template for self-hosted bookmarks using HTML & jQuery.
- Bernard Wang’s answer to I’m Chinese. I will go to university in America, but I’m afraid of racism. Are there many people in America who don’t like Asians? - Quora
Racism against foreign Asian students, especially Chinese students, is becoming a prevalent social issue for many high-ranking U.S. institutions.
On the other hand, the Chinese students’ attempts at socialization are often met with contemptful, disgusted, condescending attitudes from the American students, which discourage any further attempt at socialization from the Chinese students’ perspective. If the attitude from Americans is so hostile, what other choice do we have than to group up with each other?
The more accurate description of this issue, in my opinion, is that Confucian behavior is optimized for Confucian society, and western behavior is optimized for western society. However, when a Confucian-cultured individual moves to a western environment, the dissonance (
n. 不一致;不调和;不和谐音) between the mannerisms of the two disparate cultures results in the friction you perceive. Let’s take a few eastern behaviors as example to see why they don’t hold up in American society:
- Bernard Wang’s answer to I’m Chinese. I will go to university in America, but I’m afraid of racism. Are there many people in America who don’t like Asians? - Quora
- Learning to Read x86 Assembly Language - Pat Shaughnessy
Hacker news rank 1.
- Learning to Read x86 Assembly Language - Pat Shaughnessy
- 风云学会陈经:支付宝这么搞,我看就很好
http://t.cn/Rfj4BRC 这篇嘲讽的不错。中国互联网舆论的基调不是压抑,而是调侃幽默。
refs and see also
- 风云学会陈经:支付宝这么搞,我看就很好
- lineage of vi
- 血统;家系,世系
From: Eric Fischer <enf@pobox.com> Newsgroups: alt.os.multics,alt.folklore.computers Message-ID: <8utbrm$apg$1@bob.news.rcn.net> Subject: Re: emacs and other editors Date: 15 Nov 2000 06:52:38 GMT Joachim Pense <joachim_pense@hotmail.com> wrote: > And, finally, what is the historical relation of qed(x)/ted to the Unix zoo > of editors (ed/ex/vi/sed...)? What appears below looks dangerously Mentifex-like, but I assure you it is actually supposed to represent a vi-centric family tree of editors. Links that I can't prove but want to believe are shown as question marks. There are undoubtedly errors and omissions, so if anyone can correct any of these I would appreciate it. eric Colossal Typewriter by John McCarthy and Roland Silver for the PDP-1 | Photon typesetter ? | editors by Michael ? \ Barnett & Kalon Expensive Typewriter CREATE/EDIT \ Kelley for TECO for PDP-1 by Steve Piner for CTSS \ IBM 704 for PDP-1 / | / | \ \__ \ by Dan Murphy / | / | \ \ \ | * Expensive Typewriter editors EDITS | MEMO/MODIFY | | VEDIT | for PDP-1, improved for by Arthur | by Leslie | | by Victor | by Peter Deutsch PDP-4, Samuel | Lowry / | Yngve | | PDP-5/8 for CTSS \ for CTSS / _/ for PDP-6 | ? \_ \ | / _/ CTSS TECO by QED ? \_ \ | / / / Greenblatt, for Berkeley SDS-940 ? \ \ | | | / Holloway, by Deutsch and LINED TYPSET for CTSS and Nelson Butler Lampson for PDP-6 by Jerry Saltzer ? | | / \ | | | ? | | / \ | PDP-7/9 editor | ? DEC | QED, * QED | | ? TECO | as published for CTSS | ????????????????|??? | in CACM by Ken Thompson | ?? | ITS | | | ? ED (and EDL, EDA, EDB) TECO | | STOPGAP for CTSS / | | QED for PDP-10 | / / | for Multics by Bill Weiher | / | | by Ken Thompson | edit | | | / \ SOS for Multics | | | / \ for PDP-10 by Charles Garman | | | qedx QED by Steve | ___/ | | for Multics for GCOS Savitzky | / EMACS | by Dennis Ritchie ? edm / in TECO | | ? for Multics / by RMS et al. QUIDS | ? / / | | by George Coulouris * ed ? _____/ / | | et al. for PDP-7 Unix ? / / | | | by Ken Thompson ? | / | | | | ? ZED/DOC / Multics | | | ? by Vaughan / EMACS | | ed ? Pratt / by Bernard | | for Unix ? in TECO / Greenberg | | (various versions) ? | / | / | | ? | / \ / | | ? | / GNU Emacs \ ed ? / / \ for Unix v6 ? / / \ / | \ ? / / \ / other eds | ? / / em (UCLA?) | ? / / Unix ed with additions | | ? | / from George Coulouris \ | ? | / | | \__ | | ? | / | | \__ | | ? | / other | ex (v1) | / em | Unix ed with additions / / variants | by Bill Joy and Charles / / DED Haley / / by Richard Bornat, | / / Harold Thimbleby ex (v2) / / Unix ed with additions by Bill Joy | ex/vi (v3) extended by Mark Horton
- lineage of vi
- 勒索软件通过脸书传张图就能绑架你的电脑
- 勒索软件通过脸书传张图就能绑架你的电脑
- San Francisco transit stations fall victim to a hack
San Franciscans just got an all-too-real demonstration of what it’s like when hackers attack urban infrastructure. The city’s Municipal Transportation Agency has confirmed that the Muni station computer system was hacked, leading officials to open fare gates, shut down ticket kiosks and otherwise make rides free on November 26th.
- San Francisco transit stations fall victim to a hack
- 谷大白话:#每日一词# 【spoonerism】
【spoonerism】n. 一种错位的口误。有点类似中文的“周杰棍的双截伦”,“老东西,大爷我帮你拎”。不同在于 spoonerism 是单词的辅音元音错位互换。比较经典的有 our dear old queen 说成 our queer old dean; 或者 Lord is a loving shepherd 说成 Lord is a shoving leopard😂
- 谷大白话:#每日一词# 【spoonerism】
AndreaOrru/LaiNES: Cycle-accurate NES emulator in ~1000 lines of code
- 谷大白话:这小伙子体格真好啊!RT 谷大白话:一些英文口误
这小伙子体格真好啊!//M-precious-T:谷大,我一个学生说他跟他女票天天打,从早上就开始打,但是不会表达 punch 这个词,他就用了“she would blow me from morning to evening”… 我也是 [摊手][摊手][摊手]
- 谷大白话:这小伙子体格真好啊!RT 谷大白话:一些英文口误
- 北京的房价是不是正在透支着北京年轻人的创造力和生活品质? - 混沌椰子王的回答 - 知乎
- 北京的房价是不是正在透支着北京年轻人的创造力和生活品质? - 混沌椰子王的回答 - 知乎
- 精神瘟疫之路——白左进化史
- 精神瘟疫之路——白左进化史
- 应对中国老龄化,国务院参事王辉耀建议放宽签证引进东盟劳动力
- 唯恐中国不乱,真是用心良苦。西方的实践早已证明,引进外国劳动力弊大于利,对于经济的促进有限,却带来社会撕裂和解体的隐忧。当务之急是经济转型,向工业机器人和自动化进军,用机器替代劳动力。把有限的劳动力用在高质量的服务业上,这才是根本之道。
- 东南亚劳动力的素质根本达不到要求的,完全没用。
- 应对中国老龄化,国务院参事王辉耀建议放宽签证引进东盟劳动力
- 刘未鹏pongba 转发了这篇文章,我觉得很好… 来自金璐YU - 微博
(1) 自控力强的人其实更享受于做那些我们想方设法抵制的事情,比如说健康饮食,学习,以及锻炼身体。所以做这些事情对于他们来说并不是需要完成的任务,而是乐趣。
- People who are better at self-control actually enjoy the activities some of us resist — like eating healthy, studying, or exercising.
People who are good at self-control have learned better habits
Some people just experience fewer temptations
It’s easier to have self-control when you’re wealthy
- 刘未鹏pongba 转发了这篇文章,我觉得很好… 来自金璐YU - 微博
- 谷歌发布惊天黑科技,最伟大的颠覆创新来临。。。
800 万像素前置摄像头,1600 万像素后置摄像头,加上一个景深摄像头和一个用于广角拍摄的鱼眼摄像头。
- 谷歌发布惊天黑科技,最伟大的颠覆创新来临。。。
- 英语是非得要学的吗?(上) 日经中文网
refs and see also
- 英语是非得要学的吗?(上) 日经中文网
- 啥?性格竟然也能影响你的智商高低?!
- 与智商正相关的人格维度(16)
- 与智商不相关的人格维度(24)
- 与智商负相关的人格维度(5)
- 啥?性格竟然也能影响你的智商高低?!
- 清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror
2016-11-06 新增 Tensorflow 等一系列镜像
受近期 中科大开源软件镜像站故障 的影响,TUNA Mirrors 流量大幅上升,目前已接近带宽极限,对磁盘阵列的 I/O 产生了较大压力。为了保证阵列正常工作,我们将优先保证 HTTP/HTTPS 服务质量,而在高峰期对 rsync 服务的磁盘 I/O 进行限制。届时以 TUNA 为上游进行 rsync 同步速度将会下降,敬请谅解。如果方便,请尽量选择凌晨错峰同步。恢复时间将会另行通知。
- 清华大学开源软件镜像站 | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror
Q 新闻丨微软发布 Visual Studio Mac 预览版;ThoughtWorks 雷达上的新奇变化;Blisk:开发人员的浏览器
kovacsv/Online3DViewer: Online 3D Model Viewer - http://3dviewer.net/
- React vs Angular 2:冰与火之歌「译」 - 黄玄的博客 | Hux Blog
angular 体系下很全面。而且 typescript 是正确的选择。而且比较稳定了。
react 的话,jsx 不错。以 js 为中心。
为了做一个更真实的对比,我将 Angular 2 官方教程中的 Tour of Heroes 应用用 Angular 2 和 React(还用上了新的 React Slingshot 入门套件)都实现了一遍,结果如何呢?
- Angular 2: 764k 压缩后
- React + Redux: 151k 压缩后
- React vs Angular 2:冰与火之歌「译」 - 黄玄的博客 | Hux Blog
- WebGL 3D Model Viewer Using three.js | manu.ninja
就是我的那个 demo……参考。
- WebGL 3D Model Viewer Using three.js | manu.ninja
- 黄靖昀的广播
- 黄靖昀的广播
- 国内首个 Docker Hub 镜像服务 DaoCloud 上线 - 开源中国社区
- 发布于 2014 年 12 月 13 日
我们可以发现我们常说的“ubuntu”镜像其实不是一个镜像名称,而是代表了一个名为 ubuntu 的 Repository,同时在这个 Repository 下面有一系列打了 tag 的 Image, Image 的标记是一个 GUID,为了方便也可以通过 Repository:tag 来引用。
那么 Registry 又是什么呢?Registry 存储镜像数据,并且提供拉取和上传镜像的功能。Registry 中镜像是通过 Repository 来组织的,而每个 Repository 又包含了若干个 Image。
- Registry 包含一个或多个 Repository
- Repository 包含一个或多个 Image
- Image 用 GUID 表示,有一个或多个 Tag 与之关联
那么在哪里指定 Registry 呢?让我们再拉取一个更完整命名的镜像吧:
最后,要感谢国内存储行业领先企业七牛云存储在存储和 CDN 方面提供的大力支持,正因为有了像七牛这样技术领先又热心促进互联网生态发展的企业的积极参与,我们才能给开发者提供更多高质量的服务。
- 国内首个 Docker Hub 镜像服务 DaoCloud 上线 - 开源中国社区
- 如果你看清了这张图,那你多半也患上这种“病”了!
- 如果你看清了这张图,那你多半也患上这种“病”了!
- 用于居住的建设用地使用权只有 70 年,70 年后怎么办?
房屋产权 = 房屋所有权 + 土地使用权
其中,房屋所有权的期限为永久。是私有财产的一种, 我国法律规定(《中华人民共和国宪法中华人民共和国物权法》),私人对其合法的收入、房屋、生活用品、生产工具、原材料等不动产和动产享有所有权。
- 用于居住的建设用地使用权只有 70 年,70 年后怎么办?
- 技巧:利用 Workflow 记录书籍 / 影剧到 Airtable | Matrix 精选 - 少数派
Airtable: We’ll be back shortly.
- 技巧:利用 Workflow 记录书籍 / 影剧到 Airtable | Matrix 精选 - 少数派
- 包月借书的 Kindle Unlimited,到底值不值? - 少数派
据 Kindle 给出的 2015 年的数据,其电子书的书目从 2012 年到 2015 年提升了足足有 12 倍,可见亚马逊中国在书目的提升上有多诚意了。而在这三十万册的书中,进口书就占了近一半的数量,可见亚马逊在这块有多么上心。
据本人观察,身边不乏屯书爱好者,本人曾经也是。但是购买了 KU 并适当的进行调整后,这个症状确实有所缓解,大家可以参考借鉴一下。
2016/11/25 ~ 2017/11/25
- 包月借书的 Kindle Unlimited,到底值不值? - 少数派
谷大白话:# 每日一词 #【unrequited love】单恋,单相思,未得到回应的爱。也叫 one-sided love
- [Theory] AutoTLDR Concept : autotldr
reddit 的自动摘要机器人。
- It doesn’t create laziness, it only responds to it
- It can make sophisticated topics more relevant to mainstream Reddit
- It decreases Reddit’s dependency on external sites
- Only useful tl;dr’s are posted
- [Theory] AutoTLDR Concept : autotldr
- macOS 10.12 - Source
- macOS 10.12 - Source
- China says it will promote trade deals regardless of TPP, RCEP direction | Reuters
China said it will actively participate in bilateral and multilateral trade deals, with the goal of deepening reform and opening up its economy, regardless of the direction the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) or the China-backed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) might take.
The China Daily, the official state-run English-language newspaper, said many Chinese commentators 评论员 were revelling in the demise 死亡 of the TPP, and called it an “excessively complex” deal that was “doomed from the start”.
拖累 a trade arrangement with too many politics isn’t the right way to do business,” the paper said in an editorial, adding that the TPP was “more of a political weapon than a real business deal”.“So long as it is meant to be genuine real trade, China is happy to write the rules with all its partners,” it said.
- China says it will promote trade deals regardless of TPP, RCEP direction | Reuters
- 陈虎平: 回复 江边 mark: 是啊!一开始就是啊!开始的开始,就是啊!就像自由竞争必然发展为寡头竞争,寡头竞争必然发展为国家资本竞争,最后形态的资本主义也必然发展到社会主义。所以,社会主义是资本主义的系统升级嘛!
- 陈虎平: 回复 江边 mark: 是啊!一开始就是啊!开始的开始,就是啊!就像自由竞争必然发展为寡头竞争,寡头竞争必然发展为国家资本竞争,最后形态的资本主义也必然发展到社会主义。所以,社会主义是资本主义的系统升级嘛!
- Jolt by bazaarvoice
- JSON to JSON transformation library written in Java where the “specification” for the transform is itself a JSON document.
- Jolt by bazaarvoice
- 西瓜大丸子汤:这是半年前写的。很高兴我们很快就有一个非常优秀的产品经理。
产品经理其实面临的很多问题都和 CEO 一样,要平衡好技术目标、商业目标、组织目标等等诸多相互矛盾的问题。可以说,产品经理岗位是 CEO 的训练营。一个好的产品经理,在经历了独当一面的挑战以后,是可以胜任初创公司的 CEO 的角色的。
- 西瓜大丸子汤:这是半年前写的。很高兴我们很快就有一个非常优秀的产品经理。
- 西瓜大丸子汤:产品经理需要对产业的深刻洞察,广泛的阅读,优秀的写作,强大的逻辑推理,人性的细致把握,巧妙的沟通技术,推进方案的迂回耐心
首先你要想有大用户量产品的经验,就得去大公司。但你算算大公司里面能有多少个产品经理?现在就算专业的产品经理能到大公司里边管大项目的比例就非常的低,更何况你那个从技术转过去的同学呢? 然后就算你把产品本身做得非常不错,市场做不好,人家不知道你这个产品,运营做不好,用户活跃哗哗往下掉,销售做不好,公司不赚钱,中间就挂掉,只有这些短板全部都补齐了,最后产品才能做好,然后做好了每个人都觉得是自己的功劳。
最后,产品经理换工作还挺麻烦的。 技术岗他是一标准品,你去哪个公司你都写 php。换个公司,也就应用场景稍微有一点不同,大部分都是一样的。而产品岗跟行业的关系联系太紧密了,隔行如隔山在这儿一点不错。没几个做互联网金融的产品经理能做好二次元社区。 换个行业的成本跟程序员换个语言差不多,这就意味着实际上产品经理换工作的选择非常的少,也就那么几家公司,远不如程序员。
- 西瓜大丸子汤:产品经理需要对产业的深刻洞察,广泛的阅读,优秀的写作,强大的逻辑推理,人性的细致把握,巧妙的沟通技术,推进方案的迂回耐心
EVs, 5G and fintech: How the Autumn Statement affects UK tech
- 陈虎平:全球政治也像工业一样,都在标准化、潮流化。
refs and see also
- 陈虎平:全球政治也像工业一样,都在标准化、潮流化。
- How do you reload your .vimrc file without restarting vim? - Super User
:so %
(source)let s:patternLinux = '^\(.* \)\([1-9][0-9]*\)$' let s:patternWindows = '^\(.* \)\([1-9][0-9]*\)\(.*\)$' let s:minfontsize = 6 let s:maxfontsize = 16 function! AdjustFontSize(amount) if has("gui_gtk2") && has("gui_running") " set guifont=Inconsolata\ 14 let fontname = substitute(&guifont, s:patternLinux, '\1', '') let cursize = substitute(&guifont, s:patternLinux, '\2', '') let newsize = cursize + a:amount if (newsize >= s:minfontsize) && (newsize <= s:maxfontsize) let newfont = fontname . newsize let &guifont = newfont endif elseif has("gui_win32") && has("gui_running") " set guifont=Consolas:h14:cANSI let fontname = substitute(&guifont, s:patternWindows, '\1', '') let cursize = substitute(&guifont, s:patternWindows, '\2', '') let tail = substitute(&guifont, s:patternWindows, '\3', '') let newsize = cursize + a:amount if (newsize >= s:minfontsize) && (newsize <= s:maxfontsize) let newfont = fontname . newsize .tail let &guifont = newfont endif else echoerr "You need to run the GTK2 version of Vim to use this function." endif endfunction function! LargerFont() call AdjustFontSize(1) endfunction command! LargerFont call LargerFont() function! SmallerFont() call AdjustFontSize(-1) endfunction command! SmallerFont call SmallerFont()
refs and see also
- How do you reload your .vimrc file without restarting vim? - Super User
- Win 下最爱效率神器:AutoHotKey | 晚晴幽草轩
; # 号代表 Win 键; (图形) ; ! 号代表 Alt 键; (转换) ; ^ 号代表 Ctrl 键; (帽子,control) ; + 号代表 shift 键; (another layer) ; :: 号(两个英文冒号)起分隔作用; ; run,非常常用 的 AHK 命令之一; ; ; 号代表 注释后面一行内容;
::/mail::mail.qq.com ::/tangzx::http://tangzx.qiniudn.com/
不知道为什么我的不管用。因为用了 ahk 改键盘布局,快捷键不能用。
- Win 下最爱效率神器:AutoHotKey | 晚晴幽草轩
- The 3 Best Ways to Make a Window Always-on-Top on Windows
- 刚才弄成一个 repo 了:district10/pin: Pin window on top
windows on top.
^!F10:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
I use control-alt-f10.
refs and see also
- The 3 Best Ways to Make a Window Always-on-Top on Windows
- cmder git bash 使用 - 田园里的蟋蟀 - 博客园
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i -new_console:d:D:\tzx\git
然后设置成 default task for now console。
然后把 cmder 路径加到 %PATH%,然后管理员权限运行
。最后,可以调一下 transparency。
还可以复制当前 console:点一下目标 tab,右键,restart or duplicate,duplicate root…。
点击添加 console 的时候,可以选择 to bottom 或者 to right 来分屏(默认是 layered)。
再把 Startup 调整一下,让它默认启动 git bash(
specify name task
-new_console:d:C:\Users\mfranc\Dropbox "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Vim\vim74\vim.exe" /k -new_console:d:D:\ "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Vim\vim74\vim.exe" /k -cur_console:n -cur_console:d:D:\ "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i -cur_console:n:sT25V -cur_console:d:D:\ "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i -cur_console:n:sT66H cmd.exe -new_console:d:D:\ -i -cur_console:n:sT50H
What does those commands do ? 1. Creates new screen and opens Vim in my Dropbox folder context 2. Creates new screen with Vim pointing to D:
3. Initializes shell in new window and splits current screen into 75%/25% Horizontaly这段对话也是叼:
After installing with cmder first thing you need to do - update ConEmu to latest preview or alpha build.
I haven’t done that. My current version is 140… . I can see on SourceForge that there is 1503.. available. Any serious changes in new preview ?
Wow actually there are a lot of changes. https://code.google.com/p/cone…
refs and see also
- cmder git bash 使用 - 田园里的蟋蟀 - 博客园
好叼- 译言-为什么要探索宇宙
那是在 400 年前,德国某小镇里有一位伯爵。他是个心地善良的人,他将自己收入的一大部分捐给了镇子上的穷人。这十分令人钦佩,因为中世纪时穷人很多,而且那时经常爆发席卷全国的瘟疫。一天,伯爵碰到了一个奇怪的人,他家中有一个工作台和一个小实验室,他白天卖力工作,每天晚上的几小时的时间专心进行研究。他把小玻璃片研磨成镜片,然后把研磨好的镜片装到镜筒里,用此来观察细小的物件。伯爵被这个前所未见的可以把东西放大观察的小发明迷住了。他邀请这个怪人住到了他的城堡里,作为伯爵的门客,此后他可以专心投入所有的时间来研究这些光学器件。
refs and see also
- 译言-为什么要探索宇宙
- 我为什么没能精分
后来我刷题的功夫见长,刷黄冈刷五三,刷托福刷 SAT。印象比较深的是那时候觉得自己写作没有章法,于是把新概念四册一整本都背下来了,参加外研社的背诵大赛还拿了奖,送了一整套企鹅读物。我太擅长总结归纳了,记性又好,即便第一次做的时候完全没头绪或者直接做错的题,被归纳好以后就会变成一个擅长的类型。刚上大学时看人家学 GRE,没事干就跟人家一起学,顺便也考了一下, verbal 居然考了 99%。
我一直是这个记性不错、有条理且往死里下功夫的笨人,从来没有一天觉得自己有异于常人的聪明过。可能从小在海淀拼娃之战的战场上,知道聪明的人太多了,肯下功夫的人也太多了,资源好的人就更多了;自己哪个都不占,只好把自己能做的做了。得不到实在是我的常态,大多数时候我都 suck。
- 我为什么没能精分
- 首都师范大学附属中学_百度百科
首师大附中始建于 1914 年,由北洋政府陆军部次长、西北筹边使兼西北边防军总司令徐树铮创办,始命名为正志中学。学校后因种种历史原因先后更名为成达中学、第三十八中学、第四十二中学、北京师范学院附属中学。1992 年更名为首都师范大学附属中学,接受北京市教委和首都师范大学的双重领导。
2010 年高考,学校理科 600 分以上占统招生人数的 70.8%,文科 600 分以上占统招生人数 67%;理科全体平均分 610,文科全体平均分 578,理科实验班平均分达 到 645.1 分以上,文科实验班平均分达到 612 分。理科全体考生 99.7% 达到一批录取分数线,文科全体考生 94% 达到一批录取分数线。
- 首都师范大学附属中学_百度百科
- 24. From individual neurons to collective bursting – NEURONSTAR
Neuronstar is a website about neurons and network.
- 24. From individual neurons to collective bursting – NEURONSTAR
- 什么是文笔?(转)
- 什么是文笔?(转)
- CERN introduces Large Hadron Collider’s robotic inspectors
n. (高能) 强子- CERN
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (French: Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire), known as CERN (
; French pronunciation:[sɛʁn]
; derived from the name “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”; see History), is a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Established in 1954, the organization is based in a northwest suburb of Geneva on the Franco –Swiss border, (46°14′3″N 6°3′19″E) and has 22 member states. Israel is the only non-European country granted full membership.The term CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory, which in 2013 had 2,513 staff members, and hosted some 12,313 fellows, associates, apprentices as well as visiting scientists and engineers representing 608 universities and research facilities.
CERN’s main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research – as a result, numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN through international collaborations.
CERN is also the birthplace of the World Wide Web. The main site at Meyrin has a large computer facility containing powerful data processing facilities, primarily for experimental-data analysis; because of the need to make these facilities available to researchers elsewhere, it has historically been a major wide area network hub.
Since the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 大型强子碰撞型加速装置 needs to be in tip-top shape to discover new particles, it has two inspectors making sure everything’s in working order. The two of them are called TIM, short not for Timothy (人名,梯牧草), but for Train Inspection Monorail (单轨). These mini autonomous monorails that keep an eye on the world’s largest particle collider follow a pre-defined route and get around using tracks suspended from the ceiling. According to CERN’s post introducing the machines, the tracks are remnants from the time the tunnel housed the Large Electron Positron instead of the LHC. The LEP’s monorail was bigger, but not quite as high-tech: it was mainly used to transport materials and workers.
也就是有两个 TIM(Train Inspection Monorail)在 CERN 的隧道里监测。
As for what the machines can do, the answer is “quite a few.” They can monitor the tunnel’s structure, oxygen percentage, temperature and communication bandwidth in real time. Both TIMs can also take visual and infrared images, as well as pull small wagons behind them if needed. You can watch them in action below – as you can see, they’re not much to look at with their boxy silver appearance. But without them, it’ll be tough monitoring a massive circular tunnel with a 17-mile circumference. (CERN 好大……)
- CERN introduces Large Hadron Collider’s robotic inspectors
- 老华为人眼中 5G 前路:2020 年商用太激进 技术仍待突破_财经头条
全球 5G 正在喧嚣中推行,先是在 4G 落后的日韩,非常积极投入 5G,然后中国也变得积极,欧美虽然比较理性,但也怕中日韩抢了先机,可以看到整个世界上 5G标准争夺大战愈演愈烈,在编码阶段,中国华为的 Polarcode 方案竞争对手,主要包括以美国公司为首的 LDPC,法国的 Turbo2.0 方案,其中美国高通推 LD-PC 方案,被确定为 5G 的中数据信道的编码方案。
(杨学志毕业于清华大学,2000.7~2012.9 任职华为,IEEESeniorMember,4G 奠基性技术“软频率复用”的发明人,《通信之道》作者,现为无线通信技术独立研究者。本报记者冯庆艳、刘创采访整理)
- 老华为人眼中 5G 前路:2020 年商用太激进 技术仍待突破_财经头条
- VLC 播放器也要支持 360 度视频播放了
VLC 的开发团队 VideoLan 与 360 度视频开发商 Giroptic 合作开发这功能,它能支持播放相片、全景相片和视频。使用者只要用鼠标和键盘就能控制视点。
refs and see also
- VLC 播放器也要支持 360 度视频播放了
- US proposes a phone ‘driver mode’ to reduce in-car distractions
Specifically, officials would like the driving mode to disable “manual text entry” (think keyboards), photo and video playback, non-essential text, social networking and the web. Don’t expect it to automatically kick in, though. While the agency would like the mode to launch whenever you’re moving faster than a crawling pace (5MPH), it knows that it’s difficult to tell the difference between a driver and a passenger. You may have to invoke it yourself until technology catches up, and there would be an override if there’s an app you simply have to use.
- US proposes a phone ‘driver mode’ to reduce in-car distractions
- drduh/macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide: A practical guide to securing macOS.
9,000+ stars.
This is a collection of thoughts on securing a modern Apple Mac computer using macOS (formerly “OS X”) 10.12 “Sierra”, as well as steps to improving online privacy.
This guide is targeted to “power users” who wish to adopt enterprise-standard security, but is also suitable for novice users with an interest in improving their privacy and security on a Mac.
A system is only as secure as its administrator is capable of making it. There is no one single technology, software, nor technique to guarantee perfect computer security; a modern operating system and computer is very complex, and requires numerous incremental changes to meaningfully improve one’s security and privacy posture.
I am not responsible if you break a Mac by following any of these steps.
If you wish to make a correction or improvement, please send a pull request or open an issue.
- drduh/macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide: A practical guide to securing macOS.
- Navigation system failure cited in crash of European Mars lander | Reuters
不造这个 cited 怎么翻译成中文比较适合。
- Navigation system failure cited in crash of European Mars lander | Reuters
- MIT builds low-cost synthetic muscles out of nylon cord
Nylon (尼龙—should be—>莱龙) Fiber。
Researchers have been trying to build durable, low-cost synthetic muscles for years but to no avail. The systems developed so far have either been too expensive to produce en mass (like carbon nanotube) or too delicate and power hungry (looking at you, shape-memory alloys) to be useful outside of laboratory conditions. But a team from MIT have just struck upon the Goldilocks zone of robo-muscles with nylon fiber of all things.
- MIT builds low-cost synthetic muscles out of nylon cord
- Many LASIK patients may wind up with glare, halos or other visual symptoms, study suggests - The Washington Post
LASIK,abbr. 镭射视力矫正手术(Laser Assisted In-situ Keratomi)
The study analyzed outcomes for two groups of LASIK patients. In the first group, which included 262 Navy personnel with an average age of 29.1, it was 43 percent reporting new symptoms. And in the second, consisting of 312 civilians at five practice and academic centers and with a median age of 31.5, it was 46 percent. In addition, about 28 percent of patients who had never had dry-eye symptoms before developed mild, moderate or severe symptoms three months after the procedure.
- Many LASIK patients may wind up with glare, halos or other visual symptoms, study suggests - The Washington Post
- 小米的成功,你们未必看得懂 - 简书
华为据说是中国效益最好的企业,一家华为的总收入超过 BAT 的总和。
2016 年的数据显示,华为在中国五百强企业中,以 3950.09 亿元的年营业收入成为 500 强榜首。
小米的年营收入只有 743 亿 。只有华为的 18.8%。
但是,如果再看一下两家公司的员工人数:华为是 17 万人,小米是 8 千多人。华为的人数大约是小米的 20 倍。这样一比较,小米的人均年营收入是华为的 3.7 倍。
- 小米的成功,你们未必看得懂 - 简书