历史笔记 8
原载于 https://github.com/district10/blog/blob/master/_pages/notes.md。
删除中文字符: :%s/\v[^\x00-\xff]+//g
sudo apt-get install cowsay
easy_install statsmodels
- lossy
convert \ -strip \ -interlace Plane \ -gaussian-blur 0.05 \ -filter Lanczos \ -quality 85% \ in.jpg out.jpg
It’s good to be familiar with other editors like Vi so that you can be productive even if that’s all you have, and then learn how to make the most of Emacs so that you can reap the benefits over the decades.
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (often shortened to FUD
) is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics and propaganda. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear.
- A.D. (公元): Anno Domini
- a.m. (上午): ante meridiem
- CV (简历): curriculum vitae
- e.g. (例如): exempli gratia
- etc. (等等…): et cetera
- et al. (等人): et alii
- i.e. (即是): id est
- p.m. (下午): post meridiem
- Ph.D. (博士): Philosophiæ Doctor
- P.S. (附言): post scriptum
- R.I.P. (息止安所): requiescat in pace
Control+f/b, move one screen down/up.
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
palette ['pælət]
back off from ‘\0
,快乐的基因, nomados
被 GFW 墙了。其实不怎么样,天朝这样的网站多了去。(不过还是要吐槽这蛋疼的 GFW。)
refs and see also
那什么 Emoji cheat sheet for GitHub, Basecamp and other services,不比这个好:Emoji searcher

Emoji 的各种玩法……
refs and see also
Control + Alt + Up/Down/Left/Right
为了把爬虫放进来1,参考 The Web Robots Pages 写了一个 robots.txt,里面只有两行:
User-agent: *
加了后去百度的 Robots_站长工具_robots文件检测及生成 看看生效没。
l: el,但实际上很多人读成 lel。
They have no idea what’s going to happen.
pop the cherry 意为 take one’s virginity, 也叫 deflower, defile, trim the buff, crack the pitcher, pluck the rose, pick the lock, cut the cake, enter the Valhalla, land the Martian probe on Venus 当年 The Runaways《Cherry Bomb》的 cherry 暗示的就是这个。
Elon (eelon
not eyelon
) Musk
shutdown -s -t 1800
shutdown -a
like tears in rain.
- maverick
- n, 没打烙印的动物;持不同意见的人
- vt. 用不正当手段获取
- 迷途;背离
- adj. 未打烙印的;行为不合常规的;特立独行的
- 海航单位
- 海里,Nautical mile,最短的海里是在赤道,1海里=1843米。最长的海里是在南北两极上,1海里=1862米。
- 节(Knot)以前是船员测船速的,每走1海里,船员就在放下的绳子上打一个节,以后就用节做船速的单位。
- 链(Chain)十分之一海里。
- ditto
- a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated
- repeat an action or statement
In informal English, you can use ditto to represent a word or phrase that you have just used in order to avoid repeating it. In written lists, ditto can be represented by ditto marks - the symbol * - underneath the word that you want to repeat.
Lister’s dead. Ditto three Miami drug dealers and a lady.
- Crotch
A crotch can be any region or an object, where a trunk splits into two or more limbs. This can include branching regions of trees, buildings, diagrams, animals, etc. In particular the crotch is the region of the human body between the legs where they join the torso. It is the area containing the genitals. As such, it is considered one of the intimate parts.
叫 cowlick
,头发旋 http://t.cn/R4h6fmX //@治愈系爱人:我还喜欢睡醒呆毛 说法是牛舔的那个 谷大 咋说来着的 RT @谷大白话:#每日一词# 【Poseidon's Kiss
】波赛冬之吻:“上大号时马桶里噗通噗通溅起的打湿屁屁的水花”的文艺说法。其化解之道的文艺说法叫【Poseidon's Pillow
【PMS】n. 经前综合征 Pre-menstrual syndrome 的缩写
【flirtationship】n. more than a friendship, less than a relationship: 暧昧。
n. 宇宙恐惧症。指对于宇宙以及自己在宇宙中真实地位的可怕恐惧。形容词是 cosmophobic
在形容人个子矮的时候,short 可能不够委婉,一般说 petite
。在形容人胖的时候, fat 明显不够委婉,可以说 plus size。在形容肤色时,长得白和黑不是 white 和 black (慎用!),而是 pale/fair(形容白),tan/dark 形容黑。
There is NO CLOUD, just other people’s computers.
To install one of these versions, unpack it and run the following from the top-level source directory using the Terminal: pip install .
And they asked him, “How could you possibly do this?” And he answered, “When I learned to program, you were lucky if you got five minutes with the machine a day. If you wanted to get the program going, it just had to be written right. So people just learned to program like it was carving stone. You sort of have to sidle up to it. That’s how I learned to program.
23’ 23': 23' 23\'
, smart & dumb
【Dinosaur Erotica】恐龙色情文学。以恐龙为主题的十八禁色情小说。基本上就是恐龙抓走美女,然后嘿嘿嘿的故事。该系列书名也极为直白坦诚:如《美人被霸王龙抓走了》《美人被翼龙抓走了》《美人在恐龙博物馆被抓走了》 《美人和迅猛龙嘿嘿嘿》 等
are you kidding me
this is good for a chunckle!
MISC 大小写方式(下划线只是为了突出分割处)
根据《个人所得税》法,80,000 以上的工资要支付 45% 的税(工资)。
<link rel="icon" href="*.png">
for i in *.pkg ; do mv "$i" "${i/-[0-9.]*.pkg/.pkg}" ; done
#!/usr/bin/env bash
fail() {
printf " \033[0;31m-\033[0m $1\n"
# shouldn't happen since `site` binary is usually at root to
# begin with, but doesn't hurt to check
dir_check() {
if [ ! -f "Setup.hs" ]; then
fail "not at root dir"
git_check() {
git rev-parse || fail "$PWD is already under git control"
setup() {
rm -rf $DEPLOY
mkdir $DEPLOY
info "created $DEPLOY"
git init -q
info "initialized git"
git checkout --orphan master -q
info "established master branch"
git remote add origin $REMOTE
info "established git remote"
success "setup complete"
deploy() {
COMMIT=$(git log -1 HEAD --pretty=format:%H)
info "commencing deploy operation based off of $SHA"
# clean out deploy and move in the new files
rm -rf "$DEPLOY"/*
info "cleaned out $DEPLOY"
info "building site"
if [[ "$OSTYPE"x == "msys"x ]]; then
# no unicode support in msys, so invoke powershell and establish code page
powershell "chcp 65001; ./site build" > /dev/null
./site build > /dev/null
cp -r "$SITE"/* $DEPLOY
info "copied $SITE into $DEPLOY"
git add --all .
info "added files to git"
git commit -m "generated from $SHA" -q
info "committed site"
git push origin master --force -q
success "deployed site"
case "$1" in
setup )
deploy )
* )
fail "invalid operation";;
sentiment 多愁善感
you are but words.
如果用双屏,Win 加方向键可以从一个屏幕把窗口移动到另一个窗口,可以试试按 WIN+Right 两次。
aleph /ˈɑːlɛf/
Knuth 先生在 The TeXbook 里主张书应该读若干遍,每一遍阅读的侧重点都不同。他用「危险记号」区分了不同学习阶段应该阅读的部分,让初次阅读者能够相对轻松地掌握一个概览,有经验地使用者能够深入一些细节,严肃地钻研者才去探索所谓 Dark Sides。为此他甚至编了一些「善意的谎言」,让初学者能「大致地理解」一些概念,而不必了解背后的琐碎细节。
$ texdoc sinutx # texdoc <package-name>
There is NO DIRECT SOFTWARE to Hack Facebook , Google , Yahoo or any other big website. All the softwares that claim to do so are scam([skæm]
- jujitsu
- a method of self-defense without weapons that was developed in China and Japan; holds and blows are supplemented by clever use of the attacker’s own weight and strength
XDM 即“X Display Manager”,由它来启动 X Window 服务器,并管理图形客户端程序的登录、会话、启动窗口管理器(KDE、Gnome)等。KDE 和 Gnome 也提供了自己的 xdm 的实现,分别叫 kdm和 gdm。
gvim --remote-tab-silent filename
有点类似 Notepad++ 的 mono-instance。
set guioptions=""
set guioptions+=m
- what the fuck barbecue = WTFBBQ
‘x’ alias - swiss knife for archive extracting
sudo update-alternatives –config x-terminal-emulator
scrot # caputre screenshot
You could use more expressive version of substitution you employed when assigning OBJECTS: OBJECTS=$(SOURCES:%.cpp=obj/%.o)
or use a standard text transformation function: OBJECTS=$(addprefix obj/,$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o))
‘The enjoyment of one’s tools is an essential ingredient of successful work.’ – Donald E. Knuth
Better Emacs shortcut for Neo users:
- delete last word: ESC Backspace
- get back to last word: ESC b
Movement | Shortcut |
next word | X-s(ESC) d |
previous word | X-s(ESC) X-d(Backspace) |
go to previous word | X-s(ESC) b |
Just in case this sounds annoying, the major advantage is that you can always get back a previous state. In most editors, undoing several changes and then accidentally typing a character would leave you ‘stranded’ with no way to redo what you had undone. Emacs makes this trivial. – phils
和 /ʌ/
you flinched! (畏惧)
** 废话训练一年,受益持续一生。**
ttf 字体安装:.ttf
文件放到 %WINDIR/Fonts
僭越(jiàn yuè),指超越本份,古时指地位低下的冒用在上的名义或器物等等, 尤指用皇家专用的。
尕,读作 gǎ。中国汉字,一般是方言中小的意思,例如:~娃(含亲爱之意)。~李。
- 动机与信心原则
- 时间分配原则
- 数量与质量的关系原则
- 复习原则(艾宾浩斯)
- 复习点的确定(5 分钟超短期,30 分钟短期,12 小时周期,1 天,2 天,4 天,7 天,15 天)
- 1, 2, 3 → 2, 3, 1
- 早上新单词,中午、晚上复习。
- Use the words three times and it’s yours.
- 周期结束,也要复习。
- 光看不够,还要主动回想(遮住尽力想出来),电话卡都“磨光”了!
- 如果放弃,前面的单词就白费了!
- 2.5 小时,2 个 List,300 个单词。
- 先记住,再慢慢掌握。坚持就是胜利。从一个胜利走向另一个胜利。
- GRE 需要 CET4、CET6、TOEFL、GRE(登泰山而小天下)
- 即便把 GRE 背了十遍,还是有很多不认识的单词。即使已经超长发挥背了 100 个,但是
- 不要停下来,再来 30 个还能记住,这样就能突破极限。“原来自己也可以。”
- 枯坐良久,甚觉无聊,还是背单词把。
Torso is an anatomical term for the greater part of the human body without the head and limbs. It is also refered to as the trunk. The torso includes the chest, back, and abdomen.
若我们不确定一个成员是否存在,便需要在调用 operator[](const char*)
前先调用 HasMember()
。然而,这会导致两次查找。更好的做法是调用 FindMember()
,它能同时检查成员是否存在并返回它的 Value
Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = document.FindMember("hello");
if (itr != document.MemberEnd()) {
printf("%s %s\n", itr->value.GetString());
VA 番茄助手的 rename 居然不检查名称的正确性,你可以把 type
更名为 ty pe
,这也太蠢。唯一可能的好处是你可以用这个功能更名为 const type
Windows 下的 Git Bash 不能直接输入文件名打开文件,提示 Cannot execute binary file(我试着打开 docx 文件),但 CMD 下可以,$ demo.docx
便可以自动用 Word(或者别的你关联的打开方式)打开这个文件。当然,在 Bash 下输入 cmd
We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide.
Remember,Windows 开始菜单有个“默认程序”,控制面板\程序\默认程序\设置关联
cat /etc/issue
ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0
ifdown --exclude=lo -a && sudo ifup --exclude=lo -a
$ vim -p files*.txt
, backwardc-i
, forwardc-]
, jump to:ju
, show jumpablesearlier 10s
, 10 secs ago- 可能我是一个天生就爱折腾, 爱完美的男人(虽然我不是处女座)
在欧美国家,一些大红的明星因某一专辑,或者某一行为,成绩大不如前(单曲、专辑销售量惨淡,演唱会无人买单、惹人讨厌等等)都可以称为“flop ([flɑp]
, 笨拙地抛下;扑通放下;拍(翅))”。
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QTabWidget *tabWidget = new QTabWidget;
QGraphicsScene scene;
QGraphicsProxyWidget *proxy = scene.addWidget(tabWidget);
QGraphicsView view(&scene);
return app.exec();
int myfunc(int n)
QVarLengthArray<int, 1024> array(n + 1);
return array[n];
<img src="extension/skin/icon128.png" alt="" align="right">
- Firefox 浏览器的优点:默认的字体大点。
, bookmarkc-h
, historyc-b
, bookmarks sidebarc-s-h
, library list
Win+R: %windir%
net stop/start WuAuServ
(windows update)
In vim g#
v.s. #
Jumplist :h jumplist
, :h CTRL-O
(older), :h CTRL-I
, :h ju[mp]
#. “先辈的罪”(**Sins of our Forefathers**)
#. Mental Speedbump(头脑减速杠)
#. vim statistics: selection → `g<C-g>`{.vim}
`<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">`{.html}
~ link 是连接到一个内容,所以用 `href`{.html}
`<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>`{.html}
~ script 是脚本,插入到本地,所以是 `src`{.html},类似 LaTeX 里的 `\input{path}`{.tex}
`<img src="http://gnat.qiniudn.com/foo/bar.jpg" alt="" />`{.html}
~ img 也是插入的内容,所以用 `src`{.html},`alt`{.html} 既可以在无法加载图片的时候显示提示,也可以用在 <kbd>Control+C</kbd>
`git remote set-url origin git@git.coding.net:xxxx/yyyy.git`{.bash}
<kbd>ctrl-t</kbd>, <kbd>ctrl-d</kbd>: Indent/un-indent in insert mode
:syntax off :set syntax=perl
[{ block start]} function end ```
Emoji or Emojis(个人倾向于用这个)
作为 fetish
的嗜好是让老婆跟其他男性嘿嘿嘿并以此为乐。而被老公出轨背叛的女性叫 cuckquean
。来自 cuckoo 杜鹃,因雌性常到别的鸟窝下蛋,所以有了红杏出墙的含义。cuckold
可以是名词,指被戴绿帽子的男子。也可以做动词,指给人戴绿帽子。形容词是 cuckolded
。还有种说法是 wearing the horns
Call me John Snow, I know nothing.

谷大白话: 美国某网站的调查显示: 61% 的人在淋浴中尿尿,41% 在泳池尿过尿。 50% 的人擦屁股前会叠起厕纸,30% 把厕纸随便揉成一团。 60% 擦屁股是从前往后,20% 是从后往前。43% 冲水前会看一眼马桶, 37% 擦屁股后会看一眼厕纸。45% 表示上厕所前会把厕纸铺在马桶圈上, 36% 用脚踩冲水按钮,35% 上厕所时不会坐在马桶圈上。
nothing here.
# fullname := "/home/user/file.txt"
filename=$(basename "$fullfile") # file.txt
extension="${filename##*.}" # txt
filename="${filename%.*}" # file
reputedly [rɪˈpjuːtɪdli]
adv. 据说,一般认为;根据风评
- district10/trycmake: Try some CMake
- district10/tryopenmp: Try some OpenMP
- district10/tryqt: Try some Qt
; 一、组合键
; ::WinMinimize, A ; 最小化活动窗口。
; n::Run, Notepad.exe ; 打开记事本。
; & k::MsgBox 您在按住 a 时按下了 k 键。
; ?::Send, a ; 发送模拟按键 a。
; $Space::Send, Space ;
; $a::Send, a ; 发送模拟按键 a,$ 表示使用钩子创建这个热键,这样避免了循环激发。
; 二、序列键
::btw::by the way ; 输入 btw 后替换为 by the way。需要个终止符
:*:r@::rhong@somewhere.com ; 输入 r@ 后自动替换为邮件地址。不需要个终止符
; 组合键 a & k:: ,可以表示为:{a down}{k down}{k up}{a up}
; 序列键 ::ak:: ,可以表示为:{a down}{a up}{k down}{k up}
; WheelUp::Send {Volume_Up} ; 向上转动(远离您的方向)鼠标滚轮增加音量。
; WheelDown::Send {Volume_Down} ; 向下转动鼠标滚轮减小音量。
#n::Run Notepad
^!c::Run calc.exe
RunWait Notepad
MsgBox The user has finished (Notepad has been closed).
Send Sincerely,{Enter}John Smith
Send ^c!{tab}pasted:^v
MsgBox, 4, , Would you like to continue?
IfMsgBox, No
MsgBox %clipboard%
; 否则, 用户选择了是.
MsgBox You pressed YES.
while GetKeyState("F1", "P") ; 当 F1 键实际被按住时.
MsgBox You typed "btw".
- dire prediction, adj. 可怕的;悲惨的;极端的
- devour sth, 毁灭
- 这里,栈的最大长度是多少?假设 CPU 是 64 位,最大的整数则是 2^64,由于
- 数制最小为 2,在这个进制下,数的位数最长,这就是栈的最大长度,最长为 64。
10->d, harder, d->10, easy! char->num, n=n*d+num;
这部分全部移到了 district10/algo: 重复造轮子。。
Some DSA keys are not considered secure anymore by OpenSSH 7. Adding “PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-dss” to ~/.ssh/config
mnemonic,英 [nɪ’mɒnɪk] 美 [nɪ’mɑnɪk],adj. 记忆的;助记的;记忆术的
Four core pillars: Mnemonic, Discoverable, Consistent and “Crowd-Configured”.
You can think of the meaning of the words column and feature as interchangeable for this notebook.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install jupyter
- tantamount
- resemblance
- reciprocal
- adjective
- agitated
- a fortiori
- pathology
- tacitly
- mutatis mutandis
- synonyn
- stymy the enemy
- duel killed in a duel
- friezen
- reciprocal
- informally
- alleged
- anew
- lessen
- reminiscent
- isoscele
- equilateral
- scalene
- inordinate
- doubly
- trichotomy
- legitimate
- execlusively
- parallelogram
- viz.
- conform
- constructible
- unity
- diacritical marks
- etymology
- cognate
- botanical
- synonym
- dichotomy
- flamboyant
- regurgitartion
- gullet
- thrice
- coerced integer
- fallible
- underpaid
- rage
- protractor | 圆规
- plea
- courant
- deplore
- obscured
- stochastic
- residual
- sought after (seek after)
- maneuver
- cramped display style
- secular 世俗
- synoptic gospels 对观福音书的
- designation
- avoirdupois
- obscured
- grook
- slate
- supersed
- stratum
- pipe dreams
- Balanced load of left/right hand: Alternative of left/right land
- Upper row is more frequently used.
- 适应与转变难,和世界不协调
- Cons,C 是左手 Shift,右手 c,o 是左手,有点不适应(开始阶段)
- 缩写词比如,dbl(double)都是右手的活儿了
- 管卫东?
- 心态
- 理性对待今天(面对考试和申请)
- 惯性是否干扰了你的学习?
- 理念
Whyvs. How- 阅读
- 不是博闻强记的能力,是在大量信息时一眼获得有效信息的能力(不要精度)
- 决策能力(比较)
- 速度:1. 找;2. (002)
- xxxx
- 写作
- 遣词(形象化)
- Preferred 更好的
- 思维与语序
- 理念
- 选真题
- 第一次做题时,能操作吗?
- 理性 –> 感性(考前两三周)
- 快速定位
- 选项的有效信息
- 原文的有效信息
- 状态和变化
- 衡量 =》 坐标系,表示系统,形式系统
- 抽象的方式,研究状态和变化,以期推测
use font blackboard bold
use font fraktur Here is the entire alphabet of English in Fraktur, using the font of the mathematical typesetting package TeX:
calligraphy font, Script typefaces
LaTeX has defined two commands that can be used anywhere in documents (not just maths) to insert some horizontal space. They are and
A is a space equal to the current font size. So, if you are using an 11pt font, then the space provided by will also be 11pt (horizontally, of course.) The gives twice that amount. As you can see from the code from the above example, were used to add some separation between the maths and the text.
typewriter text
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calligraphy
- http://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/calligraphy-fonts.htm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackletter
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calligraphy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typeface
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emphasis_(typography)
- http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~hildebr/tex/packages.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraktur
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackboard_bold
- https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics
😄 😃 ☺️ 😌 😏 😳 😟 😟 😅 😔 😦 😞 😢 😂 😱 😪 😋 😷 😵 😐 ❤️ 👍 👎 💊
A quine /kwi:n/
is a non-empty computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output. The standard terms for these programs in the computability theory and computer science literature are “self-replicating programs”, “self-reproducing programs”, and “self-copying programs”.
awk BEGIN{c=BEGIN{c=%c%s%c;printf(c,34,c,34);}
awk BEGIN{c="BEGIN{c=%c%s%c;printf(c,34,c,34);}";printf(c,34,c,34);}
Αα Alpha Νν Nu Ββ Beta Ξξ Xi Γγ Gamma Οο Omicron Δδ Delta Ππ Pi Εε Epsilon Ρρ Rho Ζζ Zeta Σσ Sigma Ηη Eta Ττ Tau Θθ Theta Υυ Upsilon Ιι Iota Φφ Phi Κκ Kappa Χχ Chi Λλ Lambda Ψψ Psi Μμ Mu Ωω Omega
make -p
see implicit rules, peek?
cherry, coco, candy, sounds like stripper name.
- scapegoat, 替罪羔羊。
- model minority, 模范少数族裔
- supporting actress, 女配角(女二号)
- best picture
- best director
- tuxedo, 燕尾服
- bowtie
- money management
- manage money, finacies
- wealth, loaded…
- living from paycheck to paycheck, 月光族
- swiping the credit card
- take out a loan
- get a morgage
- refinancing (抵押) your house, ballsy (
, 有胆量的;有决心的;有种的)
Calibre 不知道为什么书都没了,需要点击 Calibre Library
然后 恢复数据库

Thank you for reading!
- 我对有才华的人特别没办法。
- 因为这些优点都是可以表演出来的。
- zenorocha/clipboard.js: Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 2kb
new Clipboard('.btn', { target: function(trigger) { return trigger.nextElementSibling; } }); new Clipboard('.btn', { text: function(trigger) { return trigger.getAttribute('aria-label'); } });
Excuse the ads! We need some help to keep our site up.
(没记错的话,是 pandoc 的一个参数。)
// var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
I’m agnostic. (不可知论者)
Don’t get me wrong, except the government, China is my favorite country in the world ;-)
In early development.
会默认 ignore 掉 .gitignore
- GitHub Search:
- However, despite many trials and extensive googling, I still can’t figure out how to tell pandoc to use the provided template (provided as
file) to render the document correctly. - That little nugget (
, 天然金块,矿块;珍闻,珍品) of information just saved my day. - Hacking Travis
- osg 学习之十六:osgconv 工具 (android 支持的纹理格式) - xuhaiyan8825 的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
是一种非常有用的的工具来读取标准的 3D 格式,如 OpenFlight, 3DS, Alias Wavefront (OBJ) etc,并且可以将它们转换为一种 OSG 所支持的格式,如 OSG 中的 ASCII 格式的.osg
格式的的文件,快速装载数据的能力使它非常适合数据页和大型的数据库。osgconv cow.obj cow.ive osgconv --compressed cow.obj cow.ive
wget in_link -O out_filename
浏览器里得 Vim,用
- epiphany
- 对事物真谛的顿悟;主显节(每年一月六日纪念耶稣显灵的节日);显现(特指神的显现)
前端 js 不压缩不混淆是我比较坚持的原则,虽然现在前端团队不见得还坚持这一点。这并不只是“为了线上测试方便”,当然我也很乐于看到这个方便。不建议压缩的原因是,实际上在网络下发的时候我们是统一做 gzip 压缩的,大部分的数据冗余在这个时候去掉了,对代码做压缩后再 gzip 跟直接 gzip 的差异并不大。不建议做混淆的原因是,对信息加密史略有了解的人都知道,公开的加密算法比秘密的加密算法更安全。代码也类似,容易读的代码对于开发者和白帽子更容易发现问题,而只要找到代码漏洞是有利可图的,黑客并不太在乎你的代码是否做过混淆。此外一些加密和混淆方式还需要在客户端做额外的还原计算,这样就不是优化而是劣化了。
一个天气预报三秒钟就能播完的国家 脾气还真大!!!!!!!!!!!!
youtube 上三大电影吐槽系列:诚实预告片,HISHE,cinemasins。第三个相对在国内不那么火,但也很有趣,答主可以去看看
- George R.R. Martin on Syrian (
, 叙利亚) refugees: ‘Let them in’
那么,程序的 bug 算是“重大过失”吗?这很难说。一个系统里有没有隐藏的 bug,是没法从理论上证明的。就算是测试再彻底,也会有测不到的 bug 流出来。所以在法律上,通常不会把所有因为 bug 导致的损失都归罪给程序开发商。否则的话,世界上最大的 bug 生产商——微软,早就赔得连内裤都不剩了。
其次,每个数字都是一个单音节,所以数字的语音更短。这样您只花两秒钟时间,就能记住一个九位数(适合人脑短期记忆的空间);而大多数说英语的人只能记住七位数,都是 “seven”(七)这样的音节惹的祸。
$ pwd
$ ls -lh # 41 bytes = 40 bytes of hash + 1 byte '\n'
total 3.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 Administrator 197121 41 Dec 8 12:47 gh-pages
-rw-r--r-- 1 Administrator 197121 41 Dec 9 12:30 gists
-rw-r--r-- 1 Administrator 197121 41 Apr 11 12:15 master
技术 研究 开发(technology research development)
CSS Framework
# Keys can also be complex, like multi-line objects
# We use ? followed by a space to indicate the start of a complex key.
? |
This is a key
that has multiple lines
: and this is its value
# Since YAML is a *superset* of JSON, you can also write JSON-style maps and
# sequences:
json_map: {"key": "value"}
json_seq: [3, 2, 1, "takeoff"]
# The !!binary tag indicates that a string is actually a base64-encoded
# representation of a binary blob.
gif_file: !!binary |
$ cd ~ && pwd
$ cat ~/.vimrc
source /path/to/github:district10/blog/vimrc.vim
- 等宽字体 (Monospaced Font)
- 比例字体 (Proportional Font)
- 无衬线体 (Sans-serif)
(defun set-font (english chinese english-size chinese-size) (set-face-attribute
'default nil :font (format "%s:pixelsize=%d" english english-size)) (dolist
(charset '(kana han symbol cjk-misc bopomofo)) (set-fontset-font
(frame-parameter nil 'font) charset (font-spec :family chinese :size
(set-font "Source Code Pro" "Hiragino Sans GB" 16 20)
组合第二象限和第三象限的功能, 在 Mac OS 下只需要使用现在的软件, 勾选一下鼠标就可以 实现。
- 下载安装 Karabiner
- 打开界面, 选中「ControlL to ControlL (+ When you type controlL only, send Escape)」
- Done.
初试挂是技术水平不行,复试挂都是吹牛水平不行,hr 挂是长相不行
8000, 3000, 30000
TPO: time, place, occasion
, one elem:first-child
, group of elems
$ echo 1>&2 stderr | wc -c
- Wait! I’m getting a deja vu.
- 等等,我有似曾相识的感觉。
- 话说有个字体叫“DejaVu Sans Mono”
If you follew them, they flee. If you flee, they follow you.
- period cramps
- have you ever met someone who is like the human version of period cramps (痛经).
- I think this is the first time something has conveyed to me with true clarity just how bad period cramps are.
- in really weird places and feel it’s everywhere
- We asked the audience their biggest fears, let’s delve (探究) among them now.
- I’m actually afraid of sperm in places it’s not supposed to be.
- I’m a forensic scientist, so I find it it in really weird places and feel it’s everywhere.
- I think you should have your couch checked out.
- sex life
- describe your sex life, with the name of a song
- all by myself
- therapist
- feelings hookers
- therapist
- cauliflower
- cauliflower
- albino
新建只有扩展名的文件的方法:“.suffix.”,比如创建.gitignore,正常情况下 windows 是不允许创建的,但在扩展名后面加点,即.gitignore. 就可以正常创建了;
:切换任务栏上的程序; (然后用空格选中打开)- Israel
- get crowdfunding help
- Belgium (
, 比利时, 西欧国家,首都布鲁塞尔Brussels) launches appel to find ‘man in hat’ bombing suspect. - kindnapped by Islamic State
- truce voilations
- Israeli (
, 以色列人的) minister romania - The Silicon Valley of Transylvania, Romanian
[ru:'meiniən; rəu-]
- Conspiracy, 阴谋
- MathML is a failed Web standard.
- More than 40% of Student Borrowers aren’t making payments.
- Criminal prosecutions copyright infringement.
- Clinton and Sanders tensions escalte
- Mafia
- lesbian
- icelandic chef
- snake chavmer
- tackle pests
- Nigerin militants
- Offered olive branch.
- Syria millitants
- abduct factor workers
- Star Wars Rogue One
- Lucky escape after lorry crash
- skidded out of control.
- parliament bans payment for sex
- Brussels airport attack.
- P-a-n-a-m-a P-a-p-e-r-s
- ukraine
- afga bhan asylum
- Iraq introverted
- blackout
- bug bounty programme
- thwart
- bribery
- hoverboard
- affidavit
- optimize
- industrial structure
- overcapacity
- portfolio
- migrant workers
- urban, suburb
- per capita
- harassing calls
- too shy ( tai shuai )
- interstellar?
- per puple expenditure
- diesel
- asymul applications
- be carried out under a controversial EU deal to stem the refugee crisis.
- Beijing hotel assualt suspect arrested
- high-profile video
- a self-driving warship
- slaming a girl to the ground.
- Legislations that would have set minimum standards for pasenger space abroad comericial aeroplanes fais to pass in the US senate
- depicted the royal family.
我个人观念觉得是这样,乌鸦跟一只乌鸡分享飞翔的快感,大概会造成一桩 19 楼坠鸡身亡的惨案;老嫖客跟一个没老婆的血气方刚的穷小子大谈做爱的美妙,恐怕会造就一个强奸犯。影响别人,确实很有成就感,但这种成就很危险,很难保它不是恶性的。善意往往造恶果,甚至比恶意造成的恶果还恶,这样的事儿,我们都见得太多了。
@水木丁 还钱不可能了。如果你关注经济现状的话,形容天朝未来最常见的词其中之一就是空中解体。当女权一次又一次地绝望,当小清新们也开始醒悟,当能翻墙的都跑路了 ,大多数人彻底不抱希望,转而备战备荒的时候,唱了那么多年空的中国崩溃论就会发生了。
不明白为什么这么多人把善意的提醒当成逃避责任 ; 提醒自救=放纵犯罪?那么男朋友提醒你开车注意安全=你撞车了就是活该? 不管法律多健全,监督多到位,犯罪总是猝不及防的,任何情况下都应该懂得自救;你来到世上不是为了…
vim, zf, zD, fold
大多数显示器的刷新频率是 60Hz,为了与系统一致,以及节省电力,浏览器会自动按照这个频率,刷新动画(如果可以做到的话)。
一秒之间能够完成多少次重新渲染,这个指标就被称为“刷新率”,英文为 FPS(frame per second)。60 次重新渲染,就是 60FPS。
Chrome 浏览器开发者工具的 Timeline 面板,是查看“刷新率”的最佳工具。这一节介绍如何使用这个工具。
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
IE 9+ ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ |
Davidson Fellipe Globo.com |
Giovanni Keppelen Planedia |
Jaydson Gomes Terra |
- competitive.
- provincial investment.
- the case themselves warrant srutiny, introspecition.
- search warrant.
- arrest warrant.
- rate of return.
- symptomatic.
- symptom.
- stuffy nose.
- without the least distortion.
- text books.
- poor nutrition.
- procrastinate
- equalized return
- consumption.
- export.
- a private car facilitates comfort and mobility.
- adaptability.
- adaptation. allocative efficiency.
- allocate asset/task/tickets
- asian infrastructure investiment bank.
- cheap labor.
- delay shipments
- detergent.
- empirical studies.
- future prospect.
- have residual. feelings for
- high technology..
- humanized building
- investment
- linux, console: vi file& (bad !!);
- personalized car
- physical capital..
- residual.
- scientifical studies.
- state-owned, privte company, foreign company.
- technical schools.

A girl likes to be crossed in love now and then.
颓的不行的时候被老板召唤,然而并不是 check 我的进度,只是要我去帮同学改代码。让我想起《元气团仔》最后一集,被人需要这种事,真是,又麻烦又可爱吧。
原来是 wordpress 内容……的意思……我一直以为是 windows phone 来着……
moderator, ['mɑdəretɚ]
n. [核] 慢化剂;仲裁人;调解人;缓和剂
调制解调器是 Modulator(调制器)与 Demodulator(解调器)的简称,中文称为调制解调器(港台称之为数据机),根据 Modem 的谐音,亲昵地称之为“猫”。它是在发送端通过调制将数字信号转换为模拟信号,而在接收端通过解调再将模拟信号转换为数字信号的一种装置。
cd publish
curl -H 'Content-Type:text/plain' \
--data-binary @sitemap.txt \
Usability considerations
- Don’t use inappropriate cursor types
- Keep your web design coherent
- Stay cool (冷静,不要一股脑全上) with animations
What type of cursors are compatible? @
- static cursors (CUR) or
- animated cursors (ANI)
- 32x32 RGB/A, 32x32 256 colors and 32x32 16 colors
If you use a unix-based server, keep in mind that filenames are case sensitive.
Defining a custom cursor for specific elements
- 不是所有浏览器都支持
- 实际上,支持的浏览器很少 (
+IE, +Firefox, +Safari, -Chrome, -Opera
$('div.tzx-drawer').on('click', function(){
if ($(this).children().children('dd:eq(0)').hasClass('tzx-drawer-hide')) {
window.scrollTo($(this).offset().left, $(this).offset().top);
return false;
It also supports, but does not require, …
GitHub Hovercard is a third party tool which is not affiliated to GitHub (github.com). This page is designed exactly the same as GitHub only to show how the extension actually works on GitHub.
copy line -> copy
: control-r 0
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity. It is a member of a family of notations invented by Edmund Landau and Paul Bachmann, collectively called Bachmann-Landau notation or asymptotic (渐进) notation.
最初 Cyberpunk 指的是一类特定的角色:拥有丰富的计算机知识但是缺乏社会常识和伦理道德的年轻黑客。从字面上理解,它代表技术和极端的个人主义,所以通常引申为“机器所造的无政府状态”或“藉机器来对抗机器的造反运动”。Cyberpunk 所描述的技术手段非常的激进,借由生物遗传技术来达到生物之间的器官移植,甚至包括人的胚胎,技术创造的机器可以“比人更像人” (More human than human–《银翼杀手》)。 看过电影《黑客帝国》的人很好理解这种用来控制和支配大多数“常人”的技术。很多通过电子、机械和生物科学的系统科技用来“替代”人体器官的功能,最终采用这些技术的机器零件将取代人的自然组织,将人变成会说话的电脑。
gH Start Select mode, linewise. This is like "V",
but starts Select mode instead of Visual mode.
Mnemonic (`[nɪ'mɑnɪk ]`, 助记的): "get Highlighted".
另外有人可能误解了我工作的方式,以为我是一个理想主义者。跟我工作过的人都知道,我其实是个非常实际的人,我不做不可能有用处的事情。我把用户的需要放在首要的位置,而不是一意孤行去做自己觉得“优美”或者“酷”的产品。在过去我遇到过一些真正的理想主义者,他们用非常炫丽难懂的做法,来实现用户不需要的功能,让用户糊涂困扰。所以我不希望再跟理想主义者一起工作 :P
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
$ man ldconfig
tinger with, 笨手笨脚地做事
- H: high, 2H
- L: low, 3L
bash: search commands, c-r
, c-s
你不可能获得一个客观的评判的。因为真正『同时』精通 emacs / vi 两者的人极少,这极少的人恰好大都是 唐望所说的得证大道、超级大牛、云淡风轻型的人,根本就不会参合这样的争论。
Formal request to take over development
FLATS:=$(foreach src, $(SRCMD), $(subst /,., $(src)))
XMLS=$(glob xml/*.xml)
ALLSAMPLES = $(basename $(wildcard *-sample.md))
ALLPDF = $(addsuffix .pdf,$(ALLSAMPLES))
find -name '*.md'
# linux
echo $?
# win
echo %ErrorLevel%
maple, ['mepl]
n. 枫树;淡棕色


ricochet, [,rɪkə'ʃet]
, n. 跳弹;跳飞
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
cat /etc/default/keyboard
S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology; often written as SMART) is a monitoring system for computer hard disk drives to detect and report on various indicators of reliability, in the hope of anticipating (期待;使提前发生) failures.
When a failure is anticipated by S.M.A.R.T., the user may choose to replace the drive to avoid unexpected outage and data loss. The manufacturer may be able to use the S.M.A.R.T. data to discover where faults lie and prevent them from recurring in future drive designs.
Wake-on-LAN (WOL) is an Ethernet computer networking standard that allows a computer to be turned on or awakened by a network message.
- 编译时缺少 h 文件的自动处理
sudo auto-apt run ./configure
- 查看安装软件时下载包的临时存放目录
ls /var/cache/apt/archives
在网页中,多用 px 指定文字大小,理由便是防止版式错乱。所以,大多数网页文字大小,并不随系统 DPI 而变。
Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it.
Those that can, do. Those that can’t, complain.
Fool, go on with Debian!!!
A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.
– Grace Hopper
赛格威 (Segway ) 思维车 是一种电力驱动、具有自我平衡能力的个人用运输载具,是都市用交通工具的一种。由美国发明家狄恩·卡门(Dean Kamen)与他的DEKA研发公司(DEKA Research and Development Corp.)团队发明设计,并创立赛格威责任有限公司(Segway LLC.),自2001年12月起将赛格威商业化量产销售。
C++: int RNG::uniform(int a, int b)
C++: float RNG::uniform(float a, float b)
C++: double RNG::uniform(double a, double b)
C++: double RNG::gaussian(double sigma)
C++: void RNG::fill(InputOutputArray mat, int distType, InputArray a, InputArray b, bool saturateRange=false )
C++: void randu(InputOutputArray dst, InputArray low, InputArray high)
C++: void randn(InputOutputArray dst, InputArray mean, InputArray stddev)
C++: void randShuffle(InputOutputArray dst, double iterFactor=1., RNG* rng=0 )
C++: void reduce(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int dim, int rtype, int dtype=-1 )
Note: If you are running x64 version of Ubuntu Linux, then you need ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and ia64 systems to be installed. You can install them with the following command: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
pstree -t
The actual type of size_t
is platform-dependent; a common mistake is to assume size_t
is the same as unsigned int, which can lead to programming errors, particularly as 64-bit architectures become more prevalent.
Range imaging is the name for a collection of techniques which are used to produce a 2D image showing the distance to points in a scene from a specific point, normally associated with some type of sensor device.
The resulting image, the range image, has pixel values which correspond to the distance, e.g., brighter values mean shorter distance, or vice versa. If the sensor which is used to produce the range image is properly calibrated, the pixel values can be given directly in physical units such as meters.
LaTeX (/ˈleɪtɛk/
LAY-tek or /ˈlɑːtɛk/
LAH-tek) is a document preparation system and document markup language. TeX (/ˈtɛx/
tekh as in Greek, but often pronounced /ˈtɛk/
tek in English) is a typesetting system designed and mostly written by Donald Knuth and released in 1978. Within the typesetting system, its name is formatted as TeX.
标识符命名要清晰明了,可以使用完整的单词和易于理解的缩写。短的单词可以通过去元音形成缩写,较长的单词可以取单词的头几个字母形成缩写。看别人的代码看多了就可以总结出一些缩写惯例,例如 count 写成 cnt,block 写成 blk,length 写成 len, window 写成 win,message 写成msg,number 写成 nr,temporary 可以写成 temp,也可以进一步写成 tmp,最有意思的是internationalization 写成 i18n,词根 trans 经常缩写成 x,例如 transmit 写成 xmt。我就不多举例了,请读者在看代码时自己注意总结和积累。
The ditto mark (″) is a typographic symbol indicating that the word(s) or figure(s) above it are to be repeated. For example:
Black pens, box of twenty ….. £2.10
Blue ″ ″ ″ ″ ….. £2.35
“Without Loss Of Generality” is a term used in proofs to indicate that an assumption is being made that does not introduce new restrictions to the problem. If you’ve got a predicate which is symmetric in a and b, you can assume WLOG in the proof that a < b.
- inscribed
draw (a figure) within another so that their boundaries touch but do not intersect.
sudo chown -R username /home/usrname/./config/QtProject/
Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) is a method of interpolation that estimates cell values by averaging the values of sample data points in the neighborhood of each processing cell. The closer a point is to the center of the cell being estimated, the more influence, or weight, it has in the averaging process.
runny, /ˈrʌni/
, adjective
- more liquid than is usual or expected. “the soufflé was hard on top and quite runny underneath” synonyms: liquefied, liquid, fluid, melted, molten, flowing; More antonyms: solid, viscous
- (of a person’s nose) producing or discharging mucus.
testimonial, [ˌtɛstəˈmoniəl]
- 证明书;纪念品;奖品;纪念品
- adj. 证明的;表扬的;褒奖的
YHWH represents the Hebrew letters “Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh.” It was the name God gave for Himself when Moshe inquired of Him. In most modern translations it is usually written “LORD” (in capital letters) or “HaShem” (in the Hebrew Tanach, it means “The Name”). It has been improperly translated “Jehovah,” based on a German bastardization of YHWH and “Adonai.” The word “Jehovah” does not appear in the Hebrew language and is simply incorrect. YHWH is probably pronounced “Yahweh,” and means “I Am That I Am.” The implication is that God is completely self-sufficient. Blessed are you, YHWH, our God, King of the Universe …
其实人们对于位置的选择 (不只是上厕所),都应该是有一定统计规律的。比如去闹市或超市,入口处的摊位或柜台相对中间来说交易量会小一点,因为停留在入口意味着挡住了后面的人流,会对自己造成一定的心理压力,而我们不喜欢被 push 的感觉,宁愿去中间尽情挑选。另一个原因是人的思维是随着情景慢慢转变的,当你匆匆进入商场的时候,大脑中的情景还没完全适应,步伐还没有慢下来,也许这时候你已经错过了门口的货架了。你看到了,你也知道它在那,但你还没来得及思考就走开了。
我之前回答过一个 “狗大便时为什么先要嗅嗅地面转几圈” 的问题, 说是狗狗感觉周围环境不够安全, 不能保护她的隐私所致; 其实这是一种智慧生物的天性, 私密的事情下意识的就会想找到最能让自己安心的环境。
要不是忙,我一定分享一篇经验贴:如何用 CASIO 991-es plus 分分钟搞定极限、定积分、求导、解方程(组)、矩阵求逆、求零点。或者如何用破烂的 82es 刷机到 991。屡试不爽,可惜没有 82es。
@韩三元小猪头: 编辑你饿不饿 @简书
@简书: 如果我告诉你今天回家路上买了4个蛋糕,忍不住一口全吃了,
现在撑死了躺在床上一动也不想动你会不会打我 😱
# download source code, unzip it, install it
python setup.py install
# or
pip install <module>
pharmacy ['fɑrməsi]
n. 药房;配药学,药剂学;制药业;一批备用药品
online pharmacy
- appwiz.cpl:程序和功能(程序卸载)
- charmap:启动字符映射表
- 自动关机命令 Shutdown -s -t 600:表示 600 秒后自动关机(有没有人像我一样使用番茄工作法?其实很多时候很难控制自己,这是一个很好的方法)
- shutdown -a :可取消定时关机
control, (cmd, or Win + R)
- 当你没有世俗成功力量时,你对长辈强行打脸打不起来,且会给你自己的家庭带来不必要的麻烦
- 当你获得了世俗成功后,也不要顶撞反驳长辈,记住闷声发大财,这对你有好处
张三上传的《TOKYO HOT N0124》和李四上传的《TH n124》是同一个文件,只不过文件名不一样,难道我就不能识别出他们是一个文件,然后只将其分别给不同的用户保存成不同的文件名不久行啦?确实可行,但这要利用一些识别文件相同性的算法,例如 MD5 值等。只要两个文件的 MD5 值一样,文件大小一样,我就认为它们是相同的文件,只需要保存一份文件并给不同的用户记作不同的文件名就好了。
有一天你发现,因为每一个文件都需要计算 MD5 值,导致 CPU 负荷很大,而且本来一样的文件非要浪费带宽上传回来才可以检测一致性,能改进一下吗?
聪明的工程师写了个小软件/小插件,美其名曰“上传控件”,将计算 MD5 值的工作利用这个软件交给了上传用户的电脑来完成,一旦计算出用户要上传的数据和服务器上已经存储的某个数据是一样的,就干脆不用上传了,直接在用户那里标记上这个文件已经按照 XX 文件名上传成功了。这个过程几乎是瞬间搞定了,并给其起了个高富帅的名字“秒传”!
(浏览器应该不可以秒传把?是不是可以先获取文件大小,然后计算这个大文件前 10 MB 的 Hash,看没有匹配)
rudimentary [,rudɪ'mɛntri]
adj. 基本的;初步的;退化的;残遗的;未发展的
Vim 中,选中上面,把内容存到某一个寄存器(比如 "ay
今天是 11 月 28 日,他(我父亲)的生日,我想买一份他喜欢的礼物送给他,一张有生日祝福的卡片,可是我却没有钱。我想做几个他喜欢吃的菜,可是孩子没人管。这一天就这样过去了,我心里感到非常过意不去,只望明年我们一家三口同祝他生日快乐
有一次和女朋友出去吃东西,吃饱之后在商城里逛一逛,路过一家服装店,看到一件女装很漂亮,走近前摸一下料子,营业员看我们两个一副学生模样,冷冷的对我们说了句:“这件衣服打完折 998。”
tenure ['tɛnjɚ]
n. 任期;占有, vt. 授予…终身职位
刚买海鲜粉,我说老板我要一份 zhì子的,边上一女生说老板我要一份花 há,老板说蛏子和花蛤是吧……汉语可能迟早要死在我们这一代人手上了

四是含沙射影。这是用心最歹毒的一条。文中多次故意创造对立立场,先是把“能力”与“名校”对立,再是把“证书”和“文凭”对立。恶意创造矛盾,不少网友和答主的思路成功被其带偏。用尽偷换概念哗众取宠欲盖弥彰等手法,第二部分还更是直截了当的说“他不是高分低能的人”,那么换言之,媒体口中和他对立的“凭着 985 一纸文凭”的人是什么人呢?我呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵。至于最后提到的什么“天机”,我更是连呵呵都不想呵呵了。
我相信比我证更多更有价值的大有人在,人家也不会什么东西都往简历里塞的。其实写个有驾照留个 git 账号或者项目都比不痛不痒的获奖证书有用多了。写一堆没用的证进简历别人只能觉得呵呵这孩子看来也没什么能拿出手的东西了这些玩意都堆简历上了……
我也喜欢这种老公 。跟他吵架,他摔门就走,我趴窗台问他什么时候回来,他说我再回来就是你孙子,哥再也不回来了。过了两个小时后他拎着烧烤和果汁在门外喊:奶奶我回来啦!
kindle 给我推送了一本书的广告。我瞬间觉得,呃……用朋友的话说,好像大叔去声色场所消费看到了自己的女儿。
成长的过程中总会被不曾期待的人帮助。六年前来应聘 redhat 的工作,因为一些原因,面试了整整一年,面了四个职位,和 20 多位各个社区的人们对谈了总计几十个小时,最后是北京这边的 hr 总监帮我解决了所有问题并顺利入职。至今很感谢这位大姐,她叫郑艳,早已离开红帽。
- 完成所有面试至少比停在 hr 面试 要靠谱…
- 之前有个阿里内推了也是面了 9 面跪了
- 据说漂亮女生会让多面几次,让各位兄弟都看看 (不是直男癌)
最近听三国演义,发现男人们争霸天下,虽英雄各有所长。但有几科公共课,不管有没有真本事,都是人人必修的,一是要会吹牛 x,一是要会装 x,还有一个是对喷,所以听着听着,有时常常会产生一种正在刷微博的错觉。
再举个例子 CUPT 大学生做的题目直接来自 IYPT (国际青年物理学家竞赛简称IYPT( international youth physical tournament)),高中生。
现在的记者,总想弄个大新闻。。。其实不过是自己 too young too simple, sometimes naive。
想当年我参加一个叫做中小学电脑制作比赛的东西,全国一二等奖有保送。当年一二等奖的全部都是一些家长代写的各种神奇的系统。我实现了一篇实时渲染地形 LOD 的 paper 只有三等奖。后来还看到一个人自己实现了一个物理引擎也只有三等奖。
虽然我当年没有获得保送,但这丝毫没有影响我最后深入学习自己感兴趣的知识,进入 MSRA 和大牛工作以及申请满意的 PhD 项目。反倒是从未听说当年保送的那些人有哪个今天为人所知。
题主问这个问题,让我回想起在本科尤其是大一大二的时候对 SIGGRAPH 无比崇拜的思想感情。那时候觉得最大的人生理想莫过于发一篇 SIGGRAPH 然后去会议上给 Presentation 了。如今,真的当科研成为自己的主要工作的时候,就完全没有了当年那种神圣的感觉了。尤其是当你看到很多乱七八糟的论文居然也能发表在所谓的顶会的时候,那种神圣的幻觉就瞬间崩塌了。做出了站得住脚的东西,发表也是理所应当的。当你有了一个好的想法并且尽力去做好一篇文章的时候,其实已经不太在意能不能发表在某个具体的会议上了。好的东西不管发表在哪里都是好的东西,不好的东西就算发了顶会也不过是招人耻笑而已。
- 南京工学院(现东南大学)
- 华南工学院(现华南理工大学)
- 华中工学院(现华中科技大学)
- 大连工学院(现大连理工大学)。
中国的大学课程是说得太多做的太少,简而言之就是不重视 project,像编译器 os 这种重量级课程,国外都是给你提供一些 framework 的代码然后让你慢慢从 0 开始搞一个成品出来。对于 cs 学生来说动手非常非常重要。
编译器里面涉及到的算法非常多而且复杂,像龙书这种教材的理论证明很多,直接上手难度比较大而且比较乏味。这个时候不妨参考“多少天自制 XX 语言”这种书或者文章,先撸一遍,然后你会明白到涉及到的算法和问题是怎么一回事。像我在大三的时候就开始翻龙书,但是之后几年一直卡在前几章各种不懂,每次想尝试去突破总觉得理解不了然后就不了了之,隔一段时间后再重复这个循环。后来自己直接撸了个玩具编译器,再去翻龙书发现没有像以前那样晦涩难懂。话说回来,龙书绝对不是入门的书,哪怕 compiler engineering 都比龙书易懂,虽然我认为 complier engineering 同样不适合入门。
微软不就是去年招人放了点水么,再怎么放水招的人的平均水平肯定还是会比 bat 要好一些,用不用得着这样来黑。
对于这个问题,未设定变量太多,发个这样的问题万一媒体报道出了偏差题主可是要负责任的。个人的自主学习能力、部门的区别、过往经验、兴趣,还有老板和 mentor 的水平,这些都能影响一个人的发展。
话说回来,微软作为老牌 IT 企业,技术积累和工程实力肯定是顶尖的,像 windows 和 office这种代码规模的系统,换 bat 来做那光是给人上门维护花费都够垮几次了。技术不光是写网页做 app,而个人的发展也不仅仅是写代码的能力,bat 甚至是 google 和 facebook 里面很多开发测试流程都是从微软学过来的。去微软至少可以了解到这家伟大的公司几十年来开发流程和技术的演变,这不是挺好的么
为什么网上各种教程都是教人写 tokenize 和 parser,说明这部分太容易学了。
不吹不黑,一个数据结构及格的程序员,即使完全不懂编译原理,看一下 nfa 和递归下降的原理再写一个简单的 tokenize 和 parser 解析一个简单的语言两天应该能搞定。不过要是吃透编译器前端的那么多知识,比如 nfa->dfa 到最小 dfa,LL/LR/SLR/LALR,能做到手写标准的正则引擎,山寨 yacc 的水平的话,不潜下心来钻研个一年半载估计是没戏。能做到这个水平,全国任何公司的 offer 肯定都是任意挑选的。反正我比较笨学了好多年都还没吃透
编译器前端的到目前为止确实像是到头了,像 lex、yacc、antlr 这么多工具你看看手册就能写个 parser 出来。而编译器后端的代码生成、数据流分析、寄存器分配这些怎么就没见多少人谈论?还不是因为这部分跟前端相比难得多,高手都直接发论文了,普通人接触过这些东西就会发现自己知识的浅薄不敢乱吹牛了。
也是可以被 include 的。
It’s really a matter of convention. Some projects demand hpp to indicate that the header files are for C++ and not C.
all: notes-access.docx notes.docx
rm *.docx
%.docx: %.md
cat $< | sed -e "s/%paperdir%/papers/" | \
pandoc --ascii -f markdown+east_asian_line_breaks -o $@
%-access.docx: %.md
cat $< | sed -e "s/%paperdir%/ftp:\/\/zhixiong%2Etang@cvrs.whu.edu.cn\/Users\/ZhixiongTANG\/ML\/papers/" | \
pandoc --ascii -f markdown+east_asian_line_breaks -o $@
$(shell for f in papers/*.pdf; do mv "$$f" "$${f// /_}"; done)
LS, 你要知道一点:凡是跟我意见不同的,都是五毛。
➜ /tmp time python num.py
Classification report for classifier SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, degree=3,
gamma=0.001, kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, probability=False,
random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False):
precision recall f1-score support
0 1.00 0.99 0.99 88
1 0.99 0.97 0.98 91
2 0.99 0.99 0.99 86
3 0.98 0.87 0.92 91
4 0.99 0.96 0.97 92
5 0.95 0.97 0.96 91
6 0.99 0.99 0.99 91
7 0.96 0.99 0.97 89
8 0.94 1.00 0.97 88
9 0.93 0.98 0.95 92
avg / total 0.97 0.97 0.97 899
Confusion matrix:
[[87 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 88 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1]
[ 0 0 85 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 79 0 3 0 4 5 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 0 4]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 88 1 0 0 2]
[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 88 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 0]
[ 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 90]]
python num.py 4.40s user 0.92s system 69% cpu 7.641 total
- 相对不公平值
- Hamilton 圈问题
- s.t., subject to.
- 仿射集
- 误差平方和
- 回归平方和
- 残差平方和
- 单纯性法
- 最优纯策略,行取最小,列取最大
max i min j a_{ij} = min j max i a_{ij} = a_{i^*j^*}
- makedep
- cindude2dot
- win dll decl spec
qmake -recurvise
- QList
list = parent().findChild (); - parent().deleteLater();
- spacer, stretch, struct
- Q_PROPERTY( QString str READ getStr, WRITE setStr, NOTIFY strChanged)
- qRegisterMetaType
- conway’s game of life
- file_p.cpp
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "save");
- QScopedPointer
namespace alias = std;
If you can´t wait to learn JavaScript - and you shouldn´t - check out the MDN - JavaScript Guide!
“and you shouldn’t” 这个表达好亮。
- 在新 tab 打开文件:
Control-w gf
。 - 在新 window 打开文件:
Control-w f
Vim 用了五年,Emacs 用了两年多。
最大的感受是用 Vim 之后得了强迫症,什么编辑器都要安装 Vim 模拟器,包括我现在用的 Emacs 也安装了 Evil。为什么?因为学习 Vim,我学会了一门无鼠标高效编辑文字的语言,在编辑文字的时候可以达到一种 flow 的状态。
而掌握了 Emacs,我获得的是一个崭新的编程世界,一个功能强大的操作系统,以及一个强大友好的社区。只有在 Hacking Emacs 的时候我才有“这是属于我自己的编辑器”的感受,因为我从没有试过用蹩脚的 Vimscript 写过插件,可能我的观点有失公允。不过,有了 lisp 谁还想用那玩意儿写代码呢?
It’s enough to make a respectable fellow blush.
argon, 美: [ˈɑrˌɡɑn]英: [ˈɑː(r)ɡɒn], n.氩, greek “lazy”.
Scientists spent a lot of time separating the different kinds of air and then had to decide what to call them all. Oxygen was called flammable air for a while, but it didn’t catch on. It just didn’t have the right scientific ring to it. We all know that scientific words need an obscure classical origin to make them sound impressive to those who wouldn’t know an idiopathic craniofacial erythema if it hit them in the face.
lavatory, [ˈlævəˌtɔri]
, n.厕所;卫生间;洗手间;盥洗室
#+OPTIONS: tex:t Do the right thing automatically (MathJax)
#+OPTIONS: tex:nil Do not process LaTeX fragments at all
#+OPTIONS: tex:verbatim Verbatim export, for jsMath or so
#+STARTUP: latexpreview
x^2 + y^2 = z^2
x_1, x_2, x_3, ..., x_n
If $a^2=b$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be
either $$ a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].
用 control 加鼠标选中来选择多个片段。
It is not enough to succeed; everyone else must fail.
范友们看到拉里 · 埃里森这么作,是不是有种 “你咋不上天” 的感觉?
然而拉里 · 埃里森可以实力回答:“你咋知道我不上天?”
七牛默认在每个 bucket 加了一个 robots 文件,禁止所有爬虫的爬取。↩