历史笔记 7
原载于 https://github.com/district10/blog/blob/master/_pages/notes.md。
Hacker’s guide to Neural Networks
[宣讲会后仍接受报名]Indeed Tokyo 2017 校园招聘!高薪 + 全英文环境 + 东京三大人气商区办公楼!
- linux - Terminal Multiplexer for Microsoft Windows - Installers for GNU Screen or tmux - Stack Overflow
Look. This is way old, but on the off chance that someone from Google finds this, absolutely the best solution to this - (and it is AWESOME) - is to use ConEmu ( or a package that includes and is built on top of ConEmu called cmder) and then either use plink or putty itself to connect to a specific machine, or, even better, set up a development environment as a local VM using Vagrant.
This is the only way I can ever see myself developing from a Windows box again.
I am confident enough to say that every other answer - while not necessarily bad answers - offer garbage solutions compared to this.
- How do I scroll in tmux? - Super User
then you can use your normal navigation keys to scroll around (eg. Up Arrow or PgDn). Pressq
to quit scroll mode.Alternatively you can press
Ctrl-b PgUp
to go directly into copy mode and scroll one page up (which is what it sounds like you will want most of the time)
AUR (en) - breeze-red-cursor-theme
wkentaro/fcn: Fully Convolutional Networks (Chainer Implementation)
Henry David Thoreau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A lone man refusing to do the Nazi salute, 1936
- What are some of the best English names Chinese people give themselves but are not generally found outside China? - Quora
As a typical wastrel waijiao I’ve had more than my fair share of strange or unusual student names over the years. Here’s a sampling:
Cherry Cylinder (we tried to get her to change her name to Selina for months) Oliver (a girl) Dragon (well, it is China …) Tiger Elephant (his name contains a Xiang and his friends call him Da Xiang, so …) Echo (usually named for San Mao) Ensoul Effie (a real English name but very uncommon) Fender (like the guitar) Sarin (like the poison gas …) Laphia (her name is self-made pormanteau of Laura and Sophia) Panzer II (a military nut, note the Roman numeral) Goose (she wasn’t a Top Gun fan, sadly) Robo Una Novia (she didn’t know it means “girlfriend” in Spanish; she thought it sounded like Nokia) Pussy (um … like the cat, she explained …) Michael Schumacher (yes, first and last name) Peter Jackson (this was right after LOTR hit China)
- 那些发生在面试之后的你不知道的事 - 虹姐说 - 知乎专栏
很多南美裔的人的名字都是西班牙名字,他们的读音规则跟英文不一样。以前虹姐上课的学校有个教授是阿根廷人,名字是 Jose,是个非常常见的西班牙名字。虹姐叫了人家一个学期的宙斯,到处跟人说宙斯教授的课特别好,人家总是一脸迷茫,最后才知道西班牙语名字 J 是发 H 的音的。所以 Jose 应该是 hou’sei 的读音(中文翻译过来是何塞)。同理,如果遇到名字是 Juan 的,也是一个典型的西班牙名字,是读介于‘huan’和’wuan’的读音,别再管人叫娟儿了。还有一个容易读错的名字是 Sean,应该是接近’尚‘的一个读音,有人按发音规则读成 seen,人家美国人一脸黑线。Evan 是另一个,应该读
,而不是一万。Lou 应该读/lu:/
,是 Louis 的别名,不要管人家叫楼了!Hypocorism(别名,小名)
西方名字有很多种缩写,或者看起来完全不一样的写法。如果一定要打比喻的话,有点类似咱们的大名和小名。还拿 Rachel 举例子,Rachel 是她的大名,但也有很多场合大家称她 Rach,甚至 Ray Ray。这些就是 Rachel 这个名字衍生出来的其它叫法。
我出国第一个月一直把 “洗手间” 叫做 toilet,后来发现当地人都用 bathroom 这个词。但 bathroom 不是家里洗澡的地方吗?我半年后才明白,当地人也把 “公共场所洗手间” 叫 bathroom,而 toilet 是马桶的意思。
现在中文互联网上流行的所谓 “英语俚语”,真的只能在美国年轻人和美国电影中看见。
refs and see also
- 李立:中国人英语比印度人好是幻觉_网易新闻中心
虹姐来美国前,一直觉得自己在美国一定就跟外国人在中国一样。记得在网上看到过一件专门给歪果仁设计的 T-shirt,正面写着‘老外来了’,反面写着‘老外走了’,觉得这个创意实在是到位。
- 为什么西文很多字体中的数字 6 和 8 都要高,而 3、4、5、7、9 要低于 1、2、0?
这种数字字形设计叫「old-style figures」,又称「non-lining figures」、「text figures」等(「figures」即「数字」)。与之相对的是 lining figures(和「A」、「B」等字母占位一致的数字设计)。
- 为什么「student」「study」「still」这些单词构词的时候不写成「sdudent」「sdudy」和「sdill」? - Johnway 的回答 - 知乎
refs and see also
- Ultimate Fighting Championship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
UFC Middleweight Cung Le Suspended After Testing Positive for HGH.
UFC officials announced that the 42-year-old former Strikeforce champion tested positive for excessive human growth hormone (HGH) following his August 23 TKO defeat to Michael Bisping at UFC Fight Night 48, and as a result, he will be suspended nine months by the promotion.
refs and see also
Growth hormone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Cult film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film that has acquired a cult following. Cult films are known for their dedicated, passionate fanbase, an elaborate subculture that engage in repeated viewings, quoting dialogue, and audience participation. Inclusive definitions allow for major studio productions, especially box office bombs, while exclusive definitions focus more on obscure, transgressive films shunned by the mainstream. The difficulty in defining the term and subjectivity of what qualifies as a cult film mirror classificatory disputes about art. The term cult film itself was first used in the 1970s to describe the culture that surrounded underground films and midnight movies, though cult was in common use in film analysis for decades prior to that.
Quentin Tarantino is an example of a cult film director who has achieved mainstream success.
refs and see also
Concorde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4ker/ccv: C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library
phraug2/count.py at master · zygmuntz/phraug2
Conditional random field - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Egosyntonic and egodystonic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 如何评价《千年女优》? - 动画 - 知乎
影片结尾处的那句话网络上的很多字幕翻译的都不算恰当。这句话可以算是影片中最重要的一句台词,却由于一些字幕组的不谨慎,使很多人对本片理解有差。原文为「だって私、あの人を追いかけている私が好きなんだもん」,直译为 “只因我喜欢的、是那个不断追逐着他的我自己啊。” 在一篇今敏的访谈中也可佐证这一点。
引文选自 [翻译] 今敏访谈:「千年女优」(02.12)<上>
refs and see also
Machine Learning Video Library - Learning From Data (Abu-Mostafa)
- Li Fei-fei 写给她学生的一封信,如何做好研究以及写好 PAPER(转载) - Teckee - 博客园
De-mystifying Good Research and Good Papers
Please remember this:
1000+ computer vision papers get published every year!
Only 5-10 are worth reading and remembering!A good research project is not about the past (i.e. obtaining a higher performance than the previous N papers). It’s about the future (i.e. inspiring N future papers to follow and cite you, N->).
A method in which you have to manually tune many parameters is not considered principled or coherent.
This might sound corny, but it is true. You’re PhD students in one of the best universities in the world. This means you embody the highest level of intellectualism of humanity today. This means you are NOT a technician and you are NOT a coding monkey.
Writing is critical – and this is ironic because engineers are the worst trained writers among all disciplines in a university. You need to discipline yourself: leave time for writing, think deeply about writing, and write it over and over again till it’s as polished as you can think of.
important problem (inspiring idea) + solid and novel theory + convincing and analytical experiments + good writing = seminal research + excellent paper
CSAILVision/LabelMeAnnotationTool: Source code for the LabelMe annotation tool.
APIs.io - the API search engine
GitHub API v3 | GitHub Developer Guide
apidoc/apidoc: RESTful web API Documentation Generator.
- arnab/jQuery.PrettyTextDiff: A wrapper around Google’s diff_match_patch library, to make life easy
- keybr.com - TANG ZhiXiong typist profile
我的 keybr.com 账户的主页。(改版后这里不会泄露用户的练习数据。)
- LAPACK: real
refs and see also
- 高架桥桥墩很大,但真正与桥面接触的部位却很小。这是为什么? - 物理学 - 知乎
refs and see also
- 跟踪论文开源实现的协同列表网站 GitXiv | 赵毅力的视觉研究博客
- HOWTO Create an Import Library for a DLL using MinGW | MinGW
- 台湾和大陆有哪些对于同一事物的不同叫法? - 文化 - 知乎
- 大陆:缓存
- 台湾:快取
- Thought Experiment - 你正在解决错误的问题
refs and see also
- Han van Meegeren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Henricus Antonius “Han” van Meegeren was a Dutch painter and portraitist and is considered to be one of the most ingenious (足智多谋) art forgers of the 20th century.
During World War II, wealthy Dutchmen wanted to prevent a sellout of Dutch art to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, and they avidly bought van Meegeren’s forgeries, thinking them the work of the masters. Nevertheless, a falsified“Vermeer” ended up in the possession of Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. Following the war, the forgery was discovered in Göring’s possession, and van Meegeren was arrested on 29 May 1945 as a collaborator, as officials believed that he had sold Dutch cultural property to the Nazis. This would have been an act of treason, the punishment for which was death, so van Meegeren confessed to the less serious charge of forgery instead. He was convicted on falsification and fraud charges on 12 November 1947, after a brief but highly publicized trial, and was sentenced to a modest punishment of one year in prison. He did not serve out his sentence, however; he died 30 December 1947, in the Valerius Clinic in Amsterdam, after two heart attacks.
It is estimated that van Meegeren duped buyers, including the government of the Netherlands, out of the equivalent of more than thirty million dollars in today’s money.
- Tanuki-san Reference Sheet by FernandaFrick on DeviantArt
- 想知道日本的高考与大学的黑幕么?看这篇吧 - 你不知道的日本 - 知乎专栏
refs and see also
为什么说哆啦 A 梦像「狸猫」?日本动漫里出现的「狸猫」是什么动物? - 动物学 - 知乎
- git + LaTeX workflow - Stack Overflow
用 Perl 写得。
refs and see also
- Japanese raccoon dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
它以 big balls 著称。
- LaTeX 字体。陈硕的 typeset 模板。
http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/typeset-fonts-common.tar.xz, 43.6 MB.
- 布卡(伊斯兰教瓦哈比派女子服装)_百度百科
来自漫画,那时候我正在努力不被人说是一个 racist。
- SivilTaram/BUAAOS-guide-book: 北航小操作系统实验指导书
sudo apt-get --reinstall install msttcorefonts -y sudo apt-get --reinstall install ttf-mscorefonts-installer -y
refs and see also
- installing - Best way to install packages for TeXLive in Ubuntu? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
tlmgr install <package name> tlmgr update <package name> # To update a package use: tlmgr update --self --all # To update all packages (and tlmgr itself):
tlmgr install \ CJK \ CJKfntef \ CJKpunct \ ctex \ etoolbox \ fancyhdr \ fontspec \ indentfirst \ l3kernel \ l3packages \ oberdiek \ savesym \ tools \ ulem \ xeCJK \ zhmetrics \
- Image Tilt Effect
简单介绍了 browserify 的使用。
- The Aviator: The Game | Codrops
html5 游戏引擎。
- Codrops | Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds
- silverwind
<svg class="a" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="512" height="512" viewBox="-16 -16 548 548"> <path d="M256 6.3C114.6 6.3 0 121 0 262.3c0 113 73.4 209 175 243 13 2.3 17.6-5.6 17.6-12.4l-.4-48C121 460.5 106 415 106 415c-11.7-29.5-28.5-37.4-28.5-37.4-23.2-16 1.8-15.6 1.8-15.6 25.7 1.8 39.2 26.4 39.2 26.4 23 39.2 60 27.8 74.5 21.3 2.3-16.5 9-27.8 16.3-34.2C152.3 369 92.6 347 92.6 249c0-28 10-50.8 26.4-68.8-2.6-6.4-11.4-32.5 2.5-67.7 0 0 21.5-7 70.4 26.2 20-5.6 42-8.5 64-8.6 21.3.7 43.2 3 64 9 49-33 70-26 70-26 14 35.3 5 61.4 2.4 67.8 16.3 18 26.2 40.8 26.2 68.7 0 98.4-60 120-117 126.4 9.2 8 17.4 23.4 17.4 47.3l-.2 70.2c0 6.6 4.7 14.6 17.7 12 101.7-34 175-129.7 175-243C512 121 397.5 6 256 6z"></path></svg>
body { display:flex; flex-direction:column; align-items:center; justify-content:center; background:#181818; position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0 } img { height:40vh; width:40vh } main { display:flex; padding-top:4vh; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center } a { margin:2.5vh } .a { stroke-dasharray:3200; stroke-dashoffset:3205 } .b,.c { stroke-dasharray:2400; stroke-dashoffset:2405 } .d { stroke-dasharray:200; stroke-dashoffset:205 } .e { stroke-dasharray:1800; stroke-dashoffset:1805 } .f { stroke-dasharray:5000; stroke-dashoffset:5005 } a:hover .a { fill:#159 } a:hover .b { fill:#822 } a:hover .c { fill:#2af } a:hover .d { fill:#2c8 } a:hover .e { fill:#91a } a:hover .f { fill:#fa4 } svg { height:13vh; width:13vh; fill:#303030; stroke:#fff; stroke-width:2.5%; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-linecap:round; transition:stroke-dashoffset .3s ease-in,fill .3s ease-in } a:hover svg { stroke-dashoffset:0 }
对 svg 立面的元素进行 css 的设置。
- sindresorhus/github-markdown-css: The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
效果出奇的好!再把代码高亮调成 pygments 就完美了。
code{ white-space: pre; } q { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’"; } .markdown-body { box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 200px; max-width: 980px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 45px; } div.sourceCode { overflow-x: auto; } table.sourceCode, tr.sourceCode, td.lineNumbers, td.sourceCode { margin: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: baseline; border: none; } table.sourceCode { width: 100%; line-height: 100%; } td.lineNumbers { text-align: right; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; color: #aaaaaa; border-right: 1px solid #aaaaaa; } td.sourceCode { padding-left: 5px; } code > span.kw { color: #007020; font-weight: bold; } /* Keyword */ code > span.dt { color: #902000; } /* DataType */ code > span.dv { color: #40a070; } /* DecVal */ code > span.bn { color: #40a070; } /* BaseN */ code > span.fl { color: #40a070; } /* Float */ code > span.ch { color: #4070a0; } /* Char */ code > span.st { color: #4070a0; } /* String */ code > span.co { color: #60a0b0; font-style: italic; } /* Comment */ code > span.ot { color: #007020; } /* Other */ code > span.al { color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold; } /* Alert */ code > span.fu { color: #06287e; } /* Function */ code > span.er { color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold; } /* Error */ code > span.wa { color: #60a0b0; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } /* Warning */ code > span.cn { color: #880000; } /* Constant */ code > span.sc { color: #4070a0; } /* SpecialChar */ code > span.vs { color: #4070a0; } /* VerbatimString */ code > span.ss { color: #bb6688; } /* SpecialString */ code > span.im { } /* Import */ code > span.va { color: #19177c; } /* Variable */ code > span.cf { color: #007020; font-weight: bold; } /* ControlFlow */ code > span.op { color: #666666; } /* Operator */ code > span.bu { } /* BuiltIn */ code > span.ex { } /* Extension */ code > span.pp { color: #bc7a00; } /* Preprocessor */ code > span.at { color: #7d9029; } /* Attribute */ code > span.do { color: #ba2121; font-style: italic; } /* Documentation */ code > span.an { color: #60a0b0; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } /* Annotation */ code > span.cv { color: #60a0b0; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } /* CommentVar */ code > span.in { color: #60a0b0; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } /* Information */
refs and see also
- html - How to use Bootstrap CDN? - Stack Overflow
好。As others have mentioned, using a CDN is usually as easy as adding:
<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.3/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
into your HTML. But this doesn’t work when you are loading your html from a local file.
The reason is the missing protocol. When using a CDN, it’s usually a good idea not to specify the protocol, so that your browser will use either http or https depending on the protocol used to get your html in the first place.
This is important because if your server is using https, it is better to have all references using https to avoid browsers (specially IExplorer) complaining about mixing content. On the other hand, using a protocol-less URL for CDN is more cache friendly (http://encosia.com/cripple-the-google-cdns-caching-with-a-single-character/).
- linux - Exclude directory from find . command - Stack Overflow
javascript - How to make an AJAX call without jQuery? - Stack Overflow
- ppwwyyxx/vim-PinyinSearch: help vim search Chinese by Pinyin
awk '{print $2}' chinese_informative.txt awk ' $1 <= 1000 {print $2}' chinese_infomative.txt > zh_chars_0001_1000.dat awk '$1 > 1000 && $1 <= 2000 {print $2}' chinese_infomative.txt > zh_chars_1001_2000.dat awk '$1 > 2000 && $1 <= 4000 {print $2}' chinese_infomative.txt > zh_chars_2001_4000.dat awk '$1 > 4000 && $1 <= 6000 {print $2}' chinese_infomative.txt > zh_chars_4001_6000.dat awk '$1 > 4000 && $1 <= 6000 {print $2}' chinese_infomative.txt > zh_chars_4001_6000.dat awk ' $1 <= 6000 {print $2}' chinese_infomative.txt > zh_chars_6000.dat
我给作者建议换一个 dict,他采纳了。
refs and see also
- 拉里 · 埃里森在他 32 岁创办甲骨文之前的时候是什么样的一个人?性格如何? - 创业 - 知乎
有点投机有点浮,我更喜欢 Bill Gates。
- Windows 实用技巧:右键菜单中添加打开方式_百度经验
- Win + R,
- 新建项,如
Vim instance
- 新建子项,需为
- 填入内容,
C:\Vim\vim74\gvim.exe %1
Vim instance
新建字符串,内容为 Icon: path/to/vim.ico。还可以在 Vim instance 下新建字符串,默认的那个,修改为“用 Vim 打开”,这样,右键菜单的显示文字就变成了“用 Vim 打开”。
- Win + R,
- EmacsWiki: Advising Functions
defadvice? 牛逼。
- Chapter 3 – ISL – ButMan World
- The Velveteen Rabbit (豆瓣)
- 如何在论文中画出漂亮的插图? - 知乎
gplot2 太美!
Q: 你的 Blog 配图都好精致!究竟是用什么画图的呢?
A: 我用 http://Paint.NET、 Pixelmator 、 Mathematica 、 GeoGebra 等工具画图。配图的秘诀就是背景透明化、图形反锯齿化、注重色彩、多用 png 、图内字体大小与正文一致。
refs and see also
- 曾有哪些错误的对科技的预测? - 知乎用户的回答 - 知乎
jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation Browser
- language agnostic - How to write a good README - Stack Overflow
c++ - Best Tips for documenting code using doxygen? - Stack Overflow
- 面试官在想什么 | 谢益辉
视频会议的评论页面里,有听众提出,要不给计算机系强制增加统计课吧(大概也有给统计系强制增加计算机课的意思),让那些无知的计算机学生搞清楚我们伟大的统计理论,别光在那儿算算算。我是最烦这种内心优越嘴上喊着对别人好的人了,学了统计就觉得统计无比重要,你连个正态分布都不懂还敢跑支持向量机,然而人家算算算还真用不着你的正态分布。类似的还有要给中学生增加统计课的呼吁者,到底着毛线急啊。记得 Norm Matloff 曾经写过,那些教中学统计课的老师的统计根底都差得要死,那么早让学生接触扭曲的统计学,到底是在帮他还是害他。
- senny/sablon: Ruby Document Template Processor based on docx templates and Mail Merge fields.
- Fork it ( https://github.com/senny/sablon/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
refs and see also
- List of document markup languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Mail merge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Microsoft Office XML formats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- yihui/knitr: A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
knitr: Elegant, flexible and fast dynamic report generation with R | knitr
renrousousuo/DocumentTemplate: 文件 Markdown 格式。方便书写各种文档。
joshbuchea/HEAD: A list of everything that could go in the <head>
of your document
- Jeffrey Friedl’s Blog » Source of the famous “Now you have two problems” quote
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.
- 10 Cloverfield Lane: Original Ending Revealed | Collider
, 三叶草;车轴草, 四叶草;幸运草refs and see also
- Free Gulim Fonts
gulim, font, gulim font, font gulim.
- 年轻就该多尝试,教你 20 小时 Get 一项新技能 - 简书
:h object-select
"dl" delete character (alias: "x") |dl| "diw" delete inner word *diw* "daw" delete a word *daw* "diW" delete inner WORD (see |WORD|) *diW* "daW" delete a WORD (see |WORD|) *daW* "dgn" delete the next search pattern match *dgn* "dd" delete one line |dd| "dis" delete inner sentence *dis* "das" delete a sentence *das* "dib" delete inner '(' ')' block *dib* "dab" delete a '(' ')' block *dab* "dip" delete inner paragraph *dip* "dap" delete a paragraph *dap* "diB" delete inner '{' '}' block *diB* "daB" delete a '{' '}' block *daB*
- pandoc/Highlighting.hs at 676b800993fffcc0e2ba44c88cfb6d552a37a136 · jgm/pandoc
langsList :: [(String, String)] langsList = [ ("awk","Awk") ,("bash","bash") ,("c","C") ,("commonlisp","Lisp") ,("cpp","C++") ,("erlang","erlang") ,("fortran","Fortran") ,("gnuassembler","Assembler") ,("haskell","Haskell") ,("html","HTML") ,("java","Java") ,("makefile","make") ,("matlab","Matlab") ,("perl","Perl") ,("php","PHP") ,("python","Python") ,("r","R") ,("ruby","Ruby") ,("sql","SQL") ,("verilog","Verilog") ,("vhdl","VHDL") ,("xml","XML") ,("xslt","XSLT") ] listingsLangs :: [String] listingsLangs = ["Ada","Java","Prolog","Algol","JVMIS","Promela", "Ant","ksh","Python","Assembler","Lisp","R","Awk", "Logo","Reduce","bash","make","Rexx","Basic", "Mathematica","RSL","C","Matlab","Ruby","C++", "Mercury","S","Caml","MetaPost","SAS","Clean", "Miranda","Scilab","Cobol","Mizar","sh","Comal", "ML","SHELXL","csh","Modula-2","Simula","Delphi", "MuPAD","SQL","Eiffel","NASTRAN","tcl","Elan", "Oberon-2","TeX","erlang","OCL","VBScript","Euphoria", "Octave","Verilog","Fortran","Oz","VHDL","GCL", "Pascal","VRML","Gnuplot","Perl","XML","Haskell", "PHP","XSLT","HTML","PL/I","GAP"]
pandoc -v
就可以知道支持的语言高亮……$ pandoc -v pandoc.exe Compiled with texmath 0.8.5, highlighting-kate 0.6.2. Syntax highlighting is supported for the following languages: abc, actionscript, ada, agda, apache, asn1, asp, awk, bash, bibtex, boo, c, changelog, clojure, cmake, coffee, coldfusion, commonlisp, cpp, cs, css, curry, d, diff, djangotemplate, dockerfile, dot, doxygen, doxygenlua, dtd, eiffel, elixir, email, erlang, fasm, fortran, fsharp, gcc, glsl, gnuassembler, go, hamlet, haskell, haxe, html, idris, ini, isocpp, java, javadoc, javascript, json, jsp, julia, kotlin, latex, lex, lilypond, literatecurry, literatehaskell, llvm, lua, m4, makefile, mandoc, markdown, mathematica, matlab, maxima, mediawiki, metafont, mips, modelines, modula2, modula3, monobasic, nasm, noweb, objectivec, objectivecpp, ocaml, octave, opencl, pascal, perl, php, pike, postscript, prolog, pure, python, r, relaxng, relaxngcompact, rest, rhtml, roff, ruby, rust, scala, scheme, sci, sed, sgml, sql, sqlmysql, sqlpostgresql, tcl, tcsh, texinfo, verilog, vhdl, xml, xorg, xslt, xul, yacc, yaml, zsh Default user data directory: C:\Users\cvrs\AppData\Roaming\pandoc Copyright (C) 2006-2016 John MacFarlane Web: http://pandoc.org This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
refs and see also
Everything you need to know about Vim - 推酷
- vi - How do I use vim registers? - Stack Overflow
In windows. In X (Linux, possibly also OS X). 这个居然用 in,我一直用 on 来着……就是用 on 啊!on windows,on linux!Stack Overflow 上看来大家并不介意别人的语法出问题……
Released in 1989, it has been distributed widely as the shell for the GNU operating system and as a default shell on Linux and OS X.
- VIM: how to execute the contents of a buffer? - Stack Overflow
Use: :%y" (alternatively: ggyG) :@"
It will copy whole buffer into default register and then run it.
See :help :y and :help :@ (and also :help range maybe).
:so[urce] %
- 俄罗斯黑客在国际黑客圈中地位如何? - 网络安全 - 知乎
refs and see also
如何看待中国数学竞赛落败引网民狂欢? - 清华大学 - 知乎
- 为什么俄罗斯人在通常被认为考验智力的领域大有作为? - 数学竞赛 - 知乎
说一个俄国数学教授的故事。 我和一个同学争论一个 PDE 问题,他在旁边听。然后他突然对我说:“你们中国人都太 peaceful 了,我在你这个年纪,早就揍他了。你说了这么多遍,你是对的,但是他还是不愿意相信……”
@林葭 说的是一个看似娱乐,其实靠谱的例子。 反映了国民性的一部分:偏激(能死磕)+爱冒险+有想象力。这种特性是非常适合做科研的。
别的不多说了,就提一个名字:吉米多维奇,中国的理工科大学生应该都不陌生吧。当年我们老师说,把吉米多维奇的 6 册习题集啃完,数学分析这门课就过关了。尼玛这位前辈整了 4000 多道题,把这个领域的各种题型各种可能性一网打尽啊!一个理工科学生,要是把这些题目吃透了,那得打下多好的底子。
欧拉完全失明以后,仍然以惊人的毅力与黑暗搏斗,凭着记忆和心算进行研究,直到逝世,竟达 17 年之久.好了,说了这么多关于欧拉的,(其实是百度出来的)就为了说明一点,在 18 世纪俄罗斯开办科学院后,整个科技文化都处于一个世界领先的水平,这就为现在奠定了强大的历史基础。而后,苏联时期从斯大林开始不管是冷战需要还是自身野心,俄罗斯都在大力发展重工业以及航空航天业。而这些行业的发展都需要应用数学的支撑,在国家的大力扶持下,大量数学爱好者终身投身数学行业,且不愁吃穿,带着对祖国的一腔热爱,做出了巨大贡献… 苏联爱国教育也是很成功的。再后来,苏联解体了,对数学没那么多资金支持了,但是数学吧,其实也不需要很多资金,穷也有穷的研究方法么,再说还是有很多数学热爱者就真的只是热爱,不贪图物质享受的。
- 摘自《伽莫夫自传》第一章第十四页
我的一个朋友曾对我说过他的一段亲身经历。他叫伊戈尔·塔姆 (1958 年诺贝尔物理奖获得者), 当时是敖德萨大学一名年轻的物理教授。在红军占领敖德萨时期, 有一天他跑到邻近一个被马赫诺匪帮的一支部队占据的村庄 (当时马赫诺匪帮的士兵常在农村出没, 骚扰红军), 在他和一个村民为了六把银匙能换多少只小鸡讨价还价时, 匪兵看见了他的城里人装束, 就把他带到头头那儿。这是个满脸胡子的家伙, 戴一顶高高的黑皮帽, 宽阔的前胸交叉着两条机关枪子弹带, 腰里别着两颗手榴弹。
“你这个狗杂种, 你这个共产主义煽动分子, 你想颠覆我们乌克兰祖国, 对你的惩罚是处死。”
“啊不!”塔姆慌忙分辩,“我是敖德萨大学的教授, 来这里只是想弄点吃的。”
“数学?”头头说,“好吧, 那你给我算算, 要是把马克劳林级数取到第 n 项, 会产生多大的误差, 算出来就放你走, 算不出就枪毙你。”
塔姆简直不相信自己的耳朵, 这分明是属于高等数学一个相当专门的分支学科里的高深问题。他哆哆嗦嗦地在枪口下算出了答案, 交与头头过目。
“正确。”头头说,“现在我看出你真是个教授了, 回家吧!”
这个人是谁? 谁也不知道。如果他后来没有被杀死的话, 那么他现在很可能正在乌克兰某座大学里教授高等数学呢。
热爱紧张刺激的 gank,团战而非 farm。
然后,我 TM 拒绝了
19 世纪德国数学家 Carl Gustav Jacobi,在纯数学某些领域有所贡献。Fourier 建议,这么聪明的头脑,研究点儿应用数学比如 heat flow 如何?这引起了 Jacobi 的不满。他在给 Legendre 信里,以教训人的口气说,像 Fourier 那样的人,“应该懂得,”研究数学的唯一目的,就是为了追求人类心智的荣耀。
- 数学这门学科有多有趣? - 趣味数学 - 知乎
了…这些牛逼经济学家在自己的一亩三分地是国王,任意虐其他研究者,特别是 junior 研究者;出了象牙塔,就没有什么了不起的;实战,呵呵,我就祝他们好运了。另外一个感觉就是,他们的思维框框特别多,没有想象力。经济学家 / 金融学家,太把自己当回事了。特别是一些出自名校、刚毕业没几年的‘宏观’经济学者,没有一点实践经验,就开始煞有介事地用 model 指点江山。搞笑!
数学大体上就起了个这么个作用。如果现实和模型推导的不一样,那一定是模型错了。悲哀的是很多人沉浸在数学的完美中,对现实不闻不见。只要模型自洽,那管现实洪水滔天啊。我的经验:解释过去,可以玩模型;对待未来,我劝你不如用孙子兵法。(13年诺奖得主之一的Hansen 在2014年AFA年会上有句话说得挺好:“所有的模型都是错的,区别是错的有意义和没有意义“。很可惜大多数都是没有意义的。)
学术圈生存研究者每天的工作之一就要互相咬,多弄点数学 / 高深的数学可以将攻击你的人减少很多。攻击者在咬的时候先要掂量掂量自己把数学搞懂了没。很多论文用很复杂的模型说了个很明显的故事。几年前我会仔仔细细推导,觉得这论文好牛逼啊。现在我大概简单看看 abstract;大量时间和智力就这样被浪费了。
this paper is too descriptive
博弈论大师 Ariel Rubinstein 用自己的研究结果指导小贩讨价还价,结果双方无法达成一个交易价格。但大师没有骂小贩是傻逼。他自己羞愧的走开,让小贩继续快乐地用祖传的方法讨价还价。这才是一个务实的态度。现实世界没有最优解;也可能永远不会收敛到“均衡”。
这些牛逼经济学家在自己的一亩三分地是国王,任意虐其他研究者,特别是 junior 研究者;出了象牙塔,就没有什么了不起的;实战,呵呵,我就祝他们好运了。另外一个感觉就是,他们的思维框框特别多,没有想象力。经济学家 / 金融学家,太把自己当回事了。特别是一些出自名校、刚毕业没几年的‘宏观’经济学者,没有一点实践经验,就开始煞有介事地用 model 指点江山。搞笑!
Windows 下编译 YouCompleteMe 流程 [和 ubuntu 32bit] | I’m tracyone
- 第一课:新建一个窗口 | OpenGL Tutorials
CMake, OpenGL, Code
- 硕鼠
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Shoe fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shoe fetishism is the attribution of attractive sexual qualities to shoes or other footwear as a matter of sexual preference, or an alternative or complement to a relationship with a partner. It has also been known as retifism, after the French novelist Nicolas-Edme Rétif (October 23, 1734– February 2, 1806), also known as Rétif de la Bretonne. Individuals with shoe fetishism can be erotically interested in women’s shoes. Although shoes may appear to carry sexual connotations in mainstream culture (for example, women’s shoes are commonly sold as being “sexy”) this opinion refers to an ethnographic or cultural context, and is likely not intended to be taken literally. Another fetishism, which sometimes is seen as related to shoe fetishism, is boot fetishism.
Lucite platform shoes
- Platform shoe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Platform shoes are shoes, boots, or sandals with an obvious thick sole, usually in the range of 3–10 cm (1–4 in). Platform shoes may also be high heels, in which case the heel is raised significantly higher than the ball of the foot. Extreme heights, of both the sole and heel, can be found in fetish footwear such as ballet boots, where the sole may be up to 20 cm (8 in) high, and the heels up to 40 cm (16 in) and more. The sole of a platform shoe can have a continuous uniform thickness, have a wedge, a separate block or a stiletto heel. Apart from the extreme forms of fetish shoes (which are first and foremost not intended for walking in), walking in platform shoes can be cumbersome and clumsy. Raising the ankle increases the risk of a sprained ankle.
- Elevator shoes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elevator shoes are shoes that have thickened sections of the insoles (known as shoe lifts) under the heels to make the wearer appear taller, or “elevate” them as the name suggests.
Cross section of an elevator shoe displaying the upper, insole, mid-insole and outsole.
Unlike high-heeled shoes, the component of elevator shoes that increases the wearer’s height is inside the shoe, hiding it from observers. An elevator shoe, like the platform shoe’s heel, can be made from different soles like plastic, wood, or rubber. Shoes with thickened soles are also used in cases of orthopedic problems, although the term “elevator shoe” is not usually used for these. Elevator shoe Cross section of an elevator shoe displaying the upper, insole, mid-insole and outsole.
Shoe lifts are often sold separately as versions that are small enough to fit inside a regular shoe. These lifts can increase the sole height by 1-2cm in a regular shoe. By contrast, elevator shoes are designed to accommodate a much larger shoe lift of up to 7cm. Combined with the outsole, this can typically increase the wearer’s height by up to 10cm.
Midsole Technology
An optimized insole of an elevator shoe so that it no longer has to be arched on the heel. Thus, creating a raised flat sole that provides the perfect unison of a lift and the exact comfort of regular shoes.
refs and see also
- Vinta (陳上進)
我們必須嚴肅對待用 Vim 的工程師鄙視用 Emacs 的工程師,用 Emacs 的工程師鄙視用 Vim 的工程師,無論是用 Vim 或 Emacs 的工程師都鄙視所有用其他編輯器的工程師;用 Atom、 Notepad++、Sublime Text 的工程師鄙視用 Windows 記事本的工程師。
程式碼用 space 縮排的工程師鄙視用 tab 縮排的工程師,用 tab 縮排的工程師鄙視混用 space 和 tab 來縮排的工程師。
用 reStructuredText 寫文件的工程師鄙視用 Markdown 寫文件的工程師,用 Markdown 寫文件的工程師鄙視用 HTML 寫文件的工程師,用 HTML 寫文件的工程師鄙視不寫文件的工程師,然後用 LaTeX 寫文件的工程師鄙視所有工程師。
用 Dvorak 鍵盤的工程師鄙視用 Mac 鍵盤的工程師,用 Mac 鍵盤的工程師鄙視用 QWERTY 鍵盤的工程師,用 QWERTY 鍵盤的工程師鄙視鄙視不知道 QWERTY 鍵盤是什麼的工程師,不知道 QWERTY 鍵盤是什麼的工程師鄙視用手寫板的設計師。
如果你看了以上這些慘絕人寰的鄙視鍊之後,仍然沒有擊倒你想要學習 coding 的心,那我必須提醒你一件最重要的事:先去交一個女朋友,再來學寫程式;因為一旦你成為軟體工程師之後,就交不到女朋友了。
- 乌云 (WooYun) 是怎样的一个网站? - 网络安全 - 知乎
2014 年 2 月 17 日爆出支付宝 / 余额宝任意登录漏洞后,阿里公关迅速出击,拿出现金 500 万奖励白帽子盖过舆论。在此之后,关于微信支付与支付宝的互相职责安全性差的公关稿连绵不绝。以安全为名,背后实为互联网商业之战的封杀与反封杀、黑公关与反黑事件,正愈演愈烈,而乌云网在其中扮演了推波助澜的作用。
- css3 - How to set Bullet colors in UL/LI html lists via CSS without using any images or span tags - Stack Overflow
ul { list-style: none; padding:0; margin:0; } li { padding-left: 1em; text-indent: -.7em; } li:before { content: "• "; color: red; /* or whatever color you prefer */ }
ul { list-style: none; } ul li { list-style: none; } li:before { content: "\f105"; font-family: FontAwesome; color: red; padding-right: 1em; display: inline-block; }
refs and see also
- Penrose triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Penrose triangle, also known as the Penrose tribar, or the impossible tribar, is an impossible object. It was first created by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd in 1934. The psychologist Lionel Penrose and his mathematician son Roger Penrose independently devised and popularised it in the 1950s, describing it as “impossibility in its purest form”. It is featured prominently in the works of artist M. C. Escher, whose earlier depictions of impossible objects partly inspired it.
The Penrose triangle
Impossible triangle sculpture as an optical illusion, East Perth, Western Australia
- 在男女交往中,女方说什么话或做什么事,会让男生瞬间倒胃口,失去或降低与她发展的兴趣? - 恋爱 - 知乎
- 看书?太多字了,好累的。我还是看电视剧吧。
- 这电影好闷啊,怎么一分钟了都没人说话?不如我们俩说说话呗。
- 你喜欢音乐啊,嗯,我也喜欢,不过主要听轻音乐,你听的这些好吵啊!
- 在街上,她,突然,用力地吐了口痰……
- 虚伪
- 很烦,很愁,很心焦,很郁闷,每次聊天都是这样的负面情绪,还试图去感染你,简直想逃跑啊
- 口中随便一句话能追着不放跟你闹别扭的
- 人生支柱是:美甲、发型、购物、自拍。对其他事情没有一点兴趣。
- 撒谎,不断地、习惯性的谎话。
- 任何犯错都推给自己的性别因素,不论是迟到、不守承诺、不讲道理、不买单等。我是女的,你就得让我、原谅我,或者不用做 XXX。
- 过分重视外表(抹各种化学物质就算了,还老是谋划在自己的脸上动刀)。
- 过多的抱怨以及负面情绪,或者特别自我。
- 心情大过承诺。承诺了某事,却因为临时心情不好就没有任何理由和通知的理所当然毁约。虽然社会对男生信守诺言的期待会更高,但女孩子这样子对待承诺,要人怎么相信你在婚后真的会不论贫穷或者疾病都会不离不弃?
- 发现素质不在一个水平的时候……特指文明道德方面。
- 呵呵
- 用到你时才找你,且根本不在乎时间时机是否合适。
- 我抽烟、喝酒、纹身、说脏话,但我是个好女孩。(不知道哪个脑袋被门夹的人写出来的话。)
另外在我的狭隘人生观里面 你做事情动机必须要单纯
Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it.
It’s a beautiful day, and I can’t see it
> 大哥,热酒热炕热身子啊~
有个故事叫叶公好龙。 重口味基本上都是这么回事。
- 域名 - 简书
对一群挑剔的发烧友推荐 49 元的耳机,无论是小米活塞还是乐视反戴,只会被视为笑话,正如在巴黎上流社交圈的酒宴上讨论保安工作服和六五式军装到底哪个更帅气。其实对一条 49 元的耳机,我们首先要求它工作可靠,线要结实,接触良好,两边的声音不要一大一小,随便揣裤兜里不容易损坏——大多数的耳机,甚至连这基本要求都做不到。
二十年后,你的孩子在抽屉角落找到一个古旧的手机,或许是苹果 6,或许是小米 4,或者华为 mate7,他给它充电,好奇地打开一个叫简书的 APP,如同打开一张神秘的藏宝地图,期待奇迹的出现。
而那个 APP,是你今天在这里下载安装的:
饱先生如果来我的小县城,我可以让先生来我家歇歇。我想这就是这款 APP 的意义所在吧。谁也不喜欢自己不欣赏的陌生人进自己家门。
【好文案的标准】一日,与某传销公司老总吃饭,他说传销公司面对的受众大都是教育程度较低的人群,所以切忌文案复杂,只需抓住四点:称呼亲切,文字简单,落款严肃,充满诱惑。 (via 延庆果园园主)
refs and see also
HTTP - The Definitive Guide
Transactions: GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, HEAD
Status code
Request/Response Messages:
- Start line
- Header
- Content-type header
- Content-length header
- Body (optional,
+ )
- Connections, IP address, and Port Numbers
Protocol Versions: 0.9, 1.0, 1.0+, 1.1, 2.0 (HTTP-NG)
Architechtural Components of the Web
- Proxies
- Caches (Web cache, or caching proxy)
- Gateways
- Tunnels
- Agents (Web browsers, etc)
Scheme (how), Host (where), Path (what)
Params (Parameters), name/value pairs.
Base URLs:
HTML tag. Converting relative to absolute URLsExpandomatic URLs
- Hostname expansion (
, etc) - History expansion
- Hostname expansion (
Shady Characters
- Transactional direction: inbound, outbound
- Messages flow: upstream, downstream
- Messages syntax
Request message
<method> <request-URL> <version> <headers> <entity-body>
Response message
<version> <status-code> <reason-phrase> <headers> <entity-body>
- version 2.22 > 2.3
- Header continuation lines
- UA (User Agent): UA-OS, UA-CPU, etc.
- Headers
- General headers: Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1974 02:16:00 GMT
- Request headers: Accept: /
- Accept headers
- Conditional request headers
- Request security headers
- Proxy request headers
- Response headers: Server: Tiki-Hut/1.0
- Entity headers: Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-latin-1
- Content headers
- Entity caching headers
- Extension headers:
refs and see also
TCP Reliable Data Pipes
TCP Streams Are Segmented and Shipped by IP Packets
Keeping TCP Connections Straight
A TCP connection
<src-IP-addr, src-port, dst-IP-addr, dst-port>
- Programming with TCP Sockets
s = socket(<parameters>)
: Creates a new, unnamed, unattached socket.bind(s, <local IP:port>)
: Assigns a local port number and interface to the socket.
TCP Performance Considerations
- HTTP Transaction Delays
- Performance Focus Areas
- Delayed Acknowledgments
- TCP Slow Start
- Nagle’s Algorithm and
Accumulation and Port Exhaustion- Serial Transaction Delays
Parallel Connections
- Parallel Connections May Make Pages Load Faster
- Parallel Connections Are Not Always Faster
- Parallel Connections May “Feel” Faster
Persistent Connections
Persistent Versus Parallel Connections
HTTP/1.0+ Keep-Alive Connections
- Keep-Alive Operation
- Keep-Alive and Dumb Proxies
- The Connection header and blind relays
- Proxies and hop-by-hop headers
The Proxy-Connection Hack
- HTTP/1.1 Persistent Connections
- Pipelined Connections
The Mysteries of Connection Close
- “At Will” Disconnection
- Content-Length and Truncation
- Connection Close Tolerance, Retries, and Idempotency
- Graceful Connection Close
refs and see also
- http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Performance/
- http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/ccr/archive/2001/jan01/ccr-200101-mogul.pdf
Web Server Implementations: HTTP, TCP
General-Purpose Software Web Servers
Web Server Appliances
Embedded Web Servers
What Real Web Servers Do
- Step 1: Accepting Client Connections
- Handling New Connections
- Client Hostname Identification (reverse DNS)
- Determining the Client User Through ident
- Step 2: Receiving Request Messages
- Internal Representations of Messages
- Connection Input/Output Processing Architectures
- Step 3: Processing Requests
- Step 4: Mapping and Accessing Resources
- Docroots (document root)
- Directory Listings
- Dynamic Content Resource Mapping
- Server-Side Includes (SSI)
- Access Controls
- Step 5: Building Responses
- Response Entities
- MIME Typing
- mime.types
- Magic typing
- Explicit typing (igonre file extension or content (maybe magic number))
- Type negotiation
- Redirection
- Permanently/temporarily moved resources
- URL augmentation
- Load balancing
- Step 6: Sending Responses
- Step 7: Logging
Web Intermediaries
Private and Shared Proxies
Proxies (middlemen) Versus Gateways (protocol converter)
Why Use Proxies?
- Child filter
- Document access controller
- Security firewall
- Web cache
- Surrogate
- Content router
- Transcoder (
, etc) - Anonymizer
Where Do Proxies Go?
Proxy Server Deployment
- Egress proxy (adult content)
- Access (ingress) proxy (ISP access proxy: download speed)
- Surrogates
- Network exchange proxy
Proxy Hierarchies
- inbound
- outbound
- parent
- Proxy hierarchy content routing
How Proxies Get Traffic
- Modify the client (Proxy Plugin)
- Modify the network (intercepting proxy, like GFW)
- Modify the DNS namespace
- Modify the web server
Client Proxy Settings
- Manual configuration
- Browner preconfiguartion
- Proxy auto-configuration: Proxy auto-configuration (PAC)
- suffix: “.pac”
- MIME type: “application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig”
- Client Proxy Configuartion: Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD)
- Dynamic Host Discovery Protocol (DHCP)
- Service Location Protocol (SLP)
- DNS well-known hostnames
- DNS SRV records
- DNS service URIs in TXT records
- Tricky Things About Proxy Requests
- Proxy URIs Differ from Server URIs
- Server request, explicit proxy request, surrogate(reverse proxy) request, intersecpting proxy request
- The Same Problem with Virtual Hosting (index.html ==> bob/index.html? or tom/index.html?)
- Intercepting Proxies Get Partial URIs
- Proxies Can Handle Both Proxy and Server Requests
- In-Flight URI Modification
- URI Client Auto-Expansion and Hostname Resolution
- URI Resolution Without a Proxy
- URI Resolution with an Explicit Proxy
- URI Resolution with an Intercepting Proxy
- Tracing Messages
- The Via Header
- Via syntax
- Via request and response paths
- Via and gateways
- The Server and Via headers
- Privacy and security implications of Via
- The TRACE Method
- Max-Forwards
- The Via Header
- Proxy Authentication
- Proxy Interoperation
- Handling Unsupported Headers and Methods
- OPTIONS: Discovering Optional Feature Support
- The Allow Header
Redundant Data Transfers
- Bandwidth Bottlenecks
- Flash Crowds
- Distance Delays
- Hits and Misses (hits, misses, revalidations(freshness check))
- cache hit
- cache miss
- revalidate hit (slow hit)
- revalidate miss
- Revalidate request with If-Modified-Since
- ==> Revalidate hit: 304(not modified) response (“still fresh”)
- ==> Revalidate miss: normal HTTP 200 OK response + full content,
Hit Rate/Ratio (fraction of requests)
Byte Hit Rate
Distinguishing Hits and Misses
Cache Topologies
- private caches (Firefox:
) - shared public caches (public proxy caches)
Proxy Cache Hierarchies, Cache Meshes, Content Routing, and Peering(sibling caches)
Cache Processing Steps
- Step 1: Receiving
- Step 2: Parsing
- Step 3: Lookup
- Step 4: Freshness Check
- Step 4: Freshness Check
- Step 5: Response Creation
- Step 6: Sending
- Step 7: Logging
Cache Processing Flowchart
Keeping Copies Fresh
- document expiration
- Cache-Control: max-age=
- Expires:
- Cache-Control: max-age=
- server revalidation
- Revalidation with Conditional Methods (conditional request)
- If-Modified-Since:
- If-None-Match:
ETags(entity tags)
- If-Modified-Since:
Weak and Strong Validators
When to Use Entity Tags and Last-Modified Dates
Controlling Cachability
- No-Cache and No-Store Response Headers
- Cache-Control: no-store
- Cache-Control: no-cache # (may be cached locally)
- Pragma: no-cache
- Max-Age Response Headers
- Cache-Control: max-age=3600
- Cache-Control: s-maxage=3600 # shared(public) cache
- Expires Response Headers
- Expires:
- Must-Revalidate Response Headers
- Cache-Control: must-revalidate
- Heuristic Expiration
- LM-Factor algorithm
- Client Freshness Constraints
- Max-Age Response Headers
- Client Freshness Constraints
Setting Cache Controls
Controlling HTTP Headers with Apache
mod_headers (the mod_headers module)
<Files *.html> Header set Cache-control no-cache </Files>
- ExpiresDefault M86400
- ExpiresByType text/html “modification plus 2 days 6 hours 12 minutes”
- mod_cern_meta
Controlling HTML Caching Through HTTP-EQUIV
Detailed Algorithms
- Age and Freshness Lifetime
- Age Computation
- Apparent age is based on the Date header
- Hop-by-hop age calculations
- Compensating for network delays
- Freshness Lifetime Computation …
Caches and Advertising
- The Advertiser’s Dilemma
- The Publisher’s Response (cache-busting)
Log Migration
- Integration Points: Gateways, Tunnels, and Relays
Client-Side and Server-Side Gateways
Protocol Gateways
: Server-Side Web GatewaysHTTP/HTTPS
: Server-Side Security GatewaysHTTPS/HTTP
: Client-Side Security Accelerator Gateways
Resource Gateways
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
- Server Extension APIs
Application Interfaces and Web Services
- Establishing HTTP Tunnels with CONNECT (a raw byte relay)
- CONNECT requests
home.netscape.com:443 HTTP/1.0
User-agent: Mozilla/4.0
- CONNECT responses
- Data Tunneling, Timing, and Connection Management
- SSL Tunneling
- SSL Tunneling Versus HTTP/HTTPS Gateways
- Tunnel Authentication
- Tunnel Security Considerations
Chapter 09. Web Robots
Crawlers and Crawling
Where to Start: The “Root Set”
- stranded—isolated,
Extracting Links and Normalizing Relative Links
- Loops and Dups
Trails of Breadcrumbs
- Trees and hash tables
- Lossy presence bit maps
- Checkpoints
- Partitioning
Aliases and Robot Cycles
- Canonicalizing URLs
- Filesystem Link Cycles
- Dynamic Virtual Web Spaces
Avoiding Loops and Dups
- Canonicalizing URLs
- Breadth-first crawling
- Throttling
- Limit URL size
- URL/site blacklist
- Pattern detection (
) - Content fingerprinting
- Human monitoring
Robotic HTTP
- Identifying Request Headers
- Virtual Hosting
- Conditional Requests
- Response Handling
- status codes
- entities
- User-Agent Targeting
Misbehaving Robots
- Runaway robots
- Stale URLs
- Long, wrong URLs
- Nosy robots
- Dynamic gateway access
Excluding Robots
- Robots Exclusion Standard (robots.txt)
- Web Sites and robots.txt Files
- retrive
and check response codes robots.txt File Format
User-Agent: <robot-name> # case-insensitive substring of the robot’s name
- Disallow/Allow prefix matching
Other robots.txt Wisdom
Caching and Expiration of robots.txt
Robot Exclusion Perl Code
HTML Robot-Control META Tags
Robot Etiquette(礼仪)
Chapter 10. HTTP-NG
HTTP’s Growing Pains
HTTP-NG Activity = HTTP: The Next Generation (HTTP-NG)
Modularize and Enhance
- Layer {1..3}
- Distributed Objects
- Layer 1: Messaging (WebMUX)
- Layer 2: Remote Invocation (Binary Wire Protocol)
- Layer 3: Web Application
PART III. Identification, Authorization, and Security
Chapter 11. Client Identification and Cookies
The Personal Touch
- HTTP Headers
- Client IP Address
- User Login (Pretty soon, Fred will give up on the Internet and go back to watching Oprah…)
- Fat URLs
- Ugly URLs
- Can’t share URLs
- Breaks caching
- Extral server load
- Excape hatches (may lost your shopping cart)
- Not persistent across sessions
- Cookies
- Types of Cookies: session and persistent
- How Cookies Work
- Cookie Jar: Client-Side State
- domain
- allh
- path
- secure
- expiration
- name
- value
- Different Cookies for Different Sites (
Set-Cookie: key=val
, Cookie: key=value) + Cookie Domain attribute:
domain=, <SITE> e.g. "www.jianshu.com" + Cookie Path attribute:
path=/autos/` - Cookie Ingredients
- Version 0 (Netscape) Cookies
- Version 1 (RFC 2965) Cookies
- Cookies and Session Tracking
- Cookies and Caching
- Mark documents uncacheable if they are
- Be cautious about caching Set-Cookie headers
- Be cautious about requests with Cookie headers
- Cookies, Security, and Privacy
Chapter 12. Basic Authentication
- Authentication
- Authentication Protocols and Headers
- Security Realms
- Basic Authentication
- Challenge/Response
- Challenge(server2client):
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=<quoted-realm>
- Response(client2server):
Authorization: Basic <base64-username-and-password>
- Base-64 Username/Password Encoding: BASE64ENC(
: )
- Challenge(server2client):
- Challenge/Response
- Proxy Authentication
Web Server Proxy Server Unauthorized status code: 401 Unauthorized status code: 407 WWW-Authenticate Proxy-Authenticate Authorization Proxy-Authorization Authentication-Info Proxy-Authentication-Info - The Security Flaws of Basic Authentication
Chapter 13. Digest Authentication
The Improvements of Digest Authentication
- Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- Secure HTTP (HTTPS)
Using Digests to Keep Passwords Secret
One-Way Digests
aliases of
Digest functions
=cryptographic checksums
,one-way hash functions
, orfingerprint functions
Input MD5 digest “Hi” C1A5298F939E87E8F962A5EDFC206918 “bri:Ow!” BEAAA0E34EBDB072F8627C038AB211F8 “3.1415926535897” 475B977E19ECEE70835BC6DF46F4F6DE
Using Nonces to Prevent Replays
- a special token called a
The Digest Authentication Handshake
- chanllenge, nonce, algorithms…
Digest Calculations
Digest Algorithm Input Data
Digests are computed from three components:
- A pair of functions consisting of a one-way hash function H(d) and digest KD(s,d), where s stands for secret and d stands for data
- A chunk of data containing security information, including the secret password, called A1
- A chunk of data containing nonsecret attributes of the request message, called A2
The two pieces of data, A1 and A2, are processed by H and KD to yield a digest.
H(<data>) = MD5(<data>) KD(<secret>,<data>) = H(concatenate(<secret>:<data>)) qop: quality of protection <request-method>: HTTP request method <uri-directive-value>: the request URI from the request line nc: nonce count
The Security-Related Data (A1)
Algorithm A1 MD5 A1 = : : MD5-sess A1 = MD5( : : ): : The Message-Related Data (A2)
qop | A2 |
undefined |: |
auth |: |
auth-int |: :H( ) | Overall Digest Algorithm
Old and new digest algorithms
qop Digest algorithm Notes undefined KD(H(A1), :H(A2)) Deprecated auth or auth-int KD(H(A1), : : : :H(A2)) Preferred Unfolded digest algorithm cheat sheet
qop Algorithm Unfolded algorithm undefined , MD5, MD5-sess MD5(MD5(A1): :MD5(A2)) auth , MD5, MD5-sess MD5(MD5(A1): : : : :MD5(A2)) auth-int , MD5, MD5-sess MD5(MD5(A1): : : : :MD5(A2))
Digest Authentication Session
- Preemptive Authorization
- Next nonce pregeneration
- Limited nonce reuse
- Synchronized nonce generation
- Nonce Selection
- Suggested by RFC 2617, nonce = BASE64(time-stamp H(time-stamp “:” ETag “:” private-key))
- ETag: the HTTP ETag header associated with the requested entity
Symmetric Authentication
Definitions for A2 by algorithm (request digests)
qop A2 undefined : auth : auth-int : :H( ) Definitions for A2 by algorithm (response digests)
qop A2 undefined : auth : auth-int : :H( )
Quality of Protection Enhancements
- Use of qop is optional, but only for backward compatibility with the older RFC 2069 specification.
Message Integrity Protection
Digest Authentication Headers
Practical Considerations
- Multiple Challenges
- Error Handling
- Protection Spaces
- Rewriting URIs
- Caches
Security Considerations
- Header Tampering
- Replay Attacks
- Multiple Authentication Mechanisms
- Dictionary Attacks
- Hostile Proxies and Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
- Chosen Plaintext Attacks
- Storing Passwords
Chapter 14. Secure HTTP
- Making HTTP Safe
- Digital Cryptography: The Art and Science of Secret Coding
- Cipher
Symmetric-Key Cryptography
- (e=k), encoding = decoding
- P = D(C, d)
- DES, Triple-DES, RC2, and RC4
- Key Length and Enumeration Attacks
- 充满活力的心理学 — 在科学阵营里还干得蛮好
- 可证伪性 — 如何阻挡脑袋中的鬼精灵到处捣蛋
- 操作主义及本质主义 — 不过,博士,这到底是什么意思呢?
- 见证和个案证据 — 安慰剂效应和神奇兰迪
- 相关和因果 — 烤面包机与避孕
- 一切尽在掌控之中 — 聪明汉斯的故事
- “但,真实生活不是这样的啊!” — “人为性”的批评与心理学
- 别了,爱因斯坦综合征 — 证据集中的重要性
- 别相信有一枪即中的“魔弹” — 多样原因的问题
- 人类认识的死穴 — 概率推理
- 偶然性在心理学中的作用
- 像外行一样思考,像专家一样实践——科研成功之道
- 本书是由管理和培育出世界上最大的机器人研究所的卡耐基·梅隆大学教授 Takeo Kanade 对其日常研究、生活和学习的经验进行收集整理而成的一本小册子。本书不仅用作者亲身经历的大量事例极具趣味地描述了许多有效的科研法则,如“海阔天空的构思”、“跳出现有的成功”、“KISS 方法”、“用情景推动研究进展”、“智慧体力”、“从‘做不到’重新开始”、“在与他人的交流中完善自己的构想”,等等,而且更是用大量的篇幅、语重心长地为下一代即将承担未来的年轻人如何进行科研,如何进行创新,想得到一定成就应该具备什么样的能力提供了必要及时的指导。
- 本书不仅适合科研人士,应该说是适合任何读者阅读,因为它能对自己工作、学习和生活在解决问题方面会有许多参考价值。
- 本书尤其适合在校大学生、研究生在思考如何培养自身能力,如何发展自我的时候参考阅读。
- 像外行一样思考,像专家一样实践
- 计算机向人类发出的挑战 — 问题的解决能力与教育
- 表达“自己的想法”,说服别人实践!国际化时代的讲演、会话、写作能力
- 寻求决断与明示的速度:关于日本与世界,自己与他人的思考
- 结束语:愉快地解决问题
- 像外行一样思考,像专家一样实践
- Wild Idea Fund
- 从现状出发,逻辑推导,最终得到结论(内行)
- 从想要的结果出发开始做(外行)
- 天真、幼稚、甚至牵强的想法(通向重大成就的突破点)
- 只有天真是不够的。还得考数学这个工具
- 内容宽泛的理论(MIT 的 Minsky 的故事)
- Minsky 的诀窍:反对大家
- 省略、抽象与简洁之美:省略到什么程度是关键
- 超级碗上的 Eye Vision: Let’s watch the NBA on the court
- 畅销小说的构思
- KISS Principle: Keep it Simple, Stupid
- 其实做事只要坚持到最后,就算不成功也会学到很多
- 智慧体力:所谓的集中力,就是让自己成为问题本身
- 越能干的人,越会迷茫
- 做研究和搞开发没有具体目标是不行的
- 不安感和成就感是智慧体力的基石
- Clarke’s Three Laws
- 交流中创新
- 像专家一样思考,像外行一样实践
- 计算机向人类发出的挑战 — 问题的解决能力与教育
- 人是了不起的机器,人们只是不知道自己所使用的程序而已
- NP 完全问题
- Kasparov:感受到了一种全新的智能体
- “深蓝”:超过了“可预测的不可预测性”
- 通过解决问题来提高思考力和判断力
- 思考例题并加以解决是加深理解的最好方法
- Euler 公式
- 逻辑学家、数学家、物理学家、工程学家
- 教科书的编写 & 培养思考能力:“实质到形式”还是“形式到实质”
- 单纯练习公式的使用方法是无助于培养思维能力的
- 创造力、规划能力的基础是记忆力
- 构思:通过重组脑海中的记忆而产生的
- 最有效的学习方法就是记忆
- 储存能力与应用能力
- 记忆的时候尽可能做到理解记忆。理解基础上记忆的东西才能正确的使用
- 思考力和记忆力是靠不断实践培养起来的。基础中的基础
- “填”不见得就是一种不好的方法。关键是怎样“填”
- 专业傻瓜
- 抓要点,在说话和做研究上一样一样的
- 表达“自己的想法”,说服别人实践!国际化时代的讲演、会话、写作能力
- 表达观点说服他人也是研究活动的一个环节
- 被人了解才有价值
- Playing Cards: Best First
- 不是通过说明得到认可,而是在认可的基础上进行说明
- 称赞是全世界共同的良药。“Enjoy~”
- 说话方式的恶习 — “但是”
- 实战提高英语:抢着说,大声讲,静心听
- 论文也是一部推理小说
- 脉络:起承转合
- 寻求决断与明示的速度:关于日本与世界,自己与他人的思考
- 能用则用的现实使用主义
- 海湾战争的日本援助:Too little, too late
- “别人怎么看自己” — 强迫观念与存在感
- 美国人不在乎别人的眼光
- 不要拿“日本独有”当做挡箭牌。
- 要想不被别人当成摆设的木偶,无论到了什么地位也都要履行好自己的职责
- Publish or Perish, Demo or die
- 一个好的评价制度,他的目的是防止出现一些既不想辞退也不想升职的平庸之辈
- 自己决定是一种勇气(为什么日本人你不希望自己来决定)
- 结束语:愉快地解决问题
- 思考事物的本质
- 中国学生的热情
- 简单思考,积极向上
- 数理统计学简史 — 陈希孺
- 豆瓣书评:有助于培养“统计思想”
统计学不止是一种方法或技术,还含有世界观的成分 –它是看待世界上万事万物的一种方法,我们常讲某事从统计观点看如何如何,指的就是这个意思,但统计思想也有一个发展过程。因此,统计思想(或观点)的养成,不单需要学习一些具体的知识,还要能够从发展的眼光,把这些知识连缀成一个有机的、清晰地图景,获得一种历史的厚重感。
从内容上说,本书的前 2 章是概率论相关的,其余八章才是真正关于统计学的,但让人觉得很自然,正体现了概率与统计的一脉相承。书中的内容涉及到概率、大数定律、贝叶斯统计、最小二乘法、误差与正态分布、抽样调查、回归与相关、小样本理论、方差分析、假设检验、参数估计等。
- 掌握基本概念对于学习数学非常重要,对于重要的基本概念,不要以为一两天就可能深入理解。事实上,人类可能花了几十甚至上百年才取得一些重大的思维进展
- 对于统计方法,了解其发明的背景(最初用来解决什么问题)很有用。这将有助于我们了解这一统计方法的适用范围(包括可以引申来解决什么问题)
- 若习惯于完全严谨的方法,解决实际问题可能受到限制(欧拉与拉普拉斯这样的顶级大学者,一生解决了很多数学难题,却对于线性方程组求解的问题没有什么建树)
- 不要期望一下子提出一个毫无缺陷的方法
- 新方法的提出可能遭受别人的质疑或批评(比如显著性检验方法曾受到贝叶斯学派的质疑)
序 && 导言
第一章:早起概率论 — 从萌芽到《推测术》
第七章:回归与相关 — 发现与早期发展
第八章:小样本 — 统计学的新台阶
- 如果让我重做一次研究生 — 王泛森院士
- 一、研究生与大学生的区别
- (一)选择自己的问题取向,学会创新
- (二)尝试跨领域研究,主动学习
提出一个重要的问题,跨越一个重要的领域,将决定你未来的成败。我也在台大和清华教了十几年的课,我常常跟学生讲,选对一个领域和选对一个问题是成败的关键,而你自己本身必须是带着问题来探究无限的学问世界,因为你不再像大学时代一样泛滥无所归。所以这段时间内,必须选定一个有兴趣与关注的主题为出发点,来探究这些知识,产生有机的循环。由于你是自发性的对这个问题产生好奇和兴趣,所以你的态度和大学部的学生是截然不同的,你慢慢从被动的接受者变成是一个主动的探索者,并学会悠游在这学术的领域。我举一个例子,我们的中央研究院院长李远哲先生,得了诺贝尔奖。他曾经在中研院的周报写过几篇文章,在他的言论集里面,或许各位也可以看到,他反复提到他的故事。他是因为读了一个叫做马亨教授的教科书而去美国柏克莱大学念书,去了以后才发现,这个老师只给他一张支票,跟他说你要花钱你尽量用,但是从来不教他任何东西。可是隔壁那个教授,老师教很多,而且每天学生都是跟着老师学习。他有一次就跟那个老师抱怨:“那你为什么不教我点东西呢?”那个老师就说:“如果我知道结果,那我要你来这边念书做什么?我就是因为不知道,所以要我们共同探索一个问题、一个未知的领域。”他说其实这两种教法都有用处,但是他自己从这个什么都不教他,永远碰到他只问他“有没有什么新发现”的老师身上,得到很大的成长。所以这两方面都各自蕴含深层的道理,没有所谓的好坏,但是最好的方式就是将这两个方式结合起来。我为什么讲这个故事呢?就是强调在这个阶段,学习是一种 “self-help”,并且是在老师的引导下学习 “self-help”,而不能再像大学时代般,都是纯粹用听的,这个阶段的学习要基于对研究问题的好奇和兴趣,要带着一颗热忱的心来探索这个领域。
然而研究生另外一个重要的阶段就是 Learn how to learn,不只是学习而已,而是学习如何学习,不再是要去买一件很漂亮的衣服,而是要学习拿起那一根针,学会绣出一件漂亮的衣服,慢慢学习把目标放在一个标准上,而这一个标准就是你将来要完成硕士或博士论文。如果你到西方一流的大学去读书,你会觉得我这一篇论文可能要和全世界做同一个问题的人相比较。我想即使在非一流大学也应该要有这样的心情,你的标准不能单单只是放在旁边几个人而已,而应该是要放在领域的普遍人里面。你这篇文章要有新的东西,才算达到的标准,也才符合到我们刚刚讲到那张拉丁文的博士证书上面所讲的,有所贡献与创新。
- 二、一个老师怎么训练研究生
- (一)善用与老师的伙伴关系,不断 Research
我常说英文 research 这个字非常有意义, search 是寻找,而 research 是再寻找,所以每个人都要 research ,不断的一遍一遍再寻找,并进而使你的生活和学习成为一体。中国近代兵学大师蒋百里在他的兵学书中曾说:“ 生活条件要跟战斗条件一致,近代欧洲凡生活与战斗条件一致者强,凡生活与战斗条件不一致者弱。”我就是藉由这个来说明研究生的生活,你的生活条件与你的战斗条件要一致,你的生活是跟着老师与同学共同成长的,当中你所听到的每一句话,都可能带给你无限的启发。
回想当时我在美国念书的研究生生活,只要随便在楼梯口碰到任何一个人,他都有办法帮忙解答你语言上的困难,不管是英文、拉丁文、德文、希腊文 …… 所以能帮助解决问题的不单只是你的老师,还包括所有同学以及学习团体。你的学习是跟生活合在一起的。当我看到有学生呈现被动或是懈怠的时候,我就会用毛泽东的“革命不是请客吃饭!”来跟他讲:“作研究生不是请客吃饭。”
- (二)藉由大量阅读和老师提点,进入研究领域
- (三)循序渐进地练习论文写作
到了硕士或博士最重要的一件事,是完成一篇学位论文,而不管是硕士或博士论文,其规模都远比你从小学以来所受的教育、所要写的东西都还要长得多,虽然我不知道教育方面的论文情况是如何,但是史学的论文都要写二、三十万字,不然就是十几二十万字。写这么大的一个篇幅,如何才能有条不紊、条理清楚,并把整体架构组织得通畅可读?首先,必须要从一千字、五千字、一万字循序渐进的训练,先从少的慢慢写成多的,而且要在很短的时间内训练到可以从一万字写到十万字。这么大规模的论文谁都写得出来,问题是写得好不好,因为这么大规模的写作,有这么许多的脚注,还要注意首尾相映,使论述一体成型,而不是散落一地的铜钱;是一间大礼堂,而不是一间小小分割的阁楼。为了完成一个大的、完整的、有机的架构模型,必须要从小规模的篇幅慢慢练习,这是一个最有效的办法。因为受计算机的影响,我发现很多学生写文章能力都大幅下降。写论文时很重要的一点是,文笔一定要清楚,不要花俏、不必漂亮,“清楚”是最高指导原则,经过慢慢练习会使你的文笔跟思考产生一致的连贯性。我常跟学生讲不必写的花俏,不必展现你散文的才能,因为这是学术论文,所以关键在于要写得非常清楚,如果有好的文笔当然更棒,但那是可遇不可求的,文彩像个人的生命一样,英文叫 style , style 本身就像个人一样带有一点点天生。因此最重要的还是把内容陈述清楚,从一万字到最后十万字的东西,都要架构井然、论述清楚、文笔清晰。
我在念书的时候,有一位欧洲史、英国史的大师 Lawrence Stone ,他目前已经过世了,曾经有一本书访问十位最了不起的史学家,我记得他在访问中说了一句非常吸引人注意的话,他说他英文文笔相当好,所以他一辈子没有被退过稿。因此文笔清楚或是文笔好,对于将来文章可被接受的程度有举足轻重的地位。内容非常重要,有好的表达工具更是具有加分的作用,但是这里不是讲究漂亮的 style ,而是论述清楚。
- 三、研究生如何训练自己
- (一)尝试接受挑战,勇于克服
- (二)论文的写作是个训练过程,不能苛求完成经典之作
不一定要刻意强求,要有这是一个训练过程的信念,应该清楚知道从哪里开始,也要知道从哪里放手,不要无限的追下去。当然我不是否认这个过程的重要性,只是要调整自己的心态,把论文的完成当成一个目标,不要成为是一种的心理障碍或是心理负担。这方面有太多的例子了,我在普林斯顿大学念书的时候,那边旧书摊有一位非常博学多文的旧书店老板,我常常赞叹地对他说:“你为什么不要在大学做教授。”他说:“因为那篇博士论文没有写完。”原因在于他把那个博士论文当成要写一本经典,那当然永远写不完。如果真能写成经典那是最好,就像美丽新境界(美丽心灵)那部电影的男主角 John Nash 一样,一生最大的贡献就是博士那二十几页的论文,不过切记不要把那个当作是目标,因为那是自然而然形成的,应该要坚定的告诉自己,所要完成的是一份结构严谨、论述清楚与言之有物的论文,不要一开始就期待它是经典之作。如果你期待它是经典之作,你可能会变成我所看到的那位旧书摊的老板,至于我为什么知道他有那么多学问,是因为那时候我在找一本书,但它并没有在旧书店里面,不过他告诉我:“还有很多本都跟他不相上下。”后来我对那个领域稍稍懂了之后,证明确实如他所建议的那般。 一个旧书店的老板精熟每一本书,可是他就是永远无法完成,他梦幻般的学位论文,因为他不知道要在哪里放手,这一切都只成为空谈。
- (三)论文的正式写作
1. 学习有所取舍
2. 形成你的知识树
3. 掌握工具
在这个阶段一定要掌握语文与合适的工具。要有一个外语可以非常流畅的阅读,要有另外一个语文至少可以看得懂文章的标题,能学更多当然更好,但是至少要有一个语文,不管是英文、日文、法文 ……,一定要有一个语文能够非常流畅的阅读相关书籍,这是起码的前提。一旦这个工具没有了,你的视野就会因此大受限制,因为语文就如同是一扇天窗,没有这个天窗你这房间就封闭住了。为什么你要看得懂标题?因为这样才不会有重要的文章而你不知道,如果你连标题都看不懂,你就不知道如何找人来帮你或是自己查相关的数据。其它的工具,不管是统计或是其它的任何工具,你也一定要多掌握,因为你将来没有时间再把这样的工具学会。
4. 突破学科间的界线
应该要把跨学科的学习当作是一件很重要的事,但是跨学科涉及到的东西必须要对你这棵知识树有帮助,要学会到别的领域稍微偷打几枪,到别的领域去摄取一些概念,对于本身关心的问题产生另一种不同的启发,可是不要泛滥无所归。为什么要去偷打那几枪?近几十年来,人们发现不管是科学或人文,最有创新的部份是发生在学科交会的地方。为什么会如此?因为我们现在的所有学科大部分都在西方十九世纪形成的,而中国再把它转借过来。十九世纪形成这些知识学科的划分的时候,很多都带有那个时代的思想跟学术背景,比如说,中研院的李院长的专长就是物理化学,他之所以得诺贝尔奖就是他在物理和化学的交界处做工作。像诺贝尔经济奖,这二十年来所颁的奖,如果在传统的经济学奖来看就是旁门走道,古典经济学岂会有这些东西,甚至心理学家也得诺贝尔经济奖,连 John Nash 这位数学家也得诺贝尔经济奖,为什么?因为他们都在学科的交界上,学科跟学科、平台跟平台的交界之处有所突破。在平台本身、在学科原本最核心的地方已经 search 太多次了,因此不一定能有很大的创新,所以为什么跨领域学习是一件很重要的事情。
常常一篇硕士论文或博士论文最重要、最关键的,是那一个统摄性的重要概念,而通常你在本学科里面抓不到,是因为你已经泡在这个学科里面太久了,你已经拿着手电筒在这个小仓库里面照来照去照太久了,而忘了还有别的东西可以更好解释你这些材料的现象,不过这些东西可遇而不可求。 John Nash 这一位数学家为什么会得诺贝尔数学奖?为什么他在赛局理论的博士论文,会在数十年之后得诺贝尔经济奖?因为他在大学时代上经济学导论的课,所以他认为数学可以用在经济方面来思考,而这个东西在一开始,他也没有想到会有这么大的用处。他是在数学和经济学的知识交界之处做突破。有时候在经济学这一个部分没有大关系,在数学的这一个部分也没有大关系,不过两个加在一起,火花就会蹦出来。
5. 论文题目要有延展性
6. 养成遵照学术格式的写作习惯
另一个最基本的训练,就是平时不管你写一万字、三万字、五万字都要养成遵照学术规范的习惯,要让他自然天成,就是说你论文的脚注、格式,在一开始进入研究生的阶段就要培养成为你生命中的一个部份,如果这个习惯没有养成,人家就会觉得这个论文不严谨,之后修改也要花很多时间,因为你的论文规模很大,可能几百页,如果一开始弄错了,后来再重头改到尾,一定很耗时费力,因此要在一开始就养成习惯,因为我们是在写论文而不是在写散文,哪一个逗点应该在哪里、哪一个书名号该在哪里、哪一个地方要用引号、哪一个要什么标点符号,都有一定的规定,用中文写还好,用英文有一大堆简称。在 1960 年代***知识还很封闭的时候,有一个人从美国回来就说:“美国有个不得了的情形,因为有一个人非常不得了。”有人问他为什么不得了,他说:“因为这个人的作品到处被引用。”他的名字就叫 ibid 。所谓 ibid 就是同前作者,这个字是从拉丁文发展出来的,拉丁文有一大堆简称,像 et. al. 就是两人共同编的。英文有一本 The Chicago Manual of Style 就是专门说明这一些写作规范。各位要尽早学会中英文的写作规范,慢慢练习,最后随性下笔,就能写出符合规范的文章。
7. 善用图书馆
图书馆应该是研究生阶段最重要的地方,不必读每一本书,可是要知道有哪些书。我记得我做学生时,新进的书都会放在图书馆的墙上,而身为学生最重要的事情,就是要把书名看一看。在某些程度上知道书皮就够了,但是这仍和打计算机是不一样的,你要实际上熟悉一下那本书,摸一下,看一眼目录。我知道现在从计算机就可以查到书名,可是我还是非常珍惜这种定期去 browse 新到的书的感觉,或去看看相关领域的书长成什么样子。中研院有一位院士是哈佛大学信息教授,他告诉我他在创造力最高峰的时候,每个礼拜都到他们信息系图书室里,翻阅重要的信息期刊。所以图书馆应该是身为研究生的人们,最熟悉的地方。不过切记不重要的不要花时间去看,你们生活在信息泛滥的时代,跟我生长在信息贫乏的时代是不同的,所以生长在这一个时代的你,要能有所取舍。我常常看我的学生引用一些三流的论文,却引得津津有味,我都替他感到难过,因为我强调要读有用、有价值的东西。
8. 留下时间,精致思考
还要记得给自己保留一些思考的时间。一篇论文能不能出神入化、能不能引人入胜,很重要的是在现象之上作概念性的思考,但我不是说一定要走理论的路线,而是提醒大家要在一般的层次再提升两三步, 【Conceptualize】你所看到的东西。真切去了解,你所看到的东西是什么?整体意义是什么?整体的轮廓是什么?千万不要被枝节淹没,虽然枝节是你最重要的开始,但是你一天总也要留一些时间好好思考、慢慢沉淀。 conceptualize 是一种非常难教的东西,我记得我念书时,有位老师信誓旦旦说要开一门课,教学生如何 conceptualize,可是从来都没开成,因为这非常难教。我要提醒的是,在被很多材料和枝节淹没的时候,要适时跳出来想一想,所看到的东西有哪些意义?这个意义有没有广泛连结到更大层面的知识价值。
傅斯年先生来到 xxx 以后,同时担任中央研究院历史语言研究所的所长及台大的校长。台大有个傅钟每小时钟声有二十一响、敲二十一次。以前有一个人,写了一本书叫《钟声二十一响》,当时很轰动。他当时对这二十一响解释是说:因为台大的学生都很好,所以二十一响是欢迎国家元首二十一响的礼炮。不久前我发现台大在每一个重要的古迹下面竖一个铜牌,我仔细看看傅钟下的解释,才知道原来是因为傅斯年当台大校长的时候,曾经说过一句话:“人一天只有二十一个小时,另外三小时是要思考的。”所以才叫二十一响。我觉得这句话大有道理,可是我觉得三小时可能太多,因为研究生是非常忙的,但至少每天要留个三十分钟、一小时思考,想一想你看到了什么?学习跳到比你所看到的东西更高一点的层次去思考。
9. 找到学习的楷模
我刚到美国念书的时候,每次写报告头皮就重的不得了,因为我们的英文报告三、四十页,一个学期有四门课的话就有一百六十页,可是你连脚注都要从头学习。后来我找到一个好办法,就是我每次要写的时候,把一篇我最喜欢的论文放在旁边,虽然他写的题目跟我写的都没关系,不过我每次都看他如何写,看看他的注脚、读几行,然后我就开始写。就像最有名的男高音 Pavarotti 唱歌剧的时候都会捏着一条手帕,因为他说:“上舞台就像下地狱,太紧张了。”他为了克服紧张,他有习惯性的动作,就是捏着白手帕。我想当年那一篇论文抽印本就像是我的白手帕一样,能让我开始好好写这篇报告,我学习它里面如何思考、如何构思、如何照顾全体、如何用英文作脚注。 好好的把一位大师的作品读完,开始模仿和学习他,是入门最好的方法,逐步的,你也开始写出自己的东西。我也常常鼓励我的学生,出国半年或是一年到国外看看。像现在国科会有各式各样的机会,可以增长眼界,可以知道现在的餐馆正在卖些什么菜,回来后自己要作菜也才知道要如何着手。
- 四、用两条腿走路,练习培养自己的兴趣
去年夏天,香港《亚洲周刊》要访问我,我说:“我不想接受访问,我不是重要的人。”可是后来他们还是把一个简单的对话刊出来了,里面我只记得讲了一段话:做一个研究生或一个学者,有两个感觉最重要 – 责任感与罪恶感。你一定要有很大的责任感,去写出好的东西,如果责任感还不够强,还要有一个罪恶感,你会觉得如果今天没有好好做几个小时的工作的话,会有很大的罪恶感。除非是了不得的天才,不然即使爱因斯坦也是需要很努力的。很多很了不得的人,他只是把所有的努力集中在一百页里面,他花了一千小时和另外一个人只花了十个小时,相对于来说,当然是那花一千个小时所写出来的文章较好。所以为什么说要赶快选定题目?因为如果太晚选定一个题目,只有一年的时间可以好好耕耘那个题目,早点选定可以有二、三年耕耘那个题目,是三年做出的东西好,还是一年的东西好?如果我们的才智都一样的话,将三年的努力与思考都灌在上面,当然比一年还要好。
- 五、营造卓越的大学,分享学术的氛围
- 暗时间
序言 为什么人人都该学点心理学
- 大脑是我们最重要的工具,要正确利用这个工具,唯一的途径就是去了解它,尤其是了解它的弱点
- 学会思考就是学会认识到人类思维中的种种谬误
- Cognitive bias
- Critical thinking
- Bounded rationality
- Reasoning
第一篇 暗时间
- 实际投入的是时间和效率的乘积
- 时间之沙
- 这就是为什么专注的人比不专注的人在时间利用效率上高的多的原因
- 迅速进入状态的能力是可以锻炼的
- 能够迅速进入专注状态,以及能够长期保持专注状态,是高效学习的两个最重要的习惯
- 抗干扰(马桶时间)
- GTD,时间的分割,管理进度
- 不要过早退出循环
- 兴趣遍地都是,专注于持之以恒才是真正稀缺的
- 选择很多,细微的选择让人不同
- 反思是让人得以改进自己的最重要的思维品质
- 不要做布里丹的驴子,宁可试错,不可犹豫不前
- 自学是学习的主旋律
- 不怪书,怪自己
- 你所拥有的知识并不取决于你记得多少,而在于它们能否在恰当的时候被回忆起来
- 精细编码提供了更多的提取线索
- 对于理解记忆的人来说,知识中包含了精细的概念、逻辑、一般的解题原则、通用的解题首发、背景知识、类似的问题等等无数的记忆和提取线索,甚至当时的环境、味道、声音
- 甚至是语言背景(毛泽东、自由女神像)
- Cue-dependent forgetting
- 抽象,发现本质去除庞杂
- 和情绪挂钩,以第一人称视角加深印象
- Inductive reasoning
- 如果你想真正得到一些知识,你最好过滤一下你的信息,否则你只是在别人的思考中得意着
- 最不缺的是业余时间,最缺的是专注精神;非凡的注意力造就非凡的专家
- 寻常人(mediocre)
- 要事第一:重要但不紧迫的事
- 学习与思考
- Google & Wikipedia
- 择书挑剔甚过买衣服
- 做读书笔记,仅仅用自己的语言表述一下就能加大的加深影响和理解(获得多少并不在与你读了多少,而在于你思考了多少)
- 思考的小习惯,让脑子里一直有思考的内容(还避免了焦虑)
- 多看心理学与思维的书(跨学科,metaknowledge)
- 学一项知识的三个重要问题:
- 本质(是什么?)
- 第一原则(遵循什么规则?)
- 知识结构(如何成为体系?)
- 学习和思考中要多问几个为什么:
- 自己的问题(疑惑)?
- 自己的收获?
- 想象讲给别人听(费曼方法)
- 想象将给完全不懂得人听(如何抓住本,形象地表达出来)
- 自省:注意自己思维的脉络。
- 反驳自己
- 真的理解了吗?你确定?再好好想想。
- 时间和效率
- 趁热打铁度过开始时期的最难阶段
- 重要的事第一(重要但不紧迫)
- 把大块时间留给重要的事,在细碎时间处理简单工作
- 知识的本质,以不变应万变
- 提前积累
- 抬头看外面,专注但不局限
- 总结所学的知识
- 看书(条理性更强、更系统)
- 阅读计划(参考《奇特的一生》
- 学习前要积攒“疑惑感”
- 提高速度,有选择的阅读
- 时间碎片可用于阅读
- 知识结构
- 抓住不变量
- 分析问题和解决问题的思维方法
- 习惯的养成
- 一日三省
- 认知技巧(hacks,比如 if… then… 思维范式)
- 没有银弹,知难而不退
refs and see also
- linux environment variables
printenv PATH
, works likeecho $PATH
, but seems more professionaltr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
Define Functions
usage () { cat <<EOF some illustrations here A huge File Descriptino EOF }
Parse Parameters
for arg in $@; do case $arg in -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; esac done if [ $# -gt 2 ] ; then echo "ERROR: ..." exit 1 fi require_tool $@
read "a?$1 [y/N] " if [[ $a == "N" || $a == "n" || $a = "" ]]; then return 0 fi return 1
tput cols
You Should man these
man test
printf '\033[0;34m%s\033[0m\n' "Upgrading Oh My Zsh"
(better looking than inlined color prompt)Words You should know
source /etc/profile
Words You should Google
- Reserved Keywords in Languages
OOOOO O O O O O O O OOOOO ================================================================================ auto entry static break enum struct case extern switch char float typeof const for union continue goto unsigned default int unused double long void else register volatile return while short signed sizeof O O OO O O OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOOOOO O O OOOOOO O O O O O O O O OOOOO O O OO O O ================================================================================ abstract goto this assert if throw boolean implements throws break import transient byte instanceof true case int try catch interface void class long volatile const native while continue new default null do package double protected else public enum return extends short false static final strictfp finally super float switch for synchronized OOOOOO O O O O OOOOO O O OOOO O O O O O O O O O O O OO O OOOOOO O O OOOOOO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OO O O O O O OOOO O O ================================================================================ and False Nono as finally not assert for or break from pass class global raise continue if return def import True del in try elif is while else lambda with except nonlocal yield OOOOOO O O O O OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O OOOOOO O O OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOOO OOOOO O ================================================================================ BEGIN end retry END ensure return alias false self and for super begin if then break in true case module undef class next unless def nil when defined? not while do or __FILE__ else redo __LINE__ elsif rescue OOOOO O O O O O O O OOOOOOO O O O O OOOOOOO O O O O OOOOO O O ================================================================================ abstract for public add foreach readonly alias from ref as get remove ascending global return async goto sbyte await group sealed base group select bool if set break implicit short byte in sizeof case int stackalloc catch interface static char internal string checked into struct class is switch const join this continue let throw decimal lock true default long try delegate namespace typeof descending new ulong do null unchecked double object unit dynamic operator unsafe else orderby ushort enum out using event out value explicit override var extern paitial virtual false params void finally partial volatile fixed private where float protected while yield O OOOOO O OO O O OO O O OOOO OOOOO O OOOOO OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOOOO O O O O O O O O O OOOOOO O O OOOOOO O O OOOOO O OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOOOO O O OO O O OOOOO OOOO O O O O O ================================================================================ break finally this case for throw catch functin try continue if typeof debugger in var default instanceof void delete new while do return with else switch
- Metaprogramming: What We Can
- Write a program to connect to external system
- Stretch and Twist Ruby to meet your need, not just adapt to the language as it is
- All in all, Metaprogramming is writing code that writes code.
ob, obarray
(make-symbol "foo") ==> make one (intern "foo") ==> get one (defcustom ...) (defun fun2 (&key ((myoption var))) (print var)) (fun2 'myoption "good")
Ruby is…
- A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
- Documentation
- Try Ruby in 15 minutes: fun, but the web site works slowly. see here
- Ruby Koans
- Ruby in Twenty Minutes
Ruby in 20 Minutes
- Run
in your shell - Simple Examples
"hello world" puts "hello world" 3 + 2 3 * 2 3 ** 2 Math.sqrt(9)
Modules Group Code by Topic
: built-in module, containssin()
, etcDefs
first ruby function
def h puts "Hello World!" end h h()
second ruby function
def h(name = "GNAT") puts "Hello #{name.capitalize}" end h("gnat")
Evoling into a greater
class Greeter def initialize(name = "World") @name = name end def say_hi puts "Hi #{@name}!" end def say_bye puts "Bye #{@name}, come back soon." end end g = Greeter.new("Gnat") g.say_hi g.say_bye g.instance_methods g.instance_methods(false) g.respond_to?("name") # ==> false g.respond_to?("say_hi") # ==> true g.respond_to?("to_s") # ==> true => true
A Better One
#!/usr/bin/env ruby class MegaGreeter attr_accessor :names # Create the object def initialize(names = "World") @names = names end # Say hi to everybody def say_hi if @names.nil? puts "..." elsif @names.respond_to?("each") # @names is a list of some kind, iterate! @names.each do |name| puts "Hello #{name}!" end else puts "Hello #{@names}!" end end # Say bye to everybody def say_bye if @names.nil? puts "..." elsif @names.respond_to?("join") # Join the list elements with commas puts "Goodbye #{@names.join(", ")}. Come back soon!" else puts "Goodbye #{@names}. Come back soon!" end end end if __FILE__ == $0 mg = MegaGreeter.new mg.say_hi mg.say_bye # Change name to be "Zeke" mg.names = "Zeke" mg.say_hi mg.say_bye # Change the name to an array of names mg.names = ["Albert", "Brenda", "Charles", "Dave", "Engelbert"] mg.say_hi mg.say_bye # Change to nil mg.names = nil mg.say_hi mg.say_bye end
- LaTeX
- The virtues of open source
- Separation of form and content
- Portability
- The first latex file: example1.tex, compile it:
pdflatex example1.tex
- Exploring the document structure
==> documentclass is called acommand
- preamble
, begin/end is calledenvironment
- Understanding LaTeX commands
\command[optional arguments]{argument}
- How LaTeX reads your input
- LaTeX treats multiple spaces just like a single space
- A blank line denotes a paragraph break. Like spaces, multiple empty lines are treated as one.
- Briefly said, spaces separate words, empty lines separate paragraphs.
- Special characters
, etc
- Formatting text – fonts, shapes, and styles
\texttt{typewritter text}
\textsc{Small Caps}
\emph{See how \emph{emphasizing} looks when nested.}
\section{\textsf{\LaTeX\ resources in the internet}} % use sans sarif font The best place for downloading LaTeX related software is CTAN. Its address is \texttt{http://www.ctan.org}.
, Roman text- monospaced or a typewriter font
Switching the font family
\section{\sffamily\LaTeX\ resources in the internet} The best place for downloading LaTeX related software is CTAN. Its address is \ttfamily http://www.ctan.org\rmfamily.
, sans serif\ttfamily
, typewriter font\rmfamily
, roman font family
Summarizing font commands and declarations
Delimiting the effect of commands
exploring grouping by braces
{\sffamily Text can be {\em emphasized}. Besides being {\itshape italic} words could be {\bfseries bold}, {\slshape slanted} or typeset in {\scshape Small Caps}. Such commands can be {\itshape\bfseries nested}.} {\em See how {\em emphasizing} looks when nested.}
exploring font sizes
\noindent\tiny We \scriptsize start \footnotesize \small small, \normalsize get \large big \Large and \LARGE bigger, \huge huge and \Huge gigantic!
Using environments
\begin{huge} \bfseries Another small example (with bigskip) \end{huge} \bigskip This is just another small illustrative example.
- NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR: big brother is watching you
George Orwell
This novel is an anti-total cautionary tale about the betrayal of a revolution by its defenders.
- windows - Software for multiple copy/paste? - Stack Overflow
On visual studio you can do (i think) any number of “select text, ctrl + c” and then press ctrl+shift and without releasing them press v to cycle through your copied text.
You type quicker than I do :)
- 哥伦比亚(哥伦比亚共和国)_百度百科
哥伦比亚共和国(西班牙语:República de Colombia),国土位于南美洲西北部,西临太平洋,北临加勒比海,东通委内瑞拉,东南通巴西,南与秘鲁、厄瓜多尔,西北与巴拿马为邻。为南美洲国家联盟成员国。
- 香椿_百度百科
xiāng chūn, 香椿(学名:Toona sinensis)又名香椿芽、香桩头、大红椿树、椿天等,在安徽地区也有叫春苗。
- Magit
It’s Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs.
我突然发现,碰瓷怎么说了……“You broke my porcelain, you should pay for it!”
refs and see also
- Jiangshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A jiangshi, also known as a Chinese “hopping” vampire, ghost, or zombie, is a type of reanimated corpse in Chinese legends and folklore. “Jiangshi” is read goeng-si in Cantonese, cương thi in Vietnamese, gangshi in Korean and kyonshīin Japanese. It is typically depicted as a stiff corpse dressed in official garments from the Qing Dynasty, and it moves around by hopping, with its arms outstretched. It kills living creatures to absorb their qi, or “life force”, usually at night, while in the day, it rests in a coffin or hides in dark places such as caves. Jiangshi legends have inspired a genre of jiangshi films and literature in Hong Kong and East Asia.
- I Ching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
这特么居然是易经……(yi jing)
- I Ching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Rōshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rōshi (老師?) (Japanese: “old teacher”; “old master”; Chinese pinyin: Lǎoshī) is an honorific title used for a highly venerated senior teacher in Zen Buddhism.
The Japanese rōshi is a translation of the more antiquated Chinese Laozi (Wade-Giles; Lao Tzu) meaning ‘Old Master’ and connoting the archetype of a wise old man. The modern Chinese 老師/老师 (Chinese pinyin: Lǎoshī) is a common word for teacher or professor without the religious or spiritual connotation of rōshi. Chinese Chán Buddhism uses the semantically related title sifu (師父/师父, literally “master father” or “father of masters”, or 師傅/师傅, literally “master teacher” or “teacher of masters”; both pronounced “shīfu”) as an honorific title for the highest masters, but it also may be used in respectful address of monks and nuns generally.
v.意味;暗示;隐含refs and see also
- Dragon Ball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dragon Ball (Japanese: ドラゴンボール Hepburn: Doragon Bōru?) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995, with the 519 individual chapters published into 42 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha.
Several of the main characters, from left to right; Vegeta, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, Yamcha, Kuririn, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo and Trunks.
Her voice was dubbed over by sb.
Dragon Ball was initially inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. The series follows the adventures of the protagonist, Son Goku, from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls, which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several friends and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls.
- manga
n.日本漫画 - protagonist
Dragon Ball Z (Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ Hepburn: Doragon Bōru Zetto?, commonly abbreviated as DBZ) is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. Dragon Ball Z is the sequel to the Dragon Ball anime and adapts the last 325 chapters of the original 519-chapter Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama, that were published from 1988 to 1995 in Weekly Shōnen Jump. Dragon Ball Z first aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 25, 1989 to January 31, 1996, before being dubbed in several territories around the world, including the United States, Australia, Europe, India, and Latin America.
Dragon Ball Z follows the adventures of the protagonist Goku who, along with his companions, defends the Earth against an assortment (各种各样) of villains ranging from intergalactic space fighters and conquerors, unnaturally powerful androids and nearly indestructible magical creatures. While the original Dragon Ball anime followed Goku from his childhood into adulthood, Dragon Ball Z is a continuation of his adult life, but at the same time parallels the maturation of his sons, Gohan and Goten, as well as the evolution of his rivals Piccolo and Vegeta from enemies into allies.
在英文里 X 和 Z 都是很酷的字母。
refs and see also
- manga
- 平面排版时,运用哪些方法可以突出中文的美感? - 平面设计 - 知乎
- 禁则处理是什么意思? - 排版 - 知乎
依云 打包的包含行禁则的 Vim: http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/gvim74-x64.402.exe。可惜的是这个打包的“Edit with Vim”不能生效。详见:
详细介绍参见 W3C 文档:
- 日本語組版処理の要件
- Requirements for Japanese Text Layout
为什么这么说?我最近在排一本八百多页五百多个表格的书(其中 493 个表格集中在 320 页里,常常几十个表格连续出现),休息时看到另外一本书上简练的表格设计便发现自己之前的尝试方向全都没有意义,豁然开朗。