历史笔记 6
原载于 https://github.com/district10/blog/blob/master/_pages/notes.md。
- CSS “position: fixed;” on iPad/iPhone? - Stack Overflow
A lot of mobile browsers deliberately do not support
on the grounds that fixed elements could get in the way on a small screen.我说自己的 pad 上怎么不能 fix 回到主页的按钮,原来他们是有意为之。
(不过,实际上。本站左上角的按钮就 hover 成功了。)
refs and see also
- Skywind Inside » 关于路径搜索算法的实用性优化
高等程序员靠智慧挣钱,会别人不会的东西,上能抉择技术方向,下能解决性能瓶颈;讨论方案时,腾讯怎么做的,阿里怎么做的,我们该怎么做,如数家珍;写完代码后,初读让人赏心悦目,再读让人恍然大悟,三读让人心悦诚服。常见台词:“webp 压缩比不高,我改了一版新 webp,用 H265 帧内预测来保存 RGB,用 lzma2 来保存 alpha 比 webp 好多了”,“erlang 大家不熟悉,我做了一个库,让大家可以象写 erlang 一样来写 C++,照顾大家开发习惯,又可以象 erlang 一样写多线程”。“ Micheal Abrash 这几行代码还有很大优化空间,其实性能还可以更好!”她们都是以解决别人不能解决的问题来挣钱。
上等程序员靠创新来挣钱,能促进行业的发展,在这个充满咨询的年代,学习大家都掌握的东西只是一个基本过程,没什么值得称道的,当你 baidu 上找不到方案, google里没有参考,国内外没有任何人能给你启示的时候,任然能够充满创造的分析问题,抽象问题,并解决问题。找到别人完全没有走过的路,创造前人从来没有创造过的东西,这是他们的价值所在。他们的常见台词是:“别烦我!”,“忙着呢!”,“谷歌搜呀,这都问我?”,上等程序员是国宝,他们的时间不应该浪费在无意义的事情上。
- Skywind Inside » 美术资源超级压缩方法
压缩比从强到弱依次是:WDP > WEBP > JPEG2000 > JPEG。因此换用 WDP 格式能缩小不少资源。
抛弃 ZLIB 换用 LZMA2
换用 LZMA2 能够高于 zlib 差不多 25% 的压缩率(LZMA1 只有 18% 左右)。现在 Linux 内核压缩文件已经从 bz2 改为 LZMA2 的 xz 格式了。
- Skywind Inside » 【原创】快速除以255的方法
经过若干次试验修改,研究出下面这个快速 /255 的宏,可以在 X 属于 [0,65536] 的范围内误差为零:
#define div_255_fast(x) (((x) + (((x) + 257) >> 8)) >> 8)
改为>> 8
,但是这样误差挺大的,比如先乘以 255 再除以 255,连续做十次,如果用>>8
来代替除法,那么十次之后,误差为 10. 另外一种常见的近似法是((x) + 255) >> 8
来说成本大 12%。具体可以参考 Linux Kernel的 include/linux/list.h:
struct list_head { struct list_head *next, *prev; }; #define INIT_LIST_HEAD(ptr) do { \ (ptr)->next = (ptr); (ptr)->prev = (ptr); \ } while (0) // 这样就可以加上分号了……
, 等等二十种像素合成的方法,你如果不用宏,那么你需要写多少个函数?20 多个看起来类似的函数,你不得写疯了么?此时用函数指针其实是很浪费性能的事情,那么该如何写呢?你可以规定一系列用来计算 composite 的方法,接受两组 RGBA,生成新的,比如:/* compositing */ #define IBLEND_COMPOSITE(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da, FS, FD) do { \ (dr) = _ipixel_mullut[(FS)][(sr)] + _ipixel_mullut[(FD)][(dr)]; \ (dg) = _ipixel_mullut[(FS)][(sg)] + _ipixel_mullut[(FD)][(dg)]; \ (db) = _ipixel_mullut[(FS)][(sb)] + _ipixel_mullut[(FD)][(db)]; \ (da) = _ipixel_mullut[(FS)][(sa)] + _ipixel_mullut[(FD)][(da)]; \ } while (0) /* premultiply: src over */ #define IBLEND_OP_SRC_OVER(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da) do { \ IUINT32 FD = 255 - (sa); \ IBLEND_COMPOSITE(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da, 255, FD); \ } while (0) /* premultiply: dst atop */ #define IBLEND_OP_DST_ATOP(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da) do { \ IUINT32 FS = 255 - (da); \ IUINT32 FD = (sa); \ IBLEND_COMPOSITE(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da, FS, FD); \ } while (0) /* premultiply: dst in */ #define IBLEND_OP_DST_IN(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da) do { \ IUINT32 FD = (sa); \ IBLEND_COMPOSITE(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da, 0, FD); \ } while (0)
然后用 # 连接各种方法和格式,生成不同的函数,比如:
#define IPIXEL_COMPOSITE_FN(name, opname) \ static void ipixel_comp_##name(IUINT32 *dst, const IUINT32 *src, int w)\ { \ IUINT32 sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da; \ for (; w > 0; dst++, src++, w--) { \ _ipixel_load_card(src, sr, sg, sb, sa); \ _ipixel_load_card(dst, dr, dg, db, da); \ IBLEND_OP_##opname(sr, sg, sb, sa, dr, dg, db, da); \ dst = IRGBA_TO_A8R8G8B8(dr, dg, db, da); \ } \ }
ipixel_comp_pre_xor (...) ipixel_comp_pre_plus (...) .... ipixel_comp_dst_over (...)
等好几个函数了,并且这些函数都是被你 “组装” 出来的,你并没有使用函数指针,也没有笨重的去写 20 多个函数。进一步如果你写图形图像你会发现你需要面对多种设备的像素格式,从 A8R8G8B8, A8B8G8R8 到 A1R5G5B5, 主流需要处理的像素格式都有 10 多种。
那么你可以把 “从不同格式读取 r,g,b,a”, 以及 “将 r,g,b,a 组装成任意格式”,展开成很多个宏,然后不管你在这些像素格式里面做转换还是要做一些其他处理,你都可以用任意的 “像素读写” 宏 + “像素计算” 宏 组装成一个个具体需要的函数。
所以用宏来解决性能问题,并且简化自己的程序设计往往能起到 inline 不能起的作用,甚至能完成很多 template 所不能完成的任务。
【改名新传】乞讨的改叫众筹,算命的改叫分析师,八卦小报改叫自媒体,统计改叫大数据分析,忽悠改叫互联网思维,做 IDC 的自称云计算,办公室出租改叫孵化器,圈地盖楼改叫科技园区,放高利贷改叫 P2P,看场子收保护费的改叫平台战略,搅局的改叫颠覆式创新。
Skywind Inside » 如何写一个视频编码器演示篇
My annotated code: mini3d/mini3d.c at master · 4ker/mini3d.
实现个简单的固定渲染管线软渲染器不算复杂,差不多 700 行代码就可以搞定了。之所以很多人用 D3D 用的很熟,写软渲染却坑坑洼洼,主要是现在大部分讲图形的书,讲到透视投影时就是分析一下透视变换矩阵如何生成,顶点如何计算就跳到其他讲模型或者光照的部分了。
因为今天基本上是直接用 D3D 或者 OGL,真正光栅化的部分不了解也不影响使用,所以大部分教材都直接跳过了一大段,摄像机坐标系如何转换?三角形如何生成?CVV 边缘如何检测?四维坐标如何裁剪?边缘及步长如何计算?扫描线该如何绘制?透视纹理映射具体代码该怎么写?framebuffer zbuffer 到底该怎么用?z-test 到底是该 test z 还是 w 还是 1/z 还是 1/w ?这些都没讲。
早年培训学生时候,我花两天时间写的一个 DEMO,今天拿出来重新调整注释一下,性能和功能当然比不过高大上的软件渲染器。但一般来讲,工程类项目代码不容易阅读,太多边界情况和太多细节优化容易让初学者迷失,这个 mini3d 的项目不做任何优化,主要目的就是为了突出主干:
操作方式:左右键旋转,前后键前进后退,空格键切换模式,ESC 退出。
- 模型标准:标准 D3D 坐标模型,左手系 + WORLD/VIEW/PROJECTION 三矩阵
- 实现裁剪:简单 CVV 裁剪
- 纹理支持:最大支持 1024 x 1024 的纹理
- 深度缓存:使用深度缓存判断图像前后
- 边缘计算:精确的多边形边缘覆盖计算
- 透视贴图:透视纹理映射以及透视色彩填充
- 实现精简:渲染部分只有 700行, 模块清晰,主干突出。
- 详细注释:主要代码详细注释
mingw: gcc -O3 mini3d.c -o mini3d.exe -lgdi32 msvc: cl -O2 -nologo mini3d.c
- Coordinate Systems (Direct3D 9) (Windows)
Direct3D uses a left-handed coordinate system. If you are porting an application that is based on a right-handed coordinate system, you must make two changes to the data passed to Direct3D.
- Flip the order of triangle vertices so that the system traverses them clockwise from the front. In other words, if the vertices are v0, v1, v2, pass them to Direct3D as v0, v2, v1.
- Use the view matrix to scale world space by -1 in the z-direction. To do this, flip the sign of the _31, _32, _33, and _34 member of the D3DMATRIX structure that you use for your view matrix.
后来跟他讨论为何不用 C++,他说其实没有什么特别的,就是习惯和爱好而已,后又补充:
如果不用多态 (polymorphism) 的话,其实不管怎么写,不管用那种语言写,都算不上真正的 OO。
有兴趣你可以读读《Unix 编程艺术》,OOP 的思维模式,是大一统的;C 的思维模式,是分离的。前者方便但容易造成高耦合,后者灵活但开发开发太累。用 C 开发,应该刻意强调 “简单” 和 “可拆分”。一个个象搭积木一样的把基础系统搭建出来,哪个模块出问题,局部替换即可。
- 本来冲着去弄 Visual Studio 的,而且学生时期还不喜欢 SQL,结果工作的时候由于经济危机的关系给我弄到 SQL 去了,工作的内容包含了学习专业的数据库知识和拖控件。
- 但是我做了几年还是觉得不喜欢 SQL,就跳槽到了 MSRA,结果 MSRA 拼命让我搞数据库的东西。也不想想本来我就是不喜欢弄这个才走的……
- 后来我想好吧,反正编译器没得搞了,那我还是拖控件吧。于是我就告诉 Office 的人说,你看我做 GacUI 多屌不屌!Office 的人说,屌!于是把我招了进来,专门负责组里面不是 GUI 的那部分。
- 过了半年老板开始安排工作了,我想了个办法表达了一下我还是喜欢弄别的东西。于是终于干起了老本行——给 Office 的程序员开发内部的编译器了。
Skywind Inside » ATOM 同 Vim/Emacs/Sublime 的深度比较
- 韦易笑 答过的问题 - 知乎
- 实现简单的 HTTP 服务器(支持 GET/POST/CGI),然后用浏览器访问,里面有个 CGI 留言板。
- 实现一个简版 REDIS,或者给 Redis 加 10 条命令,或者把后面存储引擎换成 unqlite,再开源
- 给 apache 实现一个 module,可以支持 lua 来写服务。
- 给 nginx 写一个 python 模块,可以 python 来写服务。
- 用 C/C++/go 写个代理翻墙软件,跑在你的海外租的 vps 上。
- 实现一套简单的 TCP RPC 框架,并再基础上做一个简单聊天。
- 阅读 Linux 代码,应用层实现一个 Linux 的定时器。
很多人觉得程序主要是思考,你思路对了,打字只是小事,经常听到说某某高手打字是二指禅。以前我也这么认为,但是专门抽时间练习了以后,发现真正打字流畅的人,打字的 cpu 占用很低,不会因为打错字而影响思考,更不会因为要低下头去看数字符号打断你的思路。
先单纯练习从 A 打到 Z,最开始是 15 秒,慢慢熟练到 10 秒,最后到 5 秒。又从最基本的单词开始,不断的重复同一节 TT 的课程,同一个动作重复 300 次,肌肉就会有记忆,而同一个动作重复 600 次,脊柱就会有记忆。别人打字要经过大脑,大脑一个字母一个字母,一根手指一根手指的指挥,是比较费脑的,而你打字如果真正进入了脊柱反应的条件反射时代,那么看到一个单词或者一串数字,大脑只需要下一个指令,脊柱这个协处理器就自动完成了,根本不需要过大脑。
我们说 Fabrice 牛逼,因为他对数学,信号处理,计算机体系等三个方面有着深刻的认识,从而他能做出 ffmpeg, qemu, tinycc 这样的项目来,从而他算 pi 可以算到世界第一快,所以大家觉得很牛逼,这并不是因为听说他 C++ 有多牛。
所以对于大部分普通员工,都是怀揣着一颗暴发户的心,过着猪狗不如的日子,在常年累月的日子里不断的在 加班和项目重组的死循环里折腾。公司呢?公司只要几十个项目成一个就够吃很长时间了。于是常用的管理手段就是造神运动,发车,发现金给老员工,给他们极高的待遇和荣誉,让所有新人都跟打了鸡血一样燃烧着自己的生命向前冲。
观点 5:劣币驱逐良币
但更多的是混日子的,工程能力基本 0 分,科研能力一般 8 分(满分 100)。张口闭口机器学习,自然语言处理,实际上就是把别人 matlab 代码抄来改改代码,跑个结果还用 ps 美颜一下最后抄几篇论文毕业。
经常有些小公司的朋友问我,他们应该选 mongodb 还是 mysql, 或者是选择 PHP 还是 GO,哪个性能会更好, 我就觉得奇怪他为什么有这样的困惑,因为以他们的产品的水平,选哪个都能解决问题,肯定是哪个简单哪个好招人用哪个,而且等这个成为瓶颈时,你们已经不是一家小公司了。
我想从一个比较奇怪的角度来切入,这里不得不提到一个人,新东方的创始人之一—— 王强。
- 人通过软件来与计算机交互,而软件说穿了就是人向机器发送的一系列逻辑指令,这些逻辑指令是在编程语言(programming language)这种媒介的承载之下发送出去的,而我在北大十年,掌握了四门 language,programming language 本质上就是一种 language,我对 language 太熟悉不过了,所以没理由学不好编程。
- 计算机指令和硬件进行交互,靠的是运算逻辑。我在本科期间修过逻辑课,而在北大六年的教书生涯中,为了把课讲好讲的有逻辑,我又在讲台上历练了六年自己的逻辑思维,我敢保证,我的逻辑思维能力可以碾压任何一个美国计算机四年级本科生。
- 任何科研工作者,都需要极强的抽象能力,即从纷繁复杂的现象中抽丝剥茧提炼抽象的能力,计算机的问题也需要把实际问题抽象成数学模型,我搞了十年英语,文学著作基本看了个遍,我有很高的文学修养,而文学修养是美学修养的一种,美学修养说白了,就是一种高度的抽象能力,比如一个美女走过,你可以把他身上成亿的信息点抽象成一个词——“美”,这就是抽象能力。
- javascript - How to make a DIV always float on the screen in top right corner? - Stack Overflow
.box { position: fixed; left: 1em; top: 1em; } * html .box { position: absolute; }
refs and see also
- Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (
; birth surname: Jughashvili; 18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953) was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. Holding the post of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was effectively the dictator of the state.Stalin led the Soviet Union through its post-war reconstruction phase, which saw a significant rise in tension with the Western world that would later be known as the Cold War. During this period, the USSR became the second country in the world to successfully develop a nuclear weapon, as well as launching the Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature in response to another widespread famine and the Great Construction Projects of Communism. In the years following his death, Stalin and his regime have been condemned on numerous occasions, most notably in 1956 when his successor Nikita Khrushchev denounced his legacy and initiated a process of de-Stalinization and rehabilitation to victims of his regime. Stalin remains a controversial figure today, with many regarding him as a tyrant. However, popular opinion within the Russian Federation is mixed. The exact number of deaths caused by Stalin’s regime is still a subject of debate, but it is widely agreed to be in the order of millions.
- John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963. The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the establishment of the Peace Corps, developments in the Space Race, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Trade Expansion Act to lower tariffs, the Civil Rights Movement, the “New Frontier” domestic program, and abolition of the federal death penalty in the District of Columbia all took place during his presidency. Kennedy also avoided any significant increase in the American presence in Vietnam, refusing to commit combat troops and keeping the level of others, mostly military advisors, to only 16,000, compared to the 536,000 troops committed by his successor, Lyndon Johnson, by 1968.
- 依云 的留言簿
It’s a girl…
- unix - How to open a new file in vim in a new window - Stack Overflow
gvim --remote-tab-silent
:new filename.ext :vert new filename.ext :vnew filename.ext :vsp new filename.ext
my windows bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/c/windows alias gvim="gvim.bat --remote-tab-silent" export EDITOR="gvim.bat --remote-tab-silent" alias gall="git add -A; git commit -m \"done\"; git push;"
- 使用心理学中的冥想技术,打通英语语音的基础关
- 《黑镜》中的屏蔽恐怖在哪?(文/王路)
唯一的可能,就是一旦 B 拿起牙刷准备刷牙的时候,刚刚想起 A,思路就断了,自动跳回想到 A 之前的事情上。给他的大脑植入一块芯片,一旦联想到和 A 相关的一切,注意力自动跳转到前一步。
- 归档 | 始终
cat <filename> | sort | uniq -d # 只显示重复的行,每行只显示一次 cat <filename> | sort | uniq -D # 只显示重复的行 cat <filename> | sort | uniq -i # 忽略大小写 cat <filename> | sort | uniq -u # 只显示只出现一次的行 sort <file1> <file2> | uniq -d # 交集 sort <file1> <file2> | uniq # 并集 sort <file1> <file2> <file2> | uniq -u # 差集 sort <file1> <file2> | uniq -u # 对称差集
Without the Oxford comma:
We invited the strippers, jfk and stalin. (这是要死……)
With the Oxford comma:
We invited the strippers, jfk, and stalin.(这也差不多要死……的节奏)
所谓牛津逗号(Oxford Comma),当然和牛津大学有点关系。牛津逗号,指的是用英文枚举一些示例的时候,紧跟在并列连词(通常是 and 和 or)之前的那个逗号。举个栗子:
Mary likes apple, banana, and strawberry.
这个例子里面,and 之前的逗号,就是所谓的牛津逗号。叫它牛津逗号,是因为牛津大学出版社要求作者必须在枚举的并列连词之前加上一个逗号。不过,由于哈佛大学出版社也有这么一个要求,所以这种逗号也可以称为哈佛逗号(Harvard Comma)。当然,你也可以根据它所处的环境,把它叫做 Serial Comma。
- Serial comma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In English language punctuation, a serial comma or series comma (also called Oxford comma and Harvard comma) is a comma placed immediately before the coordinating conjunction (usually and or or) in a series of three or more terms. For example, a list of three countries might be punctuated either as “France, Italy, and Spain” (with the serial comma), or as “France, Italy and Spain” (without the serial comma).
Opinions among writers and editors differ on whether to use the serial comma. In American English, a majority of style guides mandate use of the serial comma, including APA style, The Chicago Manual of Style, The MLA Style Manual, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, and the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual. 但英国出版社一般都不用 serial comma。
Use of the comma is inconsistent with conventional practice.
To my mother, Ayn Rand, and God
the serial comma after Ayn Rand creates ambiguity about the writer’s mother because it uses punctuation identical to that used for an appositive phrase, leaving it unclear whether this is a list of three entities (1, my mother; 2, Ayn Rand; and 3, God) or of only two entities (1, my mother, who is Ayn Rand; and 2, God). Without a serial comma, the above dedication would read: To my mother, Ayn Rand and God, a phrase ambiguous only if the reader accepts the interpretation my mother, who is both Ayn Rand and God.
LaTeX 圈子流行着一句话:使用模板就不要管格式。简单来说,目前的模板已经适配了美赛官方对论文格式的全部要求,不需要用户再做任何修改。在美赛有限的参赛时间内,纠结诸如「给目录中的
添加引导符」之类的审美上的需求,纯粹是自作自受且自讨苦吃。20 = 0001 0100(补) -20 = 1110 1100(补)
refs and see also
- Serial comma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 有什么知识,你知道后你的世界马上就不一样了? - 生活 - 知乎
- 邓爱姣_百度百科
邓爱姣,女,1974 年 9 月出生。1995 年毕业于武汉大学数学系统计与概率专业,获理学学士学位,同时免试保送为本专业的硕博连读的研究生,2000 年 6 月毕业于武汉大学数学与计算机科学学院,获得理学博士学位,毕业后留校从事概率论与数理统计方面的科研和教学工作。2002 年 10 月被评为副教授。
- 图灵社区, 阅读, 陈皓, 我的精神家园
我还记得,有一天,有一个和网络相关的技术问题,同事们搞了三四个通宵,也没弄明白,后来想起我好像在看这方面的书,他们就让我去看看、试试,结果我只用了 20 分钟就搞定了。基础真的很重要,这受益于我看了《TCP/IP 详解》这套书。
- 【智能便携打字机】 – 北大新媒体
- E Ink screen with frontlight
- Full-size mechanical keyboard feature Cherry MX keyswitches
- Internal capacity for over one million pages
- Document cloud sync through WiFi
- International language support
- Rugged construction with aluminum body and stowable handle
refs and see also
- 王自如与罗永浩辩论时应当说什么才能反杀老罗? - 锤子手机 - 知乎
老罗用了道具 PPT,王自如需要的道具是:一个白板和一支油性笔。
老罗说:除了三星和苹果,谁能做到色温上下 2000K 以内?国产厂商哪家能做到?自如:您等下,我写上“锤子和其他国产厂商一样,无法做到色温温差在 2000K 以内”
自如同学在每行下面写了一个+号,在最后一行画一个长长的横线,最后一行写上:= 东半球最好用的手机
作为一名在某教育机构兼职 GMAT 逻辑老师的准人民教师,我试图还原一下在老罗攻击下暴露出来的王自如的逻辑弱点,并且用简单的例子佐证。老罗打得真可谓稳狠准,通过就事说事、由事及人、就人说人三步有策略、有层次的赢得了辩论意义上的胜利。
还有就是老罗的逻辑非常清晰,我看的时候有点恍如多年前做 GRE 阅读和写 GRE Argu 的感觉。证据 ->发现 ->结论三段的攻击,环环入扣。
“Wang claims that T1 can’t pass the falling test. Then he argues that T1 is fragile and concludes that it is not an acceptable phone for consumers.” Please argue.
Luo’s Answer:
First of all, Wang’s claim on the falling test is not informative since he doesn’t explain his standard. There are many different standards for falling tests and we know that T1 passes the Motorola test. So his standard may not be useful to determine the robustness of a phone.
Second, even if Wang’s test provides useful information on the robustness, we still don’t know whether T1 is fragile compared to other mobile phones on the market.
Final, even if T1 is fragile compared to other phones, one can not conclude that T1 phone is not acceptable for consumers. Consumers may prefer beautiful though fragile phones to non-fragile ones. Examples are iPhone 1 and iPhone 4.
In summary, Wang’s evidence is not necessarily useful, and the link between the evidence and the finding on the phone’s robustness is weak, and the conclusion can not be drawn from the finding on the phone’s robustness.
refs and see also
- 世界最轻宝座易主:松下 Let’s Note 系列 RZ4C 笔记本 仅重 745g_资讯中心_什么值得买
应该说英特尔 14nm Core M 一出,商务本似乎迎来第二春,联想 Yoga、ThinkPad Helix、 HP Elitebook 等各路轻薄本屡屡现身。不过既然说到便携,日系品牌才一直都是代表,在今年 10 月,其实 Panasonic(松下)也跟进了 Let’s Note 系列中最新款 RZ4C,就用上了 Core M 小心脏,而且重量也得此控制在 745g,超越 NEC LaVie GZ,坐上世界最轻笔记本的宝座。
配置方面,RZ4C 采用 10.1 英寸 1920 x 1200 分辨率(16:10)IPS 触控幕,类似 Yoga 那种 360 度可翻转设计。搭载 Core M-5Y10 处理器,性能和 i3 相当,不过功耗仅有 4.5W,因此续航最长达到 10 小时。最大 8GB 内存 + 256GB 固态硬盘。连接性没有做出牺牲是非常值得称赞的,HDMI、VGA、3 个 USB 3.0、千兆网口、SD 读卡器、蓝牙 4.0 也都一并带来,即使厚度 19.5mm 不算极致纤薄,但实用性比那些舍弃 VGA、网口、USB 数量的同行好多了。
此外内置 Windows 8.1 系统,颜色有传统银色和少见的蓝粉色两种可选,做工方面通过了 76cm 跌落、100kg 重压测试,继承了松下一贯的高品质,这也是很多值友选择日系本重要原因之一。需要注意的是,键盘为日版设计,个别键位有所不同。
refs and see also
- vim - Paste in insert mode? - Stack Overflow
:echo @% " current filename
Control+R +
, 粘贴代码的时候换行还不会错。Control+R %
-> insert filenameControl+R /
- gq -> gqq (format cur line)
- set nolist, show $ as
.- set listchars? ->
- set listchars? ->
, search consecutive empty lines- reg, show reg entries
xclip -out -sel clipboard
- masters - Advisor tries to reproduce my results to ensure my honesty. Is it the norm? - Academia Stack Exchange
It is not that you will be overpaid as a grad student. It is that you were extremely underpaid as an undergrad tutor.
Thank you!!! I really appreciate your feedback!
As many have pointed out in the comments (Nate Eldredge, Dan Romik, Per Alexandersson, etc.), the point is not to catch you cheating (as if you were intentionally trying to manipulate your results), but rather to verify your process of obtaining such results. We all should be so lucky as to have an adviser take the time out of his/her schedule to verify our processes.
I would also like to add that – and this assumes your thesis could/will lead to an academic publication at a journal or conference – that your adviser’s reputation is potentially on the line by attaching his/her name to such a document. In other words, by becoming a co-author on your [future] publication, your adviser is essentially saying, “Yes, I helped work on this, and I am sure of the methods and the results contained within.”
The bottom line (tl;dr) is that you shouldn’t take this as a personal attack. You should be thankful to have someone who can invest the amount of time necessary to ensure the correctness of the work you’ve done.
Beyond that, if the professor has the “If your name is on the paper, you should be able to explain what happened” philosophy, beyond verifying the professor may just want to see the implementation. – Fomite
There may be another reason your advisor wants to do this: perhaps the work can be continued in the future by another of their students, and your advisor wants to be able to explain the details to that (potential) future student.
Regardless, I think it’s praise that your advisor is giving you.
The advisor’s reputation is always on the line when signing a thesis. It doesn’t matter whether there is also a journal article. – David Ketcheson
- Should I share my horrible software? - Academia Stack Exchange
My flippant (
, 嘴碎的;没礼貌的) answer: Can you name one person who got tenure because of their well-written code, or their careful git commits?Sounds like academic software.
Yes, you should.
First, most scientific software is terrible. I’d be very surprised if yours is worse than average: the mere fact you know design patterns and the difference between recursion and loops suggests it’s better.
Second, it’s unlikely you’ll have the incentive or motivation to make it better unless, or until, it’s needed by someone else (or you in 6 months). Making it open gives you that incentive.
Potential upsides: possible new collaborators, bugfixes, extensions, publications.
Potential downsides: timesink (maintaining code or fixing problems for other people), getting scooped. I’ll be clear: I don’t take either of these downsides very seriously.
After I had published my paper, some people asked me to share the software that I developed. At first, I was very happy that my paper attracted some attention, and I was happy to share not only the binary but also the source code, case studies etc. But looking at my software, I feel very embarrassed.
refs and see also
- conference - How to ask dumb questions - Academia Stack Exchange
Having reviewed over 2000 first posts on this site, I must say this is one of the best questions I ever reviewed. I can imagine many graduate students would have the same problem. One sugegestion, start your question by saying “I am a graduate student.” so that everyone in the room will understand.
I do wish people would stop saying “there’s no such thing as a stupid question”. It’s simply untrue. In any given context, there are stupid questions. And given almost any specific answerable question, there exist contexts where it is a stupid question.
There is no such thing as a dumb question is a good adage (
格言,谚语;箴言) for the classroom, where our mission is to teach students, and we have a number of weeks to accomplish the learning objectives. We use this maxim to encourage students to ask questions rather than fall behind.However, there is a such thing as an annoying question can be an equally true corollary, particularly in a conference setting where someone is trying to cram months worth of research into a 45-minute talk in front of presumed experts in the field. In such cases, it might be preferable to not derail the speaker’s presentation.
Asking the question will not benefit anyone.
I would start by pointing out that, generally, you won’t be the only student in the room and there will almost certainly be others thinking of the same ‘stupid question’ but not asking. Many times these questions arise due to the incompetence of the speaker and not the audience. Secondly, it is an academic environment, questions should be encouraged. Those academics who don’t encourage bright young students are the problem, not you.
- research - How should I deal with discouragement as a graduate student? - Academia Stack Exchange
The fact is research is hard. It appears to consist primarily of staring at a problem for days and days and days without getting anywhere. Sometimes, rarely, I do figure something out and that feels wonderful, but the overwhelming majority of my time appears to be spent banging my head against a mostly figurative wall. I am not complaining about the material being hard, and I am not averse to putting in hard work, but I get frequently discouraged when I realize the vast volumes of mathematics that I yet know nothing about (and probably never will). It’s very hard to quantify progress - in particular, there are too few tangible returns after too many hours worked. I find myself thinking along the lines of “Oh, if only someone actually smart were thinking about this problem they would have solved it in moments” and so on.
I’ve talked about this to some number of people; here is some advice I have received:
- Take a day off. Putting in hours upon hours of trying things doesn’t magically lead to a solution, particularly if the brain is tired and just wants to sleep.
- Have a hobby. Since math research doesn’t exactly provide instant gratification, a hobby might provide some instead.
- Talk to other graduate students. Realize that many graduate students go through this.
I’ve found it extremely useful to have two or three walls to bang my head against at any given time. Surprisingly, sometimes banging my head against one wall actually makes one of the other walls weaker. But most walls prove considerably stronger than my head; so it’s helpful to have options, so I don’t feel so bad about walking away with some scalp intact.
If you’re very lucky, one good smack on the bricks will actually bring the ceiling crashing around your ears. That takes a long time to clean up, but sometimes the debris will knock down other walls for you. And then you have a whole new set of even bigger walls to bang your head against!
I find myself thinking along the lines of “Oh, if only someone actually smart were thinking about this problem they would have solved it in moments” and so on.
Do not listen to the Impostor Syndrome. Everyone “actually smart” is hearing exactly the same voice in their head saying “Oh, if only someone who actually knew how to hit walls with their forehead hit this wall, it would come down like a stack of cards.” when in fact the wall really is made of brick.
Impostor syndrome is an evil and pernicious (
有害的;险恶的) thing.And yet if you continue killing mice, you’re bound to hate your field so much that you’ll eventually have a PhD in something you can’t even stomach. Not to mention the damage you’ll likely do to your psyche in that time. I don’t have a good answer for you - though my heart hurts for you :( I will say this - the knowledge you’ve gained over this time, and the publications you’ve made cannot be taken away from you. So even if you leave and start again elsewhere, you won’t have nothing. Remember that as you move forward.
As a biologist, I’m amazed by this story and I have a hard time believing something. To use animals in experiments, you need a kind of approbation (
) by an animal care board (maybe called something else in Germany). It’s doubtful you can publish without saying you have this approbation. It’s more doubtful you can get an approbation without a careful and respectful plan of how you’re going to euthanized (['juθənaɪz]
vt. 使安乐死;) animals. How did you publish without this?Forgot to mention this in my earlier comment, but - if you are feeling depressed/mentally exhausted/emotionally distressed, do not hesitate to go see a mental health counselor/psychologist. They are trained to help you in these scenarios.
C++ 中文
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> int main ( int argc, char **argv ) { std::string str; if (argc >= 2) { str = argv; } if (str.empty()) { str = "English & 中文"; } std::wstring wStr(str.begin(), str.end()); std::wstring::iterator i = wStr.begin(); for (; i != wStr.end(); ++i) { // actually numbers, you can add one std::cout << "\t" << std::hex << 1+(*i); } std::cout << std::endl; }
$ ./WideString.exe 46 6f 68 6d 6a 74 69 21 27 21 ffd7 ffd1 ffcf ffc5 $ ./WideString.exe "hay 嗨" 69 62 7a 21 ffe1 ffcc
- 【在线影展】乡土往事,岁月如歌_图片频道_新闻中心_腾讯网
refs and see also
- c++ - How to detect c++11 support of a compiler with cmake - Stack Overflow
cmake cxx compile features, cmake cxx known features target compile features
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0 FATAL_ERROR) project(foobar CXX) message("Your C++ compiler supports these C++ features:") foreach(i ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES}) message("${i}") endforeach()
- Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64
Your C++ compiler supports these C++ features: cxx_alias_templates cxx_alignas cxx_alignof cxx_auto_type cxx_binary_literals cxx_contextual_conversions cxx_decltype cxx_decltype_auto cxx_default_function_template_args cxx_defaulted_functions cxx_defaulted_move_initializers cxx_delegating_constructors cxx_deleted_functions cxx_digit_separators cxx_enum_forward_declarations cxx_explicit_conversions cxx_extended_friend_declarations cxx_extern_templates cxx_final cxx_func_identifier cxx_generalized_initializers cxx_generic_lambdas cxx_inheriting_constructors cxx_inline_namespaces cxx_lambdas cxx_lambda_init_captures cxx_local_type_template_args cxx_long_long_type cxx_noexcept cxx_nonstatic_member_init cxx_nullptr cxx_override cxx_range_for cxx_raw_string_literals cxx_reference_qualified_functions cxx_return_type_deduction cxx_right_angle_brackets cxx_rvalue_references cxx_sizeof_member cxx_static_assert cxx_strong_enums cxx_template_template_parameters cxx_thread_local cxx_trailing_return_types cxx_unicode_literals cxx_uniform_initialization cxx_unrestricted_unions cxx_user_literals cxx_variadic_macros cxx_variadic_templates
- Visual Studio 10 2010 Win64
cxx_auto_type cxx_decltype cxx_extended_friend_declarations cxx_extern_templates cxx_lambdas cxx_local_type_template_args cxx_long_long_type cxx_nullptr cxx_override cxx_right_angle_brackets cxx_rvalue_references cxx_static_assert cxx_template_template_parameters cxx_trailing_return_types cxx_variadic_macros
# method 1 add_executable(prog main.cc) set_property(TARGET prog PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11) set_property(TARGET prog PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) # method 2 get_property(known_features GLOBAL PROPERTY CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES) foreach(i ${known_features}) message("${i}") endforeach() add_executable(foobar main.cc) set(needed_features cxx_strong_enums cxx_constexpr cxx_auto_type) target_compile_features(foobar PRIVATE ${needed_features})
refs and see also
- Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64
- [DPI Scaling Fix] Bold, Blurry or Hard to Read Font Problem in Windows 8.1 / 10 - AskVG
Jason’s home - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- Qt 静态编译 – My SCARLET
refs and see also
- district10/bcp: Boost.org bcp module, and a CMakeLists.txt for lazy people.
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/bcp_standalone.exe (561 KB)
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/bcp_standalone_linux (917 KB)
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/bcp_standalone_linux_i386 (900 KB)
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/boost_1_58_0_headers.7z (6.29 MB)
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/boost_1_58_0_headers_sources.7z (37.6 MB)
- http://whudoc.qiniudn.com/2016/boost_1_58_0_vs2010_x64.7z (103 MB)
You can newer (maybe newer) copy of bcp at https://github.com/district10/bcp/tree/standalone#0-get-bcp-binary--boost-source-file
TODO: 编译 x86 的 windows 版本。
refs and see also
- Telegram 传奇:一个关于俄罗斯富豪、黑客、极权和阴谋的创业故事 - 钛媒体官方网站
被警察监听,Pavel Durov 决心做一个为隐私和安全而生的通讯工具
这架纸飞机后来被做为了 Telegram 的 Logo。Pavel 非常喜欢扔纸飞机那个时刻,他觉得那非常能代表他叛逆精神。那并不是暴发户对金钱的挥霍,而是对自由的向往。
今年年初,笑来老师迷上了 Telegram,想在上面做一些东西,那段时间我帮他读了不少 Telegram 的代码。边读边佩服这个团队的优秀。Nikolai 设计的协议 MTProto 极其优秀,兼具数学和工程之美,它的加密基础非常完善,同时又在工程上很出色, Telegram 传递的消息实际是函数,可扩展性相当强。同时,所有代码都是开源的,在 github 上可以看到每个项目的贡献者人数都很少,但代码质量相当高。我很惊讶于如此短的开发时间,如此少的人数,产生出这么高质量的代码。
Telegram 的特色就是快,它的快体现在各方面,不仅仅是协议本身精简造成的传输速度快,Telegram 在各平台上的实现几乎都是从最底层的简单 API 实现,几乎不使用常见的库,而是自己实现所有界面控件。他们的所有控件样式也相当简单,从而让绘制效率非常高。这些努力最终得到的回报,就是它使用起来速度极快,极流畅。如果你在一个正常的网络环境使用,会非常直观的感受到它的效率和稳定。
到今天,已经加入了相当多功能的 Telegram(包括自定义的贴纸表情和机器人)iOS 版只有 30M 的体积,而微信早就到了 90 多 M,就算是功能简单的多的 Whatsapp 也有 40 多 M。有兴趣琢磨代码的同学可以去 Github 上慢慢研究他们开源的代码,肯定会大有收获。
- Advanced Code Search
github code search
www.iki.fi/sol - Tutorials - IMGUI
Immediate Mode Model/View/Controller
- lua_binding_benchmark/.travis.yml at master · satoren/lua_binding_benchmark
sudo: false language: cpp compiler: - g++ before_install: - git submodule update --init --recursive install: - if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then export CXX="g++-4.9"; fi addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - kalakris-cmake packages: - liblua5.2-dev - lua5.2 - libboost-all-dev - g++-4.9 - cmake env: matrix: - BUILD_TYPE=Release global: - GH_REF: github.com/satoren/lua_binding_benchmark.git - secure: FOVj8m7GhZN3roaK.......................................... script: - cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=${CXX_FLAGS} \ && make execute_benchmark after_success: - [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == master ] && \ [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && \ ./deploy.sh
- Download Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 from Official Microsoft Download Center
- lua-users wiki: Lua Style Guide
C++03 compiler with boost library or C++11 compiler(gcc 4.8+, clang 3.4+, MSVC2015) without boost.
n. 月之女神(希腊神话中的一个形象)Sol makes use of C++11/14 features. GCC 4.9 and Clang 3.4 (with
and appropriate standard library) or higher should be able to compile without problems. However, the officially supported and CI-tested compilers are:- GCC 4.9.0+
- Clang 3.5+
- Visual Studio 2015 Community (Visual C++ 14.0)+
define vars at compiling
#include <cstdio> int main( void ) { printf( "VAR: %s\n__FILE__: %s\n", VAR, __FILE__ ); }
compile & run
$ g++ -D'VAR="Variable"' main.cpp -o main $ ./main VAR: variable __FILE__: main.cpp
。这些都是“环境变量”。在 CMake 里,可以用
这跟用 cmake 的 config 文本一样。
- CMake 的 configs:
configure_file( "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Configs.h.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Configs.h" )
#define CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR "D:/txt/data"
- ToyBox開發日誌: In-depth: Functional programming in C++ - 在C++上面使用函數式編程
我認為 FP 確實有它存在的價值,但是光憑這點就去呼籲大家放棄 C++ 然後改用 Lisp、Haskell 這些語言是不負責任的發言。
refs and see also
- Ubuntu Pastebin
Marching Cubes - Augusdi的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- ShareX/ShareX: ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to over 80 supported destinations you can choose from.
!!! Good! 😄
- 新手如何在 gdb 中存活 - Jack47 - 博客园
man 7 signal
Signal Value Action Comment ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── SIGHUP 1 Term Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process SIGINT 2 Term Interrupt from keyboard SIGQUIT 3 Core Quit from keyboard SIGILL 4 Core Illegal Instruction SIGABRT 6 Core Abort signal from abort(3) SIGFPE 8 Core Floating point exception SIGKILL 9 Term Kill signal SIGSEGV 11 Core Invalid memory reference SIGPIPE 13 Term Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers SIGALRM 14 Term Timer signal from alarm(2) SIGTERM 15 Term Termination signal SIGUSR1 30,10,16 Term User-defined signal 1 SIGUSR2 31,12,17 Term User-defined signal 2 SIGCHLD 20,17,18 Ign Child stopped or terminated SIGCONT 19,18,25 Cont Continue if stopped SIGSTOP 17,19,23 Stop Stop process SIGTSTP 18,20,24 Stop Stop typed at terminal SIGTTIN 21,21,26 Stop Terminal input for background process SIGTTOU 22,22,27 Stop Terminal output for background process The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored.
, list sourcel 7
, list source at line 7l print_str
, listprint_str
set listsize 20
, list 20 lines of code each timeb 9
, break line 9r
, runp str
, print varstr
’s valuedebug via dumped file
# setup & run $ ulimit -c unlimited $ ./main 10226 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./main gdb main core # `core' is the dumped file
(gdb) bt # backtrace #0 0x000000000040055c in print_str (str=0x400657 "hello, world!") at main.c:5 #1 0x0000000000400584 in b (b=0x400657 "hello, world!") at main.c:9 #2 0x000000000040059f in a (a=0x400657 "hello, world!") at main.c:10 #3 0x00000000004005be in main () at main.c:14
debug running program
ps aux |grep main
refs and see also
- Permanently change keyboard layout on Ubuntu Server 11.10
dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
You need to edit
. After that, runsudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
to commit your settings.When you run console-setup, it compiles in the keyboard layout listed in that file, which is why console-data’s changes were not kept. In the file are four lines:
I can’t seem to find a list of acceptable arguments online either. You can browse or search
for valid values, which I will include here for your convenience. (Shortcuts: model layout variant option)- Remap keyboard on the Linux console - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Linux uses two independent keyboard mappings. One for the graphical mode X and one for the console.
You usually change the first one with setxkbmap (or xmodmap) and the second one with loadkeys. All those tool have a fine manpage.
For loadkeys you can find the existing keymaps under /usr/share/kbd/keymaps. The description of those files is available in man 5 keymaps.
The program loadkeys reads the file or files specified by filename…. Its main purpose is to load the kernel keymap for the console. You can specify console device by the
) option.$ locate dvorak /usr/lib/aspell/dvorak.kbd /usr/share/vim/vim74/keymap/dvorak.vim /usr/share/vim/vim74/keymap/russian-dvorak.vim /usr/share/vim/vim74/keymap/ukrainian-dvorak.vim /usr/share/vim/vim74/macros/dvorak
- Parsing expression grammar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer science, a parsing expression grammar, or PEG, is a type of analytic formal grammar, i.e. it describes a formal language in terms of a set of rules for recognizing strings in the language. The formalism was introduced by Bryan Ford in 2004 and is closely related to the family of top-down parsing languages introduced in the early 1970s. Syntactically, PEGs also look similar to context-free grammars (CFGs), but they have a different interpretation: the choice operator selects the first match in PEG, while it is ambiguous in CFG. This is closer to how string recognition tends to be done in practice, e.g. by a recursive descent parser.
$ locate qmake /usr/bin/qmake /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake /usr/share/doc/qt4-qmake /usr/share/doc/qt4-qmake/LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt /usr/share/doc/qt4-qmake/changelog.Debian.gz /usr/share/doc/qt4-qmake/copyright /usr/share/man/man1/qmake-qt4.1.gz /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/qmake.pm /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/qmake_qt4.pm /usr/share/qt4/bin/qmake /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/aix-g++/qmake.conf /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/aix-g++-64/qmake.conf /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/aix-xlc/qmake.conf /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/aix-xlc-64/qmake.conf /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/blackberry-armv7le-qcc/qmake.conf
- Modern CMake with Qt and Boost - 推酷
find_package( Qt5Widgets 5.2 REQUIRED ) add_executable( myapp main.cpp ) target_link_libraries( myapp Qt5::Widgets )
One of the nice (and recent) features of CMake (in master branch, to become CMake 3.0.0) is that it gives diagnostics if I try to use a dependency without first finding it. CMake now recognises a pattern of double-colons
in the name of a dependency as denoting a special meaning that it is a IMPORTED target which encodes a lot of information about how to use it.CMake is aware that using the Qt5::Widgets library involves a compilation step and a linking step. It knows that because Qt5::Widgets is a target defined in files shipped by Qt in the lib/cmake directory.
set_property( TARGET Qt5::Widgets INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${relativeLocation}/include/QtWidgets" )
and for the Qt5Core library looks something like this:
set_property(TARGET Qt5::Core INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${relativeLocation}/include" "${relativeLocation}/include/QtCore" )
The Qt5::Core target specifies the ‘top level include’, and the Qt5::Widgets target depends transitively on the
target.All of these special features are available when using both Qt 4 and Qt 5.
CMake is aware of these features file types and code generators, and can enable special handling of them. If you enable CMAKE_AUTOMOC CMake will scan compiled files for the
macro and automatically run themoc
tool as needed (since CMake 2.8.6 ).People often ask whether CMake ‘supports’ C++11. That is the wrong question to ask . What people are thinking is ‘Can it automatically add the -std=c++11 flag for me?’
Hmm, or should I use
for this compiler?Or wait, is this a C++14 feature? Maybe I need
?Oh, wait I’m using MSVC, no flag is needed at all.
The right questions to ask are ‘Does the compiler have the feature I need?’ and ‘Is any flag required to enable that feature?’. The version of the C++ standard that specifies the feature is then not relevant to the user and can be encoded in the implementation of CMake. Aiming for ‘C++11 support in CMake’ would not be future-proof or even past-proof.
Because the standard version which introduced the feature is irrelevant, the user does not need to care whether -std=c++11 or -std=c++98 is needed. By not requiring the user to enable the flags manually, a cross-platform trap can be avoided.
For example, it will generate a define for each of the features and whether the feature is supported by the users compiler. This is essentially the same kind of thing that the Boost.Config library and qcompilerdetection.h are doing.
project( Qt5Project ) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.11 ) # root of your msvc14 x64 prebuild, there should be a `/lib/cmake` dir set( CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} "C:/Qt/Qt5-msvc14/5.6/msvc2015_64" ) set( CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON ) set( CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON ) find_package( Qt5Widgets REQUIRED ) qt5_wrap_ui( UI_HEADERS mainwindow.ui ) qt5_add_resources( QRCS resources.qrc ) add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp mainwindow.cpp ${UI_HEADERS} ${QRCS} ) target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Widgets )
- ant - Why is no one using make for Java? - Stack Overflow
The difference between:
javac Main.java javac This.java javac That.java javac Other.java
javac Main.java This.java That.java Other.java
is night and day.
Exacerbate that with hundreds of classes, and it just becomes untenable.
Make also isn’t very good at determining what files are out of date, at a collection level.
- Restore previous session - Configure when Firefox shows your most recent tabs and windows | Firefox Help
history -> restore previous session
restore previsous session
- Anti-lock braking system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An anti-lock braking system or anti-skid braking system (ABS) is an automobile safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to maintain tractive contact with the road surface according to driver inputs while braking, preventing the wheels from locking up (ceasing rotation) and avoiding uncontrolled skidding. It is an automated system that uses the principles of threshold braking and cadence braking which were practiced by skillful drivers with previous generation braking systems. It does this at a much faster rate and with better control than a driver could manage.
ABS generally offers improved vehicle control and decreases stopping distances on dry and slippery surfaces; however, on loose gravel or snow-covered surfaces, ABS can significantly increase braking distance, although still improving vehicle control.
ABS was first developed for aircraft use in 1929 by the French automobile and aircraft pioneer Gabriel Voisin, as threshold braking on airplanes.
- grab all descendents · district10/CuteWatchDog@c496e03
QStringList CuteWatchDog::grabAllDescendents( const QString &root ) { QStringList dirEntries; QDir dir( root ); QQueue<QDir> queue; queue.enqueue( dir ); while( !queue.isEmpty() ) { QDir d = queue.dequeue(); dirEntries << d.absolutePath(); foreach( const QFileInfo &info, d.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot) ) { QDir subdir( info.absoluteFilePath() ); queue.enqueue( subdir ); } } return dirEntries; }
refs and see also
- highlight-treeview
- win:
tree /F /A
- linux:
refs and see also
- win:
progit/progit: Pro Git Book Content, 1st Edition - See 2nd edition at progit2
Shamir’s Secret Sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
我对顶功的分析 - 输入法讨论专区 - 北大中文论坛 www.pkucn.com - Powered by Discuz!
QT 编写的中文双拼输入法最终版 - QTCN 开发网 - Powered by phpwind
networking - Network usage top/htop on Linux - Stack Overflow
- 亚马逊为什么要投资福昕软件?投资额是多少? - 亚马逊 (Amazon.com) - 知乎
“事隔一年半,软件升了级,我还得去谈(合同),再交 5 万美元押金——到时候很可能就不只是 5 万美元的事了。”熊雨前觉得无理,又给 Adobe 发邮件:福昕还是很小的公司,没这么多钱,有没有可能降低押金?这次回复倒挺快:可以,但要提高单价。福昕就这样被逼上梁山。当时,国内软件开发企业大都在过苦日子,在主场寻求不到什么便利。在国外,通用软件虽有市场,但没有品牌,没有核心技术,福昕只能做些边角料的活儿,公司财务几度捉襟见肘。在接下来一年多时间,熊雨前把营销、财务全部交给员工,自己做起甩手掌柜,自主研发 PDF 核心技术,每天就一件事——写代码。
真正令熊雨前意识到他的软件“可以直接转化为钱”的,是微软这位大客户的不约而至。 2008 年底,全球金融危机正酣,微软揣着云计算中心 PDF 索引工具的合同,同时敲响了 Adobe、福昕两家的门。微软 SharePoint Online 产品经理李公布了测评结果:过滤 2676 份、共计 2406MB 的 PDF 文档,福昕比 Adobe 快了 5 倍。此前差不多一年,微软企业搜索产品部已经“面试”过这两家——福昕当时充其量小有名气,美国分公司只有 1 个人,微软一开始愣是没找到门儿,几经打听,才发现福昕的北京分部就在微软亚洲研究院的斜对面,两家是邻居。第一次的测评结果:过滤 1041 份、共计 1751MB 的 PDF 文档,福昕比 Adobe 快了 4 倍。
防打印确实只是设置了个标志位,大多数 PDF 软件都遵循这个标准罢了。只针对打印的密码也是防君子不防小人的。
refs and see also
- Mount Rushmore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore, a granite batholith formation in the Black Hills in Keystone, South Dakota, United States. Sculpted by Danish-American Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln Borglum, Mount Rushmore features 60-foot (18 m) sculptures of the heads of four United States presidents: George Washington (1732–1799), Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919), and Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) The entire memorial covers 1,278.45 acres (2.00 sq mi; 5.17 km2) and is 5,725 feet (1,745 m) above sea level.
Sculptures of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln (left to right)
Mount Rushmore commemorative stamp of 1952
Mount Rushmore is near Keystone, South Dakota.
- 睡眠非常浅的人,该怎样改善睡眠质量? - 健康 - 知乎
表示自己睡眠质量太好……我只是知道我为什么睡眠质量这么好。除了自己总是在适当的时间起床外(非 REM 期)。
refs and see also
- 王路:弟子混得不好想改行,孔子怎么挽留?
樊迟此刻,是遭遇到人生路径的选择问题了。我见过很多小孩,初中没读完,成绩不行,跟家长说,“我想学电脑”。真的想学电脑吗?数学满分 100 考 6 分还想学电脑?说想学电脑,其实是想玩电脑,学习态度不行,又讳(hui)言这点,就绕个弯,表示自己有别的兴趣和爱好。樊迟就是这个情况。
- Personal information management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Personal information management (PIM) is the activities people perform in order to acquire, organize, maintain, retrieve and use personal information items such as documents (paper-based and digital), web pages and email messages for everyday use to complete tasks (work-related or not) and fulfill a person’s various roles (as parent, employee, friend, member of community, etc.). More simply, PIM is the art of getting things done in our lives through information.
There are six ways in which information can be personal:
- Owned by “me”
- About “me”
- Directed toward “me”
- Sent/Posted by “me”
- Experienced by “me”
- Relevant to “me”
- Uniq - Removing duplicate lines - Vim Tips Wiki - Wikia
how to remove duplicate lines??
可惜这个解决方案不是 vim 原生的,所以我不予采纳。
放到 PATH 吧。- 丽莉·克亚芙 (豆瓣)
refs and see also
- Ex (relationship) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In social relationships, an ex (plural is exes) is someone with whom a person was once associated, in a relationship, marriage, or once talked to. As a prefix, ex- can refer to a variety of different relationships; for example, one might refer to a music group’s ex-guitarist, or someone’s ex-friend. When used alone, ex as a noun is assumed to refer to a former sexual or romantic partner, especially a former spouse. This often has a derogatory tinge, especially if it refers to unrequited feelings.
- Biologist and statistician Ronald Fisher
Statistician William Sealy Gosset, known as “Student”
- Impostor syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Impostor (
) syndrome (also spelled imposter syndrome, also known as impostor phenomenon or fraud syndrome) is a term coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists Dr. Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes referring to high-achieving individuals marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. Despite external evidence of their competence, those exhibiting the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Some studies suggest that impostor syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women, while others indicate that men and women are equally affected.- Demographics
n.人口统计数据 The impostor syndrome is particularly common among high-achievers. Another demographic group that often suffers from this phenomenon is African Americans. Being the beneficiary of affirmative action may cause a person who belongs to a visible minority to doubt their own abilities and suspect that their skills were not what allowed them to be hired. Impostor syndrome has been commonly reported by graduate students and scientists beginning tenure track positions.
refs and see also
- Demographics
- linux - What does “rc” mean in dot files - Stack Overflow
The ‘rc’ suffix goes back to Unix’s grandparent, CTSS. It had a command-script feature called “runcom”. Early Unixes used ‘rc’ for the name of the operating system’s boot script, as a tribute to CTSS runcom.
refs and see also
- Control point (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GCP, Ground Control Point
- Pan and scan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A 2.35:1 image panned and scanned to 1.33:1. Nearly half of the original image has been cropped.
Pan and scan is a method of adjusting widescreen film images so that they can be shown within the proportions of a standard definition 4:3 aspect ratio television screen, often cropping off the sides of the original widescreen image to focus on the composition’s most important aspects. Some film directors and film enthusiasts disapprove of pan and scan cropping, because it can remove up to 45% of the original image on 2.35:1 films or up to 53% on earlier 2.55:1 presentations, changing the director or cinematographer’s original vision and intentions. The worst examples remove up to 75% of the original picture on such aspect ratios as 2.75:1 or even 3:1 in epics such as Ben-Hur, King of Kings or Lawrence of Arabia. The vertical equivalent is known as “tilt and scan” or “reverse pan and scan”. The method was most common in the days of VHS, before widescreen home media such as DVD and Blu-ray. Retract
- HOWTO install infinality font-settings for Debian
- Rootless Root
Master Foo nodded and replied: “When you are hungry, eat; when you are thirsty, drink; when you are tired, sleep.”
The novice frowned and said: “Perl’s regexps would be excessive for so simple a task. I do not know awk, and I have been writing sed scripts in the last few weeks. As I have some experience with sed, at the moment I would prefer it. But if the job only needed to be done once rather than repeatedly, a text editor would suffice.”
“And who better understands the Unix-nature?” Master Foo asked. “Is it he who writes the ten thousand lines, or he who, perceiving the emptiness of the task, gains merit by not coding?”
“Complexity increases the possibility of failure; a twin-engine airplane has twice as many engine problems as a single-engine airplane.” By analogy, in both software and electronics, the rule that simplicity increases robustness. It is correspondingly argued that the right way to build reliable systems is to put all your eggs in one basket, after making sure that you’ve built a really good basket.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil!
– Donald Knuth
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account
Hofstadter’s Law.– Hofstadter’s Law
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore,
if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not
smart enough to debug it.– Brian Kernighan
PHP is a minor evil perpetrated and created by incompetent amateurs, whereas
Perl is a great and insidious evil, perpetrated by skilled but perverted
professionals.– Jon Ribbens
Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent
psychopath who knows where you live.– Rick Osborne
Saying that Java is good because it works on all platforms is like saying anal
sex is good because it works on all genders– Unknown
An algorithm must be seen to be believe!
“No Silver Bullet — Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering” is a widely discussed paper on software engineering written by Fred Brooks in 1986. Brooks argues that “there is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order of magnitude tenfold improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity.” He also states that “we cannot expect ever to see two-fold gains every two years” in software development, like there is in hardware development (Moore’s law).
Stupid: I’m having problems with my motherboard. Can anybody help?
J. Random Hacker’s response to this is likely to be “Right. Do you need burping and diapering, too?”, followed by a punch of the delete key.
Smart: I tried X, Y, and Z on the S2464 motherboard. When that didn’t work, I tried A, B, and C. Note the curious symptom when I tried C. Obviously the florbish is grommicking, but the results aren’t what one might expect. What are the usual causes of grommicking on Athlon MP motherboards? Anybody got ideas for more tests I can run to pin down the problem?
This person, on the other hand, seems worthy of an answer. He/she has exhibited problem-solving intelligence rather than passively waiting for an answer to drop from on high.
In the last question, notice the subtle but important difference between demanding “Give me an answer” and “Please help me figure out what additional diagnostics I can run to achieve enlightenment.
Minimal test case
provide a minimal bug-demonstrating test case
refs and see also
- Infinite monkey theorem
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.
- OpenCV notes
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); string image = parser.get<string>("1"); string templ = parser.get<string>("2"); Mat img = imread(image.c_str(), 0); Mat img_yuv; cvtColor(img, img_yuv, CV_BGR2YCrCb); // convert image to YUV color space. // The output image will be created automatically vector<Mat> planes; // Vector is template vector class, similar to STL's vector. // It can store matrices too. split(img_yuv, planes); // split the image into separate color planes
- yelp — browse system documentation
The GNOME Help Browser includes detailed documentation for the majority of applications, utilities and other components, such as the panel or the Nautilus file manager. Yelp can display some HTML and XML files when passed on the command-line, but it’s primarily called from applications. You can also start Yelp by choosing Desktop->Help. This will show the top-level help system page, listing all GNOME docu‐ments conveniently organized by topic.
$ whatis intro intro (4) - Introduction to special files intro (2) - Introduction to system calls intro (8) - Introduction to administration and privileged commands intro (5) - Introduction to file formats intro (3) - Introduction to library functions intro (6) - Introduction to games intro (7) - Introduction to overview, conventions, and miscellany ... intro (1) - Introduction to user commands
- PPA – Personal Package Archive
The solution to this is the PPA. This is a repository, provided by Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu), that allows developers and enthusiasts to offer up-to-date versions of software to all Ubuntu users. Originally PPAs were limited to programmers and testers, but Canonical opened PPAs to everyone in late 2007.
A PPA, or Personal Package Archive, is a collection of software not included in Ubuntu by default.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hotot-team sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hotot
- c++ - How to get rid of
deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
warnings in GCC? - Stack Overflow@
warning:deprecated conversion from string constant to ’char *’
- signature:
char *
->const char *
- signature:
What are POD types in C++?
POD stands for Plain Old Data - that is, a struct…
A Plain Old Data Structure in C++ is an aggregate class that contains only PODS as members, has no user-defined destructor, no user-defined copy assignment operator, and no nonstatic members of pointer-to-member type.
In computer science and object-oriented programming, a passive data structure (PDS, not to be confused with IBM’s partitioned data sets; also termed a plain old data structure, or plain old data (POD)), is a term for a record, to contrast with objects. It is a data structure that is represented only as passive collections of field values (instance variables), without using object-oriented features.
refs and see also
- Double ended queue
deque (usually pronounced like “deck”) is an irregular acronym of double-ended queue. Double-ended queues are sequence containers with dynamic sizes that can be expanded or contracted ended queues are sequence containers with dynamic sizes that can be expanded or contracted on both ends (either its front or its back).
- Install
and runapt-file update
(和locate file.h
有什么异同?) - Then use
apt-file search sphinx-build
to search for packages contanining a file namedsphinx-build
- Time-of-flight camera
A time-of-flight camera (ToF camera) is a range imaging camera system that resolves distance based on the known speed of light, measuring the time-of-flight of a light signal between the camera and the subject for each point of the image.
The time-of-flight camera is a class of scannerless LIDAR, in which the entire scene is captured with each laser or light pulse, as opposed to point-by-point with a laser beam such as in scanning LIDAR systems.
file(assembly file)@
files are code written in assembly, they are extremely low-level form of programming. They contain assembly instructions to the processor in sequential order and are typically compiled based on the selected architecture for compiling the kernel.- Virtual to Physical Documentation and Sample Configurations
- Understanding the Network Terms SSID, BSSID, and ESSID
- 两个 linux 共享同一个
- Polytope
A convex polytope may be defined as the Convex Hull of a finite set of points (which are always bounded), or as the intersection of a finite set of half-spaces.
- Triskaidekaphobia
fear of bad luck number 13.
欧美很多大厦都以 12A 层取代第 13 层。房间号码、地址号码,甚至连飞机座位也是以 12A 取代 13。在法国巴黎,若请客吃饭时共有 13 人, 为了避煞,会请一职业客人来凑足 14 人。
- Dozen
- 12
- Gross
- 144
A harmonic of a wave is a component frequency of the signal that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency, i.e. if the fundamental frequency is f, the harmonics have frequencies 2f, 3f, 4f, . . . etc. The harmonics have the property that they are all periodic at the fundamental frequency, therefore the sum of harmonics is also periodic at that frequency. Harmonic frequencies are equally spaced by the width of the fundamental frequency and can be found by repeatedly adding that frequency. For example, if the fundamental frequency (first harmonic) is 25 Hz, the frequencies of the next harmonics are: 50 Hz (2nd harmonic), 75 Hz (3rd harmonic), 100 Hz (4th harmonic) etc.
Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. Familiar examples include a swinging pendulum and AC power. The term vibration is sometimes used more narrowly to mean a mechanical oscillation but is sometimes used as a synonym of “oscillation”. Oscillations occur not only in physical systems but also in biological systems, from human society to the brain.
- refusenik,
, n. (俄)被拒绝移民者(等于 refusednik) Refusenik (Russian: отказник, otkaznik, from “отказ”, otkaz “refusal”) was an unofficial term for individuals, typically but not exclusively Soviet Jews, who were denied permission to emigrate abroad by the authorities of the former Soviet Union and other countries of the Eastern bloc. The term refusenik is derived from the “refusal” handed down to a prospective emigrant from the Soviet authorities. Over time, “refusenik” has entered colloquial English for person who refuses to do something, especially by way of protest.
charlie: I’ve seen that term used on alt.foobar often.
lisa: Send it to Erik for the File.
lisa: Oops…s/Erik/Eric/
.gls, SMS language/txtspk for “Gay Little Smirk”. Used in SMS language (texting language) to express an individual’s true reaction to a humorous text message. This abbreviation is a more accurate alternative to writing “lol”. Clearly, he/she is not laughing out loud in a literal sense, but is instead staring at his/her mobile phone while brandishing a gay little smirk. 😏
(In a texting conversation)
AJ: Dude, she is seriously smokin’ hot. I would be her on-demand asshole licker.
Let me explain to you what that entails. I would lick her asshole on-demand.
Karthik: glspointy-haired
- An esp. stupid person who may or may not be your boss. Often associated with managers and stupid bosses, the phrase was coined in the daily comic strip “Dilbert” by Scott Adams, in which Dilbert’s boss (Pointy-Haired Boss happened to be his name) had a pointy, devil-horn-like haircut and was especially stupid and over-promoted.
- Our new mission statement is “We envision to authoritatively foster quality intellectual capital while maintaining the highest standards.” Whoever made that up must have been pointy-haired.
- 沙文主义(英语:chauvinism)
原指极端的、不合理的、过分的爱国主义(因此也是一种民族主义)。如今的含义也囊括其他领域,主要指盲目热爱自己所处的团体,并经常对其他团体怀有恶意与仇恨,是一种有偏见的情绪。经过演变,如今“沙文主义”这个词在英语中更多场合中指种族歧视与性别歧视,尤其是后者。极端民族主义; 大国沙文主义; 男性沙文主义; 女性沙文主义;在恋爱和婚姻关系中希望得到独立的自由和尊重,却又认为男性应该扛起大部分的责任。认为男性对女性的价值评判标准是物化女性,却又对男性采取极高标准。简单的说,在一波新的价值观转换和革命当中,一些女性什么好处都想要得到,却不肯付出相对应的代价;在扩张自身权利的时候,眼睛永远只看到别人有的,和自己没有的。
- Extra-Sensory-Perception.
Often referred to as “The sixth Sense”. Often used in conversation when one makes a lucky guess as to what someone is about to say.
M.C. Hammer: I want to-
Patrick Surtain: SLEEP!
M.C. Hammer: Hey! I was just going to say that!
Patrick Surtain: I must have ESP!ESP 还可以是 Especially Silly People……
- 我有一个妈妈,她经常做一些奇怪的事。
我是一身高 170+,体重 120+ 的女性,于是你就知道我的体态了。
- 在下坂本,有何贵干?(佐野菜见创作的日本漫画)_百度百科
2015 年 3 月份,在日本媒体调查的“希望动画化的漫画作品排行榜”中,《在下坂本,有何贵干?》得票率超过总投票的 25%,名列第 1 位。
近年来,装逼已经成为了不少动漫作品里必备的元素,但是相信很难有一部作品可以如同《在下坂本,有何贵干?》那样将装逼发挥到极致。尽管作品充斥着满满的装逼风格,但其实剧情方面非常正能量,因此也吸引了很多动漫迷关注。 (腾讯动漫评)
- 字体渲染
各个操作系统的字体渲染都不一样 ,从效果上说,苹果机一直完虐 Linux 和 Windows ,而且是开箱即用。Linux 的字体渲染首选 Infinity,效果那是极好,不截图了。 Windows上,微软自己有 ClearType,当年我也是玩过的人,说实话,没感觉用了和没用有什么区别,除此之外,只能通过第三方的软件来改善字体,其中最好莫过 MacType,美极,极美,十分美。之前我也是弄过,但最近匆忙,装机后也没折腾,似乎没必要。今天弄好了,一下就感觉之前的字体就像砣屎,怎么能是“没必要”呢!
- 有情人,一切尽在眼神中
- 人具有解读眼神的天赋,从婴儿时期就显露出来
- 眼神泄露了心灵的焦点
- 微笑的眼神,最具吸引力
- 眼神不同于其他面部表情和肢体语言,仅仅是一个直视的眼神就可以激活一个脑区:大脑腹侧纹状体(ventral striatum),这是一个预测奖励和惩罚的脑区
- 眼神是一种天然的语言
- 直视的目光更被信赖
- 直视的目光显示出更强的竞争力
- 喜欢一个人时,男人会变得话多,凝视少;女人会话少,凝视多
- Ad Block:屏蔽广告
- Block Site:屏蔽网站
- Copy as Markdown:生成页面的 Markdown 链接
- Edit with Emacs:调用 Emacs 编辑文字
- Extension Downloader:下载插件 CRX 文件
- All Cheat Sheets:Cheet Sheet 大全
- Tampermonkey:油猴
- Vimium:给 Chrome 提供 Vim 版快捷键
- CollaMark:?
- Coursera-Alfred:Coursera 必备
- DouBean:豆藤
- Markdown-Here:用 Markdown 写邮件
- Stay-Focused:Stay Focused
- Webpage-Screenshot:页面截屏
- Youdao-Translate:有道翻译
- YoudaoDict:有道词典
- Zh-space-En:在中英文之间加空格
- Eye Dropper
- IE Tab
- Web Developer
- 一个妹子一首歌
Jodie Foster
$ cd ~/dev/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0 $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make -j4 $ sudo ldconfig $ sudo make install
$ pkg-config --libs openscenegraph -losg -losgDB -losgFX -losgGA -losgParticle -losgSim -losgText -losgUtil -losgTerrain -losgManipulator -losgViewer -losgWidget -losgShadow -losgAnimation -losgVolume -lOpenThreads $ osgviewer cow.osg osgviewer: error while loading shared libraries: libosg.so.130: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory $ cat >> ~/.zshrc <<EOF export OSG_ROOT=/home/tzx/dev/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/build export OSG_BIN_PATH=${OSG_ROOT}/bin export OSG_LIB_PATH=${OSG_ROOT}/lib export OSG_INCLUDE_PATH=${OSG_ROOT}/include export OSG_FILE_PATH=/home/tzx/data/OpenSceneGraph-Data-3.0.0:/home/tzx/data/OpenSceneGraph-Data-3.0.0/Images export PATH=${PATH}:${OSG_BIN_PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${OSG_LIB_PATH} EOF $ source ~/.zshrc && osgviewer cow.osg
for windows:
- 解决 Qt 的 moc 处理 boost 代码的问题
This is a major change and will never be backported to Qt4. Until you port your code to Qt5, you can use this work around of wrapping any problematic include within
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
:cpp #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN #include <boost/python.hpp> # boost headers go here #endif
refs and see also
before coloring
- Mysterious New Line
:%s/%/\r/g :%s/\n/%/g
- vim
:w !sudo tee % :earlier 15m :later :r!date :.!date :%!xxd :%!xxd -r U viwU va{U
gv (last visual selection) -> gi (last edit)
`. ; :h `. '. g; g, mx `x 'x
>i{ >iB >a{ == 4== =% =2a{ gg=G ma >'a ='a v 3>
refs and see also
Of course, on the system I administrate, vi is symlinked to ed. Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which
- Generates a syslog message at level LOG_EMERG;
- reduces the user’s disk quota by 100K; and
- RUNS ED!!!!!!
- GoogleTech Talk by Carsten Dominik (2008): Emacs
- Emacs Chat: Carsten Dominik (author of org-mode)
- GoogleTech Talk by Carsten Dominik (2008), 优酷
- GNU readline
GNU Readline is a software library that provides line-editing and history capabilities for interactive programs with a command-line interface, such as Bash. It is currently maintained by Chet Ramey as part of the GNU Project.
It allows users to move the text cursor, search the command history, control a kill ring (a more flexible version of a copy/paste clipboard) and use tab completion on a text terminal.
Ctrl+r : (reverse search) recalls the last command including the specified character(s). A second Ctrl+r recalls the next anterior command that corresponds to the search.
An Emacs-style notation is used to denote keystrokes. Control keys are denoted by C-key, e.g., C-n means Control-N. Similarly, meta keys are denoted by M-key, so M-x means Meta-X. (On keyboards without a meta key, M-x means ESC x, i.e., press the Escape key then the x key. This makes ESC the meta prefix. The combination M-C-x means ESC-Control-x, or press the Escape key then hold the Control key while pressing the x key.)
man readline
- readline - get a line from a user with editing
- 快捷键也可以设置成 vi (默认是 Emacs)
- Bash:
set -o vi
,set -o emacs
- Zsh:
bindkey -v
,bindkey -e
- Bash:
- Customize:
set variable-name value
beginning-of-line (C-a) quoted-insert (C-q, C-v) end-of-line (C-e) tab-insert (M-TAB) forward-char (C-f) self-insert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...) backward-char (C-b) transpose-chars (C-t) forward-word (M-f) transpose-words (M-t) backward-word (M-b) upcase-word (M-u) clear-screen (C-l) downcase-word (M-l) redraw-current-line capitalize-word (M-c) accept-line (Newline, Return) overwrite-mode previous-history (C-p) kill-line (C-k) next-history (C-n) backward-kill-line (C-x Rubout) beginning-of-history (M-<) unix-line-discard (C-u) end-of-history (M->) kill-whole-line reverse-search-history (C-r) kill-word (M-d) forward-search-history (C-s) backward-kill-word (M-Rubout) non-incremental-reverse-search-history (M-p) unix-word-rubout (C-w) non-incremental-forward-search-history (M-n) unix-filename-rubout history-search-forward delete-horizontal-space (M-\) history-search-backward kill-region yank-nth-arg (M-C-y) copy-region-as-kill yank-last-arg (M-., M-_) copy-backward-word delete-char (C-d) copy-forward-word backward-delete-char (Rubout) yank (C-y) forward-backward-delete-char yank-pop (M-y)
笑点: Bugs 里写到:
"It's too big and too slow."
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <readline/readline.h> #include <readline/history.h> int main() { char* input, shell_prompt; // Configure readline to auto-complete paths when the tab key is hit. rl_bind_key('\t', rl_complete); for(;;) { // Create prompt string from user name and current working directory. snprintf(shell_prompt, sizeof(shell_prompt), "%s:%s $ ", getenv("USER"), getcwd(NULL, 1024)); // Display prompt and read input (n.b. input must be freed after use)... input = readline(shell_prompt); // Check for EOF. if (!input) break; // Add input to history. add_history(input); // Do stuff... // Free input. free(input); } }
- Young Sailor II
The Young Sailor II1 is a painting by Henri Matisse from 1906.
Artist: Henri Matisse (French, Le Cateau-Cambrésis 1869–1954 Nice) Date: 1906 Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 39 7/8 x 32 5/8 in. (101.3 x 82.9 cm) Classification: Paintings Credit Line: Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection, 1998 Accession Number: 1999.363.41 Rights and Reproduction: ©2015 Succession H. Matisse / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
- 一些 Linux 相关知识
获取源码的方式: e.g.
apt-get source coreutils
(这里不区别 Linux,GNU/Linux,和 Unix。简单粗暴地称为 Linux。)
Linux Shell 用来和系统交互。基于命令行 (CLI), 是我们使用 Linux Utilities 的平台。
- File System: 也就是格式化磁盘的格式, 如:
- Windows 的 NTFS
- U 盘的 Fat16
- 类 Unix 系统的 ext4
- File Descriptor: 文件描述符,
等。 - Pipeline: 管道,流化地处理输入输出。
echo How Are You | xclip -selection c
- Readline: Shell 用到的交互方式。常用的快捷命令有:
删除一个单词- 按 Tab 键自动补全
- Man Page: man (manual) 帮助文档。居家生活必备。类似的有 info
- 目录:
ls, dir, vdir echo "hello world" cd .. pwd date | xclip -selection c
pip install --upgrade pip pip install -U numpy scipy scikit-learn
man -k printf
和apropos printf
怎么都是一样的结果。试了好几个关键词,然后man man
才发现man -k keyword
和apropos -r keyword
是一样的。- File System: 也就是格式化磁盘的格式, 如:
- 恐同症 (homophobia)
恐同症又称“同性恋恐惧症”(英文 homophobia 和 homophobic)是指对同性恋行为以及同性恋者的非理智性的恐惧和憎恨。对同性恋的恐惧在很多国家有法律上的定义,例如在有争议的同性恋恐慌防卫(gay panic defense)、精神错乱防卫(insanity defense)或在仇视罪行立法中。
Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender…
Some people believe that sexual orientation is innate and fixed; however, sexual orientation develops across a person’s lifetime.
refs and see also
乙状结肠(sigmoid colon),这个中文翻译……醉了……但是确实挺准确……
- 为什么内地女星演 OL,都逃不过尴尬症?
OL: Office Lady
此外就是编剧本身的人物塑造问题,带着一种上世纪外企崇拜症里的浮夸描述 。
大多数女人都是全职主妇的日本,魅力 OL 形象还是比中国的多。
- 倪湛舸的广播
- 阿男的广播
普林斯顿助理教授的 Loser 简历, 和爱因斯坦没有得到的博士学位
Fisher–Yates shuffle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
使用 BitTorrent Sync 同步分享文件_百度经验
Comparison of reference management software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
写学术论文时需要引用大量论文,但最后需要花费大量时间匹配引用,有什么好方法或经验? - 论文写作 - 知乎
- javascript - Convert jquery element to html element - Stack Overflow
. (get() is most useful when you need negative indices, for example, as described in the documentation forget()
will get you an HTML element. Using brackets is a tiny bit faster than using.get()
but not something you’ll likely notice unless you are doing it millions of times.And not even then! If you run it 10 million times, brackets will take 150 seconds, get will take 170 seconds. I bet you cannot notice without sitting there counting “1-Mississippi, 2-Mississippi…” Mississippilessly, it’s impossible to tell the difference. Do whichever way you feel is more readable. (BTW, I’m only posting this comment because it gives me the change to use the word “Mississippilessly” in a sentence. If anyone wants to discuss the future of the Anglican Church with me, I’m dying to use “antidisestablishmentarianistically”.
如何花最少的钱购买正版 Windows 和 Office?
- Step 1. 通过面试成为微软员工
- Step 2. 上班
- Step 3. 直接获得 MSDN 账号
不但有免费 Win+Office,还有工资拿
- [新闻] Chez Scheme 开源了 - 编程语言与高级语言虚拟机杂谈(仮) - 知乎专栏
我大三开始学 Scheme 和啃 SICP 是从 Petite Chez Scheme 7.4 开始的。能一睹完整版 Chez Scheme 的芳容真是太爽了
现在的小朋友要学习这方面,从入门级到高度优化的产品级项目都有众多开源项目可参考,多方便啊。我都恨不得想迟个十来年出生了,正好能在学校里赶上这浪潮 >_<
refs and see also
学习编程语言与编译优化的一个书单 - 编程语言与高级语言虚拟机杂谈(仮) - 知乎专栏
- 别 TM拿圣人的标准要求被人,用贱人的标准要求自己。
- 春节回家你打算怎么和亲友介绍、解释自己的专业都是干什么的? - 夏洋的回答 - 知乎
我真没骗人啊,我在 Google 做 Ads Infrastructure 的,Data Warehouse 相关,给超大规模分布式数据库写 Query Dispatcher 的……
另外占用资源什么的,难道还能比 chrome 更占资源?
using VOS = aa::bbb::VeryLongType<WithOrzTemplate>::Subtype; // short hand
- 能在脑子里很快构建出清晰的结构。能够很快地走过从“全局的框架”到“各处的细节”这样一个自顶而下的过程,这不仅是语言熟练度的问题,更多能体现出一种“解决问题的思考方式”;
- 你的脑容量足够大。毕竟在一个面试题级别的题目里,很多细节是“牵一发而动全身”的(比如写一个递归,那么状态设计在一开始就要想好)。那么如果你能从上到下一遍写好,保持比较干净清爽的卷面,往往你在写第一个字的时候其实已经在脑子里把最后一个字都已经“写”了一遍,说明你的大脑能够装下一定复杂度的问题。反过来,如果习惯了“想到哪写到哪”的风格,依赖于“出错误了再去调试下”,这样的工作模式可能会带来比较高的 bug 率。
在 Google 快两年,我也有过很忙的时候(极其偶尔)。有一阵子忙的时候,休息时一群同事(含上司,tech lead 等)聊天,他们就提到了这样一个结论:一直在“执行”的话,“思考”就少了,容易干出笨事,这对于大型软件系统来说往往是很糟糕的:设计烂了导致开发和维护的成本显著性上升;疲劳驾驶时 bug 也会明显增多。从大局上看真能降低成本么?未必。
一次开会的时候,在阿凡达的渲染器 PantaRay 里看到了一段代码,越看越熟悉,这特么不是我 N 年前写给 Halo 的吗。
后来搞清楚了授权链,发现确实是我的。怪不得看阿凡达的时候发现连 artifact 都那么熟悉。
- 神仙姐姐美嘉的广播
// This function has been here since 1987. DON'T FXXKING TOUCH IT
- 余国荔(Corrinne Yu)是谁?
- 微软唯一一个图形比我强的女性。
原 Halo 引擎架构师。Bungie 从微软分出去之后她留在微软的 343 工作室,继续做 Halo 系列,期间发明了动态 radiosity 算法,并删掉了我在 Halo3 里用的优化 lightmap 的系统。
后来因为受不了 xbox one sdk beta 的脑残行为,离开微软去了 sony 搞 ps4。
最后,今年她又跳槽去了 Amazon,也受不了 ps4 了?
Python 很简单的,很容易学。我看这本书,就花了一节课的功夫,40 分钟,就学完了。
但问题在于,因为不常用,每次用之前,都得再花 40 分钟。。。
老鸟和新手的一个很大区别来自于 debug 的能力。其中最主要又可以从两方面看出来:
- 从高层往底层找错。
- 科学方法。
refs and see also
Contrast Preserving Decolorization
Decolorization — OpenCV 3.0.0-dev documentation
- 单身路上偷的懒,迟早用孤独去偿还
可是孩子谁带?保姆的工资比你挣得高。做什么?几年没和社会接触过,你连 ppt 都要从头培训。比起老公嘲笑你,你更怕的是,其实心里知道他们说的是对的。
dragondjf/QMarkdowner: Editor for Markdown based on PyQt4 with Metro
district10/CuteMarkEd: Qt Markdown Editor
- 求图形学基本算法好书推荐? - 知乎
想学 opengl, 就用这个网站 OpenGL Step by Step - OpenGL Development。非常赞!老外好无私!
想学 DX,就看‘Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11’。 这本书把 pipeline 讲得非常清晰。这是我见过最好的一本 DX 的书。 (小八卦,real-time rendering 的作者曾把这书当礼物送给我同事)
如果你能读《RTR3》,就先把它读完一遍再说吧,届时希望能发一份简历给我。相关问题:系统的学习计算机图形学,有哪些不同阶段的书籍的推荐? - Milo Yip 的回答
refs and see also
wpf - How does Cocoa compare to Microsoft, Qt? - Stack Overflow
- yedf/handy: 简洁易用的 C++11 网络库 / 支持单机千万并发连接 / a simple C++11 network server framework
非常简洁的一个网络库,10 行代码能够编写一个完整的 echo 服务器,采用最新的 c++11 语法,总共才 2 千行左右的代码
- libevent、asio 等成熟的广泛应用的库,其中有大量的代码是为了跨平台,适合熟练的开发者阅读,不适合初学者。
- redis,memcache 等开源项目,适合进阶的开发者开发一个实际的应用,而 handy有更多的例子,可以帮助开发者一步一步掌握网络编程的技巧。
现在的大学生没有经过任何的论文写作训练,应该如何写论文? - 知乎
【云+校园计划】 1元=免费域名+专享服务器-腾讯云官方论坛
- 酒店挂什么书法不俗气? - 王路的粽子铺 - 知乎专栏
我想到的也是挂 Hello World 啊,然后回复了一个:“扑运托福,虾落我得。( printf(”hello world.“))”,然后看到已经有人说了“挂 hello world 行吗?”,还有四个赞。
什么是心理学专业毕业生的核心竞争力? - 开放的智力 - 知乎专栏
- 我是一个只有 3 分钟热度的人
- 程序人生

C++11 support in compilers - KlayGE
- Using abbreviations - Vim Tips Wiki - Wikia
:ab rasa refs and see also
, clear all
FFLIB 之 FFLUA——C++ 嵌入 Lua& 扩展 Lua 利器 - 知然 - 博客园
xuelangZF/CS_Offer: 深入理解计算机面试中的经典题目!
hluk/CopyQ: Clipboard manager with advanced features
- 云风的 BLOG: Lua 不是 C++
表面上看起来,这个粘合层是设计的是很精妙的,它隐藏了 lua 虚拟机的细节。C++ 程序员在写代码的时候,并不需要实际上也的确是,不知道 lua 的存在。而 lua 程序也不需要关心那个类是用 C++ 实现的。在 lua 中,可以按照 C++ 的对象模型继续对类进行继承扩展。一切都展现的完美无缺。
C++ 的代码从某种程度上也显得非常有水准,template 的灵活使用,可以在可能存在的领域重复利用发挥出功效,大量使用的 stl 容器以及智能指针保证了底层领域的健壮。
刨除大话 3 更为复杂的逻辑处理的因素,追根到底是,lua 的表达能力更强,导致了程序员用更 C++ 的方式去用 lua 。而原来的 LPC 的代码更接近 C 一些。
对于那些新接触 lua 的 C/C++ 程序员来说,我的第一条建议通常是:看看 lisp/scheme 吧,可能 lua 的血统里,scheme 的成分比 C 更多一些。要不玩一下 Haskell ,增进对函数式编程的了解。C++ 借助 template 是可以玩玩函数式编程,但很少有人真的去用。进入 lua 的领域后,你得正正经经的理解一下了。
但是,重新实现一个的意义在于:把这个子模块剥离出来,绕过原来的厚粘合层。而不是先前的那种设计:在 C++ 里实现一个 CTick 类,然后从 lua 中继承它,再注册回 C++ 中的 CTickMgr 。
refs and see also
- 城市裡的赤狐(深入淺出跟你們聊聊狐狸的感情生活) - 文章
- 一句话都不需要说 (空房间 影评)
- 耽美(文学词汇)_百度百科
耽美(和制英语:Boys’ Love),这个词最早是出现在日本近代文学中,为反对自然主义文学而呈现的另一种文学写作风格:耽美派。耽美派的最初本意是“反对暴露人性的丑恶面为主的自然主义,并想找出官能美、陶醉其中追求文学的意义”。耽美在日文中的发音为耽美(たんび)tanbi,本义为“唯美、浪漫”之意,如耽美主义就是浪漫主义。耽美,沉溺于美,详细解释则是「包含一切美丽事物,能让人触动的,最无瑕的美」。
——同人:同人一词来自日语的“どうじん”(DOJIN),也有人认为来自中国。原指有着相同志向的人们、同好。作为 ACGN 文化的用词,所指的是,由漫画、动画、游戏、小说、影视等作品甚至现实里已知的人物、设定衍生出来的文章及其他如图片影音游戏等等,或“自主”的创作。
- 如何找电子书和有声书资源
- http://readfree.me/ (我还买了 vip。这个网站可以上传书,所以我也经常去贡献一下。我知道还有其他类似的网站,但是我好像对这个情有独钟,哈哈)
- http://audioc.at/ (资源不是很多,但是书都选得不错)
- https://site.douban.com/196116/ (豆瓣小站)
- https://www.douban.com/group/410277/ (豆瓣小组,有很多爱好者自传的资源)
(有声书我听小说比较多,因为运动时听比较不容易走神,而科普之类的写不好的都太啰嗦了。强推 Emilia Fox,非常喜欢她的声音,可惜我也没找到很多她读的好书。)
- http://so.baiduyun.me/ (搜百度盘,我觉得这个非常好用,大部分市面上有的都可以找到,虽然现在很多都打不开被和谐掉了,还是可以通过分享者的页面进去看到的)
- https://www.jiumodiary.com/ (搜百度盘和微盘,但我觉得微盘很多书都不全,所以不太喜欢)
另外 piratebay 资源超级丰富,只是我在学校不太敢用。
在 ACM-ICPC 中获得很好成绩的人,现在都在干什么? - 程序猴子的回答 - 知乎
Layout – The Miniguru – Always on the Home Row
Dolly zoom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 面试了个 985 的计算机应届生,还比不过个专科生,读 985 的计算机专业有什么用? - 高天的回答 - 知乎
因此作为一个面试者,清晰地了解自己面试的目的,并根据目的调节面试方法是很重要的。当你问一个问题的时候,应该想到,这个问题如果让他学,他多久能学会,这个问题是不是在我们工作中需要的核心问题,这个问题是属于主干还是旁枝。比如你问 Android 添加按钮的方法,A 都明摆着说了没做过 Android,那他能会么?如果开始学 Android,学会添加按钮需要多久,多大的能力呢?添加按钮对于你招聘这个岗位多重要呢?
同样的钱,只能合理分配在即战力和潜力之间,这是根据岗位需求决定的。你 7000 块在上海,想找个即战力强,潜力大的 985CS 学生,人家可能都懒得看你。所以来你这里面试的,要么就是潜力稍大,即战力弱的 985 学生,要么就是即战力强,潜力低的专科生。至于你究竟需要那一种,我就不知道了。
看到了好多评论,针对质疑的比较多的地方统一解释一下好了。当时写的时候大多摆的结论,少有分析和说理(大部分知乎 er 也不太爱看这些无聊的内容)。
其中包括认为我说“所有 985 学生都比任何专科学生潜力大”的人(此论点等价于“潜力最小的 985 学生大于潜力最大的专科学生”),包括认为我说“高考决定了一个学生的潜力的人”。
我的观点是,平均意义上说,985 的学生潜力比专科学生的潜力要大很多。这里的潜力主要是指,在同样的时间内,受到相似的指导之后,技术或者说所谓即战力进步的幅度。为什么这么说呢?主要有两点原因。
其一,高考是一个检验学生学习能力的相当好的测试。很多人说的有关高考的问题,包括省市之间差异,教育资源之间差异,都存在,但是并不影响高考成为一个相对公平有效的测试的事实。高考本身测试的是一个学生,在同样的时间之内,学习相似的内容,最后的掌握程度。这个结果是和学生的学习能力相关性很大的。如果你说某高考难省上上交的不一定比某省上清华的学习能力差,我非常同意,但是如果你说某省考专科的到了某省都能 985,就有点乱来了。在这里我们不多谈高考,知乎有很多问题讨论高考,只说我认为高考确实是一个检验人学习能力的很好的平台,其不具有“决定性”,但是有很大的“相关性”。
因此,我认为 985 的学生潜力比专科学生的潜力大(平均意义上)。
我的答案本质上是一种分析和建议,我甚至没有评价题主的做法是否正确,因为我确实不了解题主的公司和招人需求。根据他的需求,他的做法可能是正确的,也可能是错误的。即使题主做法是不正确的,也并不意味着我认为他应该招那个被他拒绝的 985 学生。有的评论从“这种招聘方式可能是有问题的”,引出“应该招 985 的学生”,从而再攻击“985 的学生有一事无成的”,然后反推回我的结论是错误的,这个逻辑是非常非常不完整的。
我没有倾向于招 985 的学生,即使在我认为招 985 学生更好的那些看中潜力的公司,也并不应该招每一个 985 的学生。985 里当然有一些一直打游戏挂科挂到死考不上研究生出来靠文凭混工作的人,但是他们是否有一定的潜力,题主的面试方式没有问到。题主的面试部分完全针对的是即战力,连尝试看看潜力的问题都比较缺乏。如果面试判断了,这个小子除了文凭一分钱不值,当然不能录,985 文凭本身并没有那么值钱。
我现在每天开车 5 分钟上下班,这还是从我走出家门到走入办公室。不知道我大北京有多少人能完成这件事。在公司不打卡不加班,不用抄开源代码去改。每天睡醒了晃晃悠悠来上班,上累了高高兴兴回家,不知道国内有多少公司可以。
当然最重要的是,我觉得我真的在做一些东西,是技术上的而不是实现上的。是一个别人很少做的,业内领先的,对于客户有帮助的产品;而不是某些人一拍脑袋想出的,只靠 idea 没有技术支撑的,拼凑的产品。我自己特别在乎这个,我真的不想成为一个实现某些人莫名其妙想法的工具。
我想着我大北京的烤鸭,想着中国完爆美帝的麦当劳肯德基,想着街边的烤串,想着隔壁的火锅,最想最想大清食堂 20 块撑死的香锅和 3 块一个的肉夹馍。
作为一个“学渣”,从来没放弃过自己,没给过自己美好的幻想,却知道自己的底线。对于自己不喜欢不擅长的科目,努力爬上 70(好像只有一门工图 67),不抛弃,不放弃。对待自己喜欢擅长的科目,争取脱离底层。
班里似乎唯一一个大一大二大三大四 GPA 逐年上升的人,虽然最后升到最高还没有人家最低的一年高。
GRE 全班唯一一个没超过 1400 的人,申请基本全班最差地去了 Cornell 的 master。
记得 05 年中考结束,和爸爸回了一趟他的老家。他出生在长白山脚下的一个小镇子,叫松江河镇。那里没有高楼大厦,没有绚丽繁华。要不是在这里可以爬上长白山看到天池,这里或许火车都还没通。
现在我在加州温暖的阳光下挣着亲戚们想都不敢想的钱,爸妈和老姨一家在海南买的房子里过冬度假,爷爷冬天在爸爸的陪伴下飞去海南,夏天再飞回北京郊区那个舒适的小区养老。在不久的将来,我可以选择让我的孩子生在美国,走 easy 模式,或者生在北京,走 hard 模式下的 easy 难度。这些其实和我的努力关系没有那么大。只是因为我的父亲当年做了一个正确的选择。
在美国税后能拿到 7W 美金。在中国税前我大概能找到个 20-30W RMB 的工作。
在美国 3W+ 买个新 BMW320 在中国得 30W。
在美国 50W 刀买个 2-3 室的加州小别墅在中国 500W 买个 2-3 室室内的公寓
我记得有个很有趣的笑话,80% 的司机都认为自己的开车水平在平均值以上。在我看来这并不是笑话,这很正常,因为每个司机评价开车水平的方式不同,然后都朝着他们认同的“高水准”努力,而在别人眼里,他们就跑偏了。
- 阶段一:不知道自己不知道 (Unconscious incompetence)
- 阶段二:知道自己不知道(Conscious incompetence)
- 阶段三:知道自己知道(Conscious competence)
- 阶段四:不知道自己知道(Unconscious competence)
refs and see also
Vim @
*[quotex]* ["x] An optional register designation where text can be stored. See |registers|. The x is a single character between 'a' and 'z' or 'A' and 'Z' or '"', and in some cases (with the put command) between '0' and '9', '%', '#', or others. The uppercase and lowercase letter designate the same register, but the lowercase letter is used to overwrite the previous register contents, while the uppercase letter is used to append to the previous register contents. Without the ""x" or with """" the stored text is put into the unnamed register.
c: cmdline-mode
i: insert-mode
:map a b
:imap a b
(remap keyboard)
ctrl-v, del
ctrl-q, del
(win)This option allows switching your keyboard into a special language mode. When you are typing text in Insert mode the characters are inserted directly. When in command mode the ‘langmap’ option takes care of translating these special characters to the original meaning of the key. This means you don’t have to change the keyboard mode to be able to execute Normal mode commands. This is the opposite of the ‘keymap’ option, where characters are mapped in Insert mode.
:set langmap=ad
:echo globpath(&rtp, "keymap/*.vim")
C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim74\keymap
, check map:map {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-nvo| *:map* :nm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-n| *:nm* *:nmap* :vm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-v| *:vm* *:vmap* :xm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-x| *:xm* *:xmap* :smap {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-s| *:smap* :om[ap] {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-o| *:om* *:omap* :map! {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-ic| *:map!* :im[ap] {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-i| *:im* *:imap* :lm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-l| *:lm* *:lmap* :cm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} |mapmode-c| *:cm* *:cmap* Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} for the modes where the map command applies. The result, including {rhs}, is then further scanned for mappings. This allows for nested and recursive use of mappings. COMMANDS MODES ~ Insert Command-line Lang-Arg ~ :map! :noremap! :unmap! :mapclear! yes yes - :imap :inoremap :iunmap :imapclear yes - - :cmap :cnoremap :cunmap :cmapclear - yes - :lmap :lnoremap :lunmap :lmapclear yes* yes* yes* 1.4 LISTING MAPPINGS *map-listing* When listing mappings the characters in the first two columns are: CHAR MODE ~ <Space> Normal, Visual, Select and Operator-pending n Normal v Visual and Select s Select x Visual o Operator-pending ! Insert and Command-line i Insert l ":lmap" mappings for Insert, Command-line and Lang-Arg c Command-line Just before the {rhs} a special character can appear: * indicates that it is not remappable & indicates that only script-local mappings are remappable @ indicates a buffer-local mapping Everything from the first non-blank after {lhs} up to the end of the line (or '|') is considered to be part of {rhs}. This allows the {rhs} to end with a space.
- 对不起,我只尊重值得尊重的老人 - 简书
80 年代中期,国家开始办理第一代“身份证”,很多单位要抽调专人去协助做相关的档案梳理工作。一天,车间领导找郭阿姨的女儿:小郭,你写字写得不错,调你去办公室协助整理档案……
这个小廖,就是隔了 30 年,我们在电视上看到廖局长。
refs and see also
- Shared libraries with GCC on Linux - Cprogramming.com
还不够,运行的时候要 export$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
,特别麻烦,Now let’s try rpath (first we’ll clear
to ensure it’s rpath that’s finding our library). Rpath, or the run path, is a way of embedding the location of shared libraries in the executable itself, instead of relying on default locations or environment variables. We do this during the linking stage. Notice the lengthy “-Wl,-rpath=/home/username/foo” option. The-Wl
portion sends comma-separated options to the linker, so we tell it to send the-rpath
option to the linker with our working directory.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/username/foo:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # unset env var first unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH # rpath gcc -L/home/username/foo -Wl,-rpath=/home/username/foo -Wall -o test main.c -lfoo
There are a few downsides to rpath, however. First, it requires that shared libraries be installed in a fixed location so that all users of your program will have access to those libraries in those locations. That means less flexibility in system configuration. Second, if that library refers to a NFS mount or other network drive, you may experience undesirable delays–or worse–on program startup.
- Using ldconfig to modify ld.so
What if we want to install our library so everybody on the system can use it? For that, you will need admin privileges. You will need this for two reasons: first, to put the library in a standard location, probably /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, which normal users don’t have write access to. Second, you will need to modify the ld.so config file and cache. As root, do the following:
$ cp /home/username/foo/libfoo.so /usr/lib $ chmod 0755 /usr/lib/libfoo.so
Now the file is in a standard location, with correct permissions, readable by everybody. We need to tell the loader it’s available for use, so let’s update the cache:
$ ldconfig
That should create a link to our shared library and update the cache so it’s available for immediate use. Let’s double check:
$ ldconfig -p | grep foo libfoo.so (libc6) => /usr/lib/libfoo.so
Now our library is installed. Before we test it, we have to clean up a few things:
- Clear our
once more, just in case:unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Re-link our executable. Notice we don’t need the -L option since our library is stored in a default location and we aren’t using the rpath option:
gcc -Wall -o test main.c -lfoo
Let’s make sure we’re using the /usr/lib instance of our library using ldd:
$ ldd test | grep foo libfoo.so => /usr/lib/libfoo.so (0x00a42000)
Good, now let’s run it:
$ ./test This is a shared library test... Hello, I'm a shared library
That about wraps it up. We’ve covered how to build a shared library, how to link with it, and how to resolve the most common loader issues with shared libraries–as well as the positives and negatives of different approaches.
- Clear our
- 「拎起来三斤半,放下去,还是三斤半。」
- 一拍一拍摄服务流程
- 【MOOC 学院专访】清华邓俊辉:用 MOOC 告诉你,数据结构可以很优美 | MOOC 学院
这门课禁止了 STL 的使用,让学生自己动手实现这些功能。打个比喻吧,汽车系的学生不同驾校的学生。驾校的学生拿到驾照就达到目标了,汽车工程系则要深入学习汽车的原理和构造。要学会开车很简单,有说明手册,一踩油门就能走。但要开出高水平,只有两个途径,一个是经过长时间磨练,靠经验积累;另一个是学习它的原理和构造,深入地了解它的运作。数据结构课要学习的,也就是计算机的原理和结构。
邓俊辉:我推荐《计算几何》(Computation Geometry)。
refs and see also
ASCII Chart - cppreference.com
- 什么样的人会被夸性格好?
- 为什么吃饭吃得很干净会被嘲笑?
因为我就是那个洗碗的( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )
- IBM2016 校园招聘
【GeoScience Café】樊珈珮:获得 special offer 的秘诀
- 下一个十年,能读完吗? (评论: TCP/IP Illustrated)
如果 Richard Steven 没有英年早逝,想必 Internet 的世界一定会因为他变得更美好一点点。
10 年前开始读这本 2000 页的砖,一直在从里面吸取养分。
TCP/IP 的 C 库是一个大宝藏,希望自己到 40 岁的时候,可以将这本书看完。
- 星座和血型究竟有多么科学 | 王子亭的博客
处女座是很难做人的,其实他们骨子里是相当孤傲,很喜欢安静,不喜欢多说话,可是又不得不想让周围的人因为他们的存在而感到快乐和幸福!所以,稍微稳当点的处女座会被人说成清高,活泼点的就被人说成 2B……请理解处女座,清高的并没有瞧不起谁,2B 的只是为了你们能开心,幸福。
- 就你知道得多!你咋不上天呢?! (死侍 影评)
omni sexual (omni 全方位,
)refs and see also
- 千年女优【论一个影迷的自我修养】
《千年女优》的故事取自黑泽明的战后反思电影“我对青春无悔”(原作请戳这里 http://movie.douban.com/subject/1301260/)原节子在片中饰演等待情人归来的痴心女子,如她一贯的荧幕形象,可谓“永远的贞女”。
千年女优, 根本不是一个关于爱和宿命的故事, 这就是一个<千代子快跑>的故事. 千代子寻找的并不是爱情,也不是自己的一见钟情者. catman 说得很好: “她而只是在追寻一种感觉、一种情绪来追寻他只是因为我喜欢呀。不,或者说是在通过追寻在保持自己的那种最宝贵的情感,或许那就是“纯真”吧. 记得电影里千代子说,‘她最喜欢睡莲’而睡莲则象征了”纯真“.
因为这样,我才可以不变成计算着“男人喜欢自己追求的女生”“谁先付出谁就输了”的女人;refs and see also
- Q: 现在的很多保健品保健器材把不少中老年人吃的死死的,而绝大多数年轻人压根不信这一套,那么等过四五十年,这一代年轻人老了以后,会有什么新的骗术产生?
- A: “爹,说过多少次这种降糖仪全是骗人的!” “可它是 EVA 限量版!”

vs pt
Egypt closes 27,000 places of worship - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
- “你的最大问题,就是写得太少,想得太多“【… 来自程序员邹欣 - 微博
不想去实践的人,永远都有借口不实践。他会怪社会、父母、学校等等。二十年前我们学汇编语言,一周只有一个小时“上机”时间。那时候谁也没有计算机。我是先在笔记本上写指令,到时候用最快的速度敲进去。前后写了有近一百页的汇编程序。然后到处蹭机器,Turbo C, Pascal, Delphi, C++, Visual C++,MCAD, Mathematica, Matlab,前两年学了无数有用没用的语言和工具。96 年以后计算机多起来了,写各种小程序解决自己的小问题,然后自己找老师做科研项目,也写了上万行代码。计算机专业,本科毕业甚至硕士毕业,代码都撸不好还振振有词的,只能说是太不热爱自己的专业了!
想起毕业那年,96 年吧,有些计算机病毒连 KV300 都杀不掉,要学汇编清除磁盘分区表
最近在招 NLP 工程师。对于“科班出身”的新毕业生,痛感几点不足。一是想的能力超越实践能力,各种深度学习名词能讲,代码能力很烂。二是不懂为什么要用某些方法,不知道传统低成本方法。三是不知道哪怕做一件小事,方方面面配套的技术有哪些。说到底,三者都是动手太少的缘故。
【建议每三年换一次工作】一种观点:“在同一公司待超过 2 年,少赚 50%”。“若没有每三年换一次工作,找工作的技能退化,越来越难换工作了”。“常换工作的人工作中表现比较好,因为自知留不久,急于表现”。
refs and see also
Sieve of Eratosthenes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 图灵社区 : 阅读 : LinkedIn高级分析师王益:大数据时代的理想主义和现实主义(图灵访谈)
其实体会过编程的乐趣的人,不容易沉迷于游戏 ——因为前者是人设计规则,让机器照着做;后者是人跟着机器的规则动,有点儿像围栏里的牛一样——当然是前者更有意思。我从高一开始接触和自学 C++ 语言。在高中阶段经常逃课,跑回家写程序。好几位老师很担心,多次来家访。我也很惭愧,但是抵不住编程的诱惑。
这里有我的恩师李思昆教授——三界“银河功臣”、文职一级(相当于武职的中将)。国防科大有一个“优异生”制度——选择基础好的本科生当研究生培养。我从大二开始成为优异生,进了教研室跟李老师学习计算机图形学(computer graphics)。
其中对我影响最大的是 Lisp,是我的同学王垠教我的,让我接触了一点计算的数学本质。
我很珍惜我的同事们,他们给了我很多帮助和提示;但没有刻意选择加入大牌公司。毕竟如吴军在《浪潮之巅》里说的,闪耀的牌子都在一波波的浪潮中过去了——今天毕业入行的人记得 Sun 的不多了,知道 DEC 的基本没有。
我在择业时也有很多茫然不决的时候。但是我有个好榜样,是原来 Hulu.com 的 engineering VP 张小沛。她对择业的建议很简练:“最重要的是知道自己要的是什么”。
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- 如何评价崔永元在复旦大学与复旦生科院卢大儒教授就转基因问题的激烈争辩? - 知乎
- 举凡辛苦攀登之后的所见所闻,未曾付出同样辛苦的人总是很难理解。
- 山峦之上未必就是一览众山小,也可能只是得以一窥更加高耸的群山而已。
- 第一,你觉得清华北大的学生优秀是因为他们比你身边的人水平高,清华北大的人不觉得自己优秀是因为他们认识很多比他们水平高的人。平台不同,参照物不一样。
- 第二,知识越多越觉得自己无知。
马克斯·普朗克于 1918 年荣获诺贝尔物理学奖,之后他在全德国作巡回报告。不管被邀请到哪里,他都会就新的量子力学演讲一番。他的司机渐渐对他的报告烂熟于心。“普朗克教授,老作同样的报告,你一定觉得无聊。我建议,在慕尼黑由我代你作报告,你坐最前排,戴上我的司机帽。让咱俩换换花样。”普朗克兴致盎然,欣然同意。于是司机为一群专家级听众作了一番有关量子力学的长篇报告。之后,一位物理学教授举手提问。司机回答说:“我压根儿没想到,在慕尼黑这样先进的城市里还会有人提出这么简单的问题。请我的司机来回答这个问题吧。”
— 《清醒思考的艺术》[德]罗尔夫·多贝里
(为了明辨是非, 愿意拿出明显的证据来相互讨论,来核查真实的道理。至于那些捕风捉影无根据的贬斥,他丝毫也不惧怕。)
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- 关于编程的胡扯 - 陈梓瀚(vczh) - 博客园
在这之前,刚好 MSR 的 Daan Leijen 因为来北京参加 programming language 相关的 conference,就来我们这里参观了一下。后来我看他做过 GUI,做过 parser combinator,发明实现过语言,就前去搭讪,结果发现他读书的时候的导师竟然是 Erik Meijer。按照他的话说,“then we are connected”,如果说成中文,就是有缘分吧。接着就跟他讨论了一些 parser combinator 和类型系统之类的东西。我说我之前也搞过这些东西,最后还贡献了一部分给公司,换了个组之后还开了讲座什么的。他讲到他读书的时候,也是学校没教自己自学的这些东西,后来周围也没什么人做,但是并没有让他丧失动力。然后就说了一句话让我印象很深刻:“原来你也做这些东西啊,我应该可以看到为什么你要从产品组跳到 MSRA 来了。”他直到今天,头发都基本上掉光了,还在那里继续研究programming language 的东西,还给了我几篇论文。我觉得很好,人就该像他那样。
重写我的一些 idea 上面了。譬如说编译器就写了五六个,GUI 库就写了八遍,还有些杂七杂八的。不过从这个过程之中,可以明显感觉到自己什么时候比以前更进一步。这种 signal 有很多,譬如说当你决定要添加一个比较复杂的功能,也可以迅速知道怎么做而不用动到架构啦;譬如说你觉得你的代码越来越顺眼啦;譬如说你因为架构不行决定重写的时候,你发现前一个版本的代码可以捡起来继续用的部分越来越多啦。
说到这里,如果你还有时间练习的话,千万不要去想:“我每一个程序都要跨平台”,“ 我只做这个语言”等等。反正将来,语言你都要会,平台的差异你都要知道,为什么要断送自己了解这些东西的机会呢?你真的以为不知道垃圾收集的原理,和一些底层的可以通过 C++ 的练习而得到的的操作,你真的可以在某些关键时刻操纵好 C# 吗?当然有些人会觉得,我估计一辈子不会遇到这些问题的,所以我还是不管他了。人各有志嘛,C# 不渡你,也是你自己的事情。如果你真的可以一辈子都在一个平台上用一种语言做同一种程序做到退休,那真是幸福的生活啊。
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